Air And Earth: ATLA #2

Name: Akari
Age: 12, 13, 14, 15
Gender: Female
Bending ability: Earth
Nation: Earth Kingdom, Kyoshi Island.

Quote: "I don't want to mope around just because there's a war going on."

Personality: Light hearted and kind, she's quick-witted and easy to get along with, however it's hard to take her seriously, in a fight she's agile and full of grace, it's hard to beat her.


Family: Yera (Mother, alive), Ojiro (Father, missing).

Love interest: Aang.

Backstory: Her mother grew up in the fire nation, living a peaceful life with her husband, but she was forced to hide her earth bending abilities. However everything changed when Ojiro passed information to the Earth kingdom, warning them about a mass attack on Bae Sing Sae. He disappeared and Yera went to the Earth kingdom, hiding out on Kyoshi Island and raising Akari. When Akari was three she discovered she had earth bending abilities like her mother. She practiced them everyday, working with her mother to master them. She met Aang, Katara, and Sokka when the Kyoshi warriors captured them. She joined them on their quest after they left Kyoshi island.


• She loves traveling, seeing different parts of the world amazes her.

• She's a master at Earth Bending, she teaches Aang a few things while he's learning under Toph.

• She's a great cook, she learned from her mother how to make almost anything taste good.

• She has a burn scar on her shoulder. She got it when she was a kid from a fire nation soldier for stealing a handful of eggs.

• It's her dream to end the war with the team. She'll do whatever it takes to help them and keep them safe.
