Flow Like Water: ATLA

Name: Yuri
Age: 16, 17, 18, 19
Gender: Female
Bending ability: Water.
Nation: Southern Water Tribe.

Quote: "Don't mess with me, don't mess with my friends, just get away before I freeze you."

Personality: Stern in certain situations, she's a mother figure to team avatar seeing as how she's the oldest member, she's smart, compassionate, kind, and brave.


Family: Sokka (younger brother, alive), Katara (younger sister, alive), Hakoda (father, alive), Kya (mother, dead).

Her necklace:

Love interest: Zuko (after he joins the team).

Backstory: Yuri had a charmed life, she had her parents, her siblings, and she was developing the gift of water bending along with her younger sister. But it was these exact abilities that drew the eye of the fire nation to the South Pole. When their home was attacked, Yuri was unfortunately with her mother, and she had to watch as the cruel fire nation soldiers took her mother away. This affected the young girl, and when Hakoda left, Yuri took it upon herself to care for her little brother and sister. Their lives were pretty good, she did everything she could to keep her siblings from killing one another, and she was able to harness her water bending abilities to a certain extent without a teacher. The day Katara and Sokka met Aang, Yuri was there with them. She saw something different in Aang and tried to make him feel at home in the tribe. Katara and Sokka were going to leave the southern water tribe without her but she insisted on coming with them, saying she was going to keep an eye on them during their 'quest'. The three of them left their home with the young Airbender, and the rest is history.


• She learned water bending quickly once they reached the Northern Water Tribe. Her master claimed she was a prodigy.

• Kya gave Yuri a necklace when she was six, she still wears it today.

• Yuri helps Aang master water bending after they leave the Northen Water Tribe. She and Katara take turns.

• She was ten years old when Kya was taken, she remembers what happened vividly and this memory fuels her hatred for the fire nation.

(Yes, this does include the comics. I've read The Promise and The Search Trilogies.)
