
Ellies POV ~

beep beep beep beep beep
"jack babe we need to get up" I say. I get no response.
"oi jack"
"I'll get rye"
"your a pain get up"
"ok I'm getting rye"
I walk out the room and knock on ryes door "rye jack isn't getting up help me" I say "I got you" we head back into mine and jacks room and while rye is holding a cup of water. he tips it over jack and says "jack duff if your not ready in the next 10 minutes we're leaving you and I'm taking your girlfriend" jacks opens his eyes very wide "okay good 10 minutes guys" rye said walking out our room closing the door behind him.

"morning beautiful" jack says getting up and walking over to me doing my make up. I only wore a little bit as loads wasn't needed. "morning babe" I reply. he hugs me from behind and then leaves to get changed. he wears black jeans and a top under his blue nasa hoodie. I wore black skinny jeans and a cute top. "shit I forgot a hoodie" I say as I search my bag. "YES, okay borrow one of mine" he throws me his blue champion which can I just say is massively over sized.

we're finally ready we have 1 minuet to her downstairs before rye kills us. we walk down stairs and straight away rye says "you had 20 seconds left and ellie that's jacks hoodie, awh it's real" "1. I'm wearing it cos I forgot mine and 2. 20 seconds left is good timing for me" I say as jack grabs my hand and takes me to the van.

we drove to the airport, grab our bags and head inside
*skip the whole airport stuff because I'm lazy*
we get out the airport, Daren calls an Uber. me and jack head to his house while the others go and get a hotel. "you excited to meet my family" jack asks me as we get out the Uber. "yes, I'm scared but I'm ready" I reply. he grabs my hand and we walk over to his house. he walk in and he shouts "MOM IM HOME."

jacks mom comes down stairs and hug jack and then says "you must me ellie" and hugs me "yes I am" I say and hug her back. me and jack take our bags upstairs and then go down stairs have tea and talk for hours with his mom and sister. it's now 11pm and jack has a show tomorrow so me and him so back up to his room. "your family are so sweet" I say as I'm ready for bed. I get into jacks bed and he crawls next to me "I love you, thank you" he whispers in my ear. after about 10 minutes we were both asleep

"jack duff get up now before I actually tackle you" I say trying to wake him up. I shake him and he finally wakes up "ellie leave me alone" he says "fine" I get up and start to walk away "no no I didn't mean it I'm sorry stay" he says and reaches out for my hand. he pulls me into the bed and kisses my forehead "no jack we can't cuddle you need to get up, we gotta head to the venue" I say and get out of his grip "noooo just one more minute" he whined "okay fine" I say and jump back into bed with him

"ellie is this okay" jacks says as he walks into his room with his clothes on. "yes babe you look fine" I reply and smile. 10 minutes later my bags repacked, and I'm in the van heading for the venue. we arrive at the venue and there's already fans outside the back. thankfully they make a path to the door so I hop out first, wait by the door and wait for all the boys to go in then I follow them.

the boys are now doing soundcheck

ellie🥰: so I'm in Ireland and the boys are doing soundcheck and I'm bored so hi

josie💓: I need to pack for collage!!

ellie🥰: I'm back tomorrow

josie💓: okay you better help me

ellie🥰: josie your older then me

josie💓: only by a couple months

ellie🥰: I think your lucky I'm your best friend

josie💓: ahaha I know :) anyway I'm gonna go cos I need a suitcase to start packing with...

ellie🥰: oh my god josie🤦🏼‍♀️ ok bye love you

josie💓: I knew you loved me, love u too

ok she's very weird. I'm messaging lotte now cos I haven't told her I'm with the boys and she loves andy a lot... and when I move to London I get to see her more woop

duff: LOTTE

fowler: ELLIE

duff: I have something very important to tell you ok, you can't freak out

fowler: no promises

duff: okay basically, tour you know tour jack gave me free meet and great and I was texting that number. ye baso that's jack number and he invited me to dubin on tour and that's where I am right now, and I've slept in his bed 2 nights in a row sksksksk

fowler: so your telling me, you've been with Andy for 2 days and haven't told me

duff: basically ye

fowler: your a bitch but I love you

duff: love u too fowler, anyway the boys are done with soundcheck so I'll speak to u soon. love you bye

fowler: love u more

wow shes crazy but I love her. "ellie" jack says walking into the green room. "yes whats wrong jack" I reply "can I be dead honest" jack says, I'm getting worried. "yes" I say "I wanna kiss you"

WC: 971
to be continued...
