thirty two.

jacks pov ~

new day. new sky. new sun. wait. the sun is the same it doesn't change. ignore i said that :) anyway i wake up again with no one in bed beside me. that means ellie is already at dance

girlfriend❤️: hey babe i'm at dance. i'll see you later i love you loads x

jack: hey i just woke up. i love you and i miss you x

obviously i don't get a reply as she's dancing. i slowly get out of bed and make my way downstairs. "morning mate" brooklyn says to me as i sit down on the sofa

"morning brook" i reply

"jack duff do you want a cup of tea" rye asks me in a posh voice

"yes please" i say back still tired

"jack mate how are you tired you and ellie slept so well last night" andy says as he's also sat on the sofa

"and how do you" i ask confused

"when i went in there last night to see if you were awake you were tangled up together" he says

"morning everybody how is everyone on this fine morning" mikey says happily walking into the room

"why are you all so happy is it because your girlfriends aren't here" andy asks

"no andy we miss them obviously. why would we be happy they aren't here?" brook says

"brook sophie isn't your girlfriend" i reply

"jack mate why do you get so possessive over sophie" mikey asks me

"because she's basically my sister. literally she was always round my house and still was after i moved to london. she never went home" i reply

"makes sense" rye says handing me my cup of tea

"GOOD MORROW" robbie screams walking through the door

"ROBBIE SHUT THE FUCK UP" rye screams back

"oh" robbie says sitting down on the floor. the day goes on and the girls still aren't back and it's now like 5pm ugh.

"brook mate do you wanna go live" i shout

"ye mate hold on" he replies. a minute later he comes into my room. he grabs his phone out that's not a iphone (brook get an iphone 🤦🏼‍♀️) and goes live. and all these comments start coming in.

omgroadtrip: are jack and ellie dating
cumcobban: are sophie and jack siblings
dazingduff: chloe loves jack
softroadtrip: brooks hot ngl
daftduff: do you have girlfriend?

and stuff like that. brook reads out the one shut me and ellie and i give him a death glare. "are me and ellie dating. i don't know your going to have to ask her. she is pretty though" i say with a smile on my face.

"thank you so much for the drama queen" - b
"chloe loves jack i love chloe" - j
"will you come to spain. yes we will" - b
"come back to amsterdam. very soon" - j
"girlfriends? no were single" - j
"has rye got a girlfriend? nope" - b
"jacklyn or rack? obviously jacklyn" - j
"how's your dog? i miss ollie" - j
"kiss" - b
"we're not losing stop reading that out" - j

then 5 seconds later i get a text
girlfriend❤️: your right your not kissing brook. ahah we're all watching your live on the way home josie is driving. be home soon love you x

i show brook this texts and he just laughs

"who was that text from? my nan" - j
"how long till you go? we'll come of now actually. i love you all" - b
"see you later" i say as brook clicks the 'x' to end the live. he goes back to his room while i site patiently for my bedroom door to swing open.
i said a good 20 minutes before i hear feet running upstairs.

the door flies open like i says and ellie comes running over to me and kisses me. "hi i missed you too" i say kissing her back. she gets up and closes the door then comes back to my bed.

"i didn't say i missed you" she says climbing over me to get to 'her side' of my bed.

"well you ran over to me and just started kissing me. what does that mean" i ask turning to face her lying down

"it means i just wanted to kiss you. and i need to talk to you" she replies

"don't break up with me" i reply joking because i know what she wants to talk about

"i'm not. just when are we announcing us. and please never kiss brook or any other boys on a live stream because if i am here i will storm through that door gran your wrist to stand up and kiss you and then drag you out the room" she says kissing me

"i don't know why we're announcing us and i won't don't you worry" i reply smiling at her. i order is pizza and we stay in bed and eat it. ellie has a shower and then comes back to my room and we get into bed. and obviously the group chat goes off.

mom🌵: group chat time?

ellsbells❤️: ryes on call to shannon

bestfriend♡: again

dad🤪: shut up will ya

gorgeous👫: no

dad🤪; go away jack

mikey👾: don't be mean

bestfriend♡: wheres sophie and brook

ellsbells❤️; they went out to tea

bestfriend♡: with out us 🥺

ellsbells❤️: yes :((

mikey👾: i'll take you out josie

gorgeous👫: 🤮🤮🤮🤮

gorgeous👫: ow ellie that hurt

mom🌵: what did she do

ellsbells❤️: i hit him


bestfriend♡: that's my best friend

gorgeous👫: fuck you all

ellsbells❤️: fine then

gorgeous👫: nooo come back i miss you i didn't mean it

ellsbells❤️: i miss u to i'm coming back

brooky🤖: see sophie that's a cute relationship

sophie🥰: brook just shut up about a cute relationship we don't even know if i can stay in the uk

ellsbells❤️: WHAT

bestfriend♡: WHY

sophie🥰: i need to do some education

gorgeous👫: go collage w ellie and josie

bestfriend♡: shit ellie that's next week

ellsbells❤️: shit!! ok goodnight everyone

dad🤪: good night



liked by blakegray , hrvy and 726,926 others
👥 jackduff

fovvs: i took this

jackduff: ❤️❤️❤️

sophieduff. matching sisters

josie: flip me ellie your gorgeous

itsgibsonwyatt: cuties

hayesgrier: u look different

elliegrier: @fovvs that's cool

elliegrier: @jackduff i'm not giving you any hearts 😂😂

elliegrier: @sophieduff you go that right

elliegrier: @josie shut up

elliegrier: @itsgibsonwyatt pfff

elliegrier: @hayesgrier cool go away

boom boom pow
