Grace Of A Dove: Yuri On Ice

Name: Cierra Wymón
Also known as: The Russian Dove
Age: 15, 16, 17 (It depends on the RP)
Gender: Female
Nationality: French-Russian

Personality: When first meeting her she seems like a cold person. She always speaks her mind, it doesn't matter who she's talking to, if she thinks they're doing something stupid she's going to voice her thoughts. She generally keeps to herself unless she knows who she's talking to well. Once she becomes your friend, she's loyal, kind, and lighthearted.

Quote: "I skate because I love it. It doesn't matter if I win gold or not, if I have fun, I'm satisfied."


Family: Marco Wymón (father, alive), Celeste Wymón (mother, alive), Charlie Wymón (younger brother, alive).

Theme song: Sia-Elastic Heart.

Love Interest: Yuri 'Yurio' Plisetsky.

Backstory: She started skating when she was six years old. Her father, a retired figure skater, was her coach. She met Yurio when they were thirteen. She was going to practice at her favorite rink when she noticed Yurio on the ice. She watched him perform his routine until the very end, mesmerized by his graceful movements. They bonded over their passion for skating, often practicing together at the same rink where they met. She's one of the only people that can bring out his soft side.


• She's the product of a teen pregnancy. Celeste and Marco were both nineteen when Celeste got pregnant. Marco retired shortly after Cierra was born.

• Her father has always been her coach. When she was a child he would push her to her limits, and she loved every second of it.

• Despite being born in Russia, both of her parents are from France.

• She has a french accent and she can speak French fluently.

• She often speaks in French to Yurio just to annoy him.
