
hi i'm going to start making these a bit shorter as 900 - 1000 words is quite long and i feel like if they were shorter i'd get more done :)

ellies pov

i woke up to something poking my check. i open my eyes to see jack lying next to me with a smirk on his face.

"rise and shine gorgeous. it's a beautiful day" he smiles getting up opening the curtains blinding me. i don't smile back i just grab the covers and turn so i'm not facing jack.

"ellie don't be like that" he giggled sitting on the end of the bed. i mumbles something back that no one really understands

"fine then miss grier you asked for it" jack stood up and i thought he walked out the room but when i felt his hands come in contact with my hips i jump.

"JACK DUFF STOP TICKLING ME NOW" i shout trying to get jack off me.

"no you didn't get up"  he laughs

"but i'm up now! oh my god jack get off me" i say laughing trying to get him off me.

"JACK GET OFF MY PLEASE!!" i shouted louder hoping it would make him death

"JACK I NEED A PEE GET OFF!" i lie forcing trying to get his hands off me.

i grabbed his hands and pushed them away from me with tears of laughter coming out my eyes.

jack was now sat behind me and i'm sat in between his legs. both of us can't stop laughing.

after a couple minutes of laughing i stood up and ran down to the kitchen bumping into rye.

"SORRY RYE ACCIDENTS HAPPEN" i scream still running down the stairs.

i rub into the kitchen and alex is just sitting there. i run and jump on the kitchen counter trying to catch my breath. my whole body is aching from laughing go much.

jack then walked into the kitchen. "JACK PLEASE DONT TICKLE ME ANYMORE" i shout trying to be a bit quite.

he walks towards me with his arms open. i take steps back and bump into the cupboards. "don't tickle me again or i'll make you single!"

"i won't tickle babe i just wanna help you" he laughed

"help me with what" i ask trying to keep back my laughter.

"help you get down. if you try yourself you'll probably break every bone in your body as your so small" he joked

"i hate you so much" i state trying my best to keep a straight face.

he walked closer to me and he rapped his arms around my waist. i wrapped my arms around his neck as he helped me get down.

"thanks babe" i say kissing me

"no problem" he replies kissing me back

we head back upstairs and few hours later i hear a knock at jacks door. jack allows the person to come in and it was josie and mikey.

"hello you too just wandering if you wanted any food" mikey asks

"and what might that food be" jack replies

"*any food choice*" they reply

"yes. you know our normal order. call us when it's here" jack replies. they both exit the room and jack cuddles closer to me.

"i. love. you." he says in between kisses

"i love you too" i reply

1 hour later


so ye there a lot shorter but it's not a day per chapter anymore which i prefer :)
i'll do instagrams and groupchats at the end of the day as right now it's in the middle.
thank you for reading
vote & comment
- ellie <3
