Balance Is Easily Broken: Legend Of Korra

Name: Ophelia
Nickname: Ophy (only for her siblings)
Age: 18, 19, 22 (it depends on the RP)
Gender: Female
Bending type: Air

Quote: "My people are supposed to represent peace and isolation... But I've never really liked that way of living, maybe that's why I've always stood out."

Personality: Like her father, she can be quite serious in certain situations. Though around her friends and family, she's kind, sweet, selfless, and compassionate. She'd give her life for her family and friends in a heartbeat.


Family: Tenzin (father, alive), Pema (mother, alive), Jinora (younger sister, alive), Ikki (younger sister, alive), Meelo (little brother, alive), Rohan (baby brother, alive).

Her necklace:

On the back of the necklace is written: "Dear Ophelia, stay strong and know that your grandpa loves you no matter what."

Love interest: Mako

Backstory: She's the oldest child of Tenzin, and she actually had the opportunity to meet her grandfather, Avatar Aang, when she was a baby. He gave her the necklace before he died, and she still wears it every day. When her air bending came in, she was trained by her father. And she felt proud that she was an Airbender, she felt unique. When she was fifteen, she got her Airbendering tattoos. But because of her father's strict rules, she was always isolated on her home island, however she never noticed until she was older. She wanted to leave her island and explore the city, so one day, she did. She snuck out one night and flew to Republic city using her glider. Once there, she explored the city that night, and stumbled upon the Pro-bending arena. Curious, she went inside. She watched the match, and she was left in absolute awe by the fighting. She decided to try and meet the fighters, and she, quite literally, ran into Mako and Bolin. And Bolin, being Bolin, was amazed at the fact that she was an airbender. The three of them spent hours talking that night before she had to return home. Though to this day, she still visits Mako and Bolin, her first two real friends.


• She and Mako have always had a special bond. And they got together after everything with Amon.

• Her two best friends are Korra and Bolin.

• She loves her siblings so much, and they look up to her. She often spends her time teaching them different airbending tricks that she's learned.

• By the time she's
fifteen, she's a master airbender.
