
Ellies POV ~

J- umm ellie this is not a hotel at all
this isn't a hotel. this is a house. we can't stay here what are we going to do! we park our cars and get out of them.

"okay what are we going to do as this isn't a hotel" Josie asks me. I think for a couple seconds.

"let me call jack and ask him what we do" I reply. I take out my phone and go in my contacts and find jacks number pooh bear🥰🐻

E- jack babe, where the fuck am I?
J- ellie what do you mean
E- I went to the hotel you sent me to and there isn't any hotels!!
J- ahhh okay, wait there
E- duff I swear to god
as I say that he ends the call. we wait a couple minutes.

"BOO" jack screams as he runs behind me and scares the life out of me.

"JACK" I scream hitting him but after that he brings me into a hug. "okay so where's this hotel" I ask him still wandering why he's here.

"oh follow me you silly sun" jack replies. I turn back and josie and she just laughs her head off. "oh and hello josie" jack says with a smile on his face.

we walk for like 10 seconds and now we're outside a house "jack this isn't a hotel, where are we. stop playing games we have collage like next week" I say starting to get annoyed.

"ellie stop stressing out, look you can't go through that stress of looking for an flat one week before collage that isn't happening. your staying with me and the boys for as long as you need" jack tells me. I'm shocked. what!

"jack you can't be serious." I reply still shocked of what jack just told me.

"I am. I want to see your face everyday. I want you to come to most tour dates with me. I want you here" jack says hugging me

"okay okay fine, as long as it's okay with josie we'll stay" I say looking back at josie. she's there with a massive smile on her face.

"yes yes this is absolutely fine as long as we have our own room" she replies

"of course you do, I spoke to the boys about it we have 2 spare rooms both the exact same size. so ellie your having the one next to me and josie your having the one next to ellie which is also next to mikey" jack says

we walk into the house and straight up stairs. he gives us a quick house tour and then shows us out rooms. we unpack and settle in. we've seen all the boys and now we're chilling in the living room.

"hey do you girls having Instagram" rye asks us. I have one Instagram account it has 2 followers and I literally used it to stalk the boys but I can't say that.

"no I don't, I don't have any social media apart from Snapchat" I reply. they all looked shocked.

"WHAT! we're making you one right now" andy says as he takes me phone and makes me one. "okay your user is 'ellie' and it's the exact same for insta, Tik tok, twitter and Snapchat"

"okay so how do I get followers" I ask them. about 2 seconds later I get a notification.
roadtriptv started following you. 5s
"okay wow you guys follow me ahahah thanks" I say and they just laugh.

we sit and talk for absolutely ages. I'm all cuddled up to jack and josies all cuddled up to
mikey. awhhhh. "when do you girls start collage" brook asked us

"we start on Monday" I say. today is Tuesday. I remember they also have a show tomorrow.

"oooooh, we have a show tomorrow wanna come" jack asks us. we both nod our heads and they smile

"okay I'm going to bed as it's 12 and I need my beauty sleep goodnight. I say as I get up and start walking away. before I could get anywhere jacks grabs my hand.

"wait for me, sleep in my bed tonight?" he asks me with a cute smile on his face.

"how could I say now" I reply and he smiles.

"hey josie wanna sleep in my bed tonight?" Mikey asks her. I can see her face light up. awh she's so happy.

"if you wouldn't mind" she responds. me and jack walk up to his room. I get in my pyjamas and jump into his bed with his blue champion hoodie on which I didn't give back.

"hey that's my hoodie" jack says as he jumps into bed next to me.

"not anymore" I say and I cuddle into him closer. we cuddle for 2 minutes and he kisses me. I kiss back and enjoy it.

"I love you ellie, I really do" jack says and he cuddles me closer.

"I love you more duff" I sit up a scroll through Instagram as I follow all the old and new magcon, one direction, Justin beiber, my friends and a couple others. I decided to post something as why not?? I scroll through my camera roll and find the perfect picture.


liked by roadtriptv, hrvy and 1056 others

elliegrier: me n mine

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roadtriptv stunning🥰 - jack

roadtriplover ^^ I already ship

hrvy can't wait to meet you😊

"that post was beautiful babe" jack says to me as he cuddles me closer. I just smile and put my phone down. I haven't even told the boys my talent... tomorrow

WC: 935
