Blood Is Dangerous: Twilight

Name: Caroline Harris.
Age: 18-19
Gender: Female.
Species: Human (for the first three movies.) Vampire (the last two movies).

Power as a Vampire:

• Offensive shield: If someone uses their ability on her, it bounces back to them.

Quote: "I'm not scared of blood sucking monsters or giant wolves. But if a spider comes near me I'll scream."

Personality: Kind and shy, she's very sweet and gentle towards others. She's more reserved and quiet with strangers but happy and talkative with her friends.

Appearance: Dianna Agron

Family: Eliza Harris (mother, alive), Ricky Harris (father, alive).

Love interest: Jasper Hale

Backstory: When she met Jasper, everything changed. It was hard to become friends with him, but she was intrigued by him and kept trying. Out of the blue one day, she was invited to go shopping with Alice and Rosalie. She was shocked but accepted nonetheless. Later that night Jasper picked them up and took Caroline home. They talked for awhile, and he reluctantly asked her if she'd like to go to the movies with him. She happily accepted. A few months later things changed, she was on a walk with Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmet when she fell. She cut her hand while trying to balance herself, and when she looked at Jasper she saw nothing but thirst in his eyes. Rosalie quickly took Caroline away to a quiet place, she explained everything to her friend. What they were, and what just happened. Instead of running away, Caroline was actually worried about Jasper. She continued to date him, staying by his side despite knowing what him and his family are.


• She's terrified of James. Something about him scares her, so when he's killed she's very relieved.

• Alice saw Caroline and Jasper together in a vision, that's why she reached out to her.

• She loves watching the Cullen's play baseball.

• Jasper proposed to Caroline when she turned nineteen. They were celebrating at a small lake when he popped the question.

• Caroline is changed after the battle with Victoria. A newborn escaped from the battle and mortally wounded her, and the Cullen's had no choice but to change her.

• She hates spiders. They creep her out.


New Moon:


Breaking Dawn:

Requested by many people, but the most recent is: betteskanes
