thirty three.

josies pov

so valentine's day is tomorrow and well i have nothing planned. i'm hoping mikey does. i woke up at like 7am and mikey was still asleep. i go downstairs to see rye and ellie both already downstairs. "how are you both up already" i ask boiling the kettle

"well i woke up and wanted a drink and rye was down here. obviously jack is still asleep" ellie says as she's sitting next to rye on the sofa

"i woke up at 6 and that's it" rye says on his phone "i'm also bringing shannon to the house tomorrow for valentine's day so please don't be annoying" rye adds

"god you sound like my brothers" ellie says

"we're never annoying" i reply making my cup of tea

"i feel like your older brother" rye says still scrolling through his phone. i make my cup of tea and head upstairs to see sophie walking out of brook room. i smile at her and head into my room and lie back down with mikey.

sophie's pov

a wednesday morning and brook still asleep at 7:15 great one. i head downstairs and rye and ellie are there. i completely ignore them and get a cup of water. "good morning to you to sophie" rye says from the sofa

"good morning ryan" i reply sitting on the seats in the kitchen

"i'm bringing shannon round tomorrow so don't be annoying okay" he says

"rye i'm never annoying. your also not my brother" i reply drinking my drink

"sophie he said the same to me and josie. he was like i feel like your brother. jheez" ellie saying laughing

"see your annoying me right now. you don't annoy the others like this" rye says pouting

"we like the others. right i'm going to wake up jack as i'm bored cya later" ellie says getting up from the sofa and heading upstairs. i just look at rye and then brook comes in

"sophie come back to bedddd it's cold with out you" brook whines grabbing my arm. i role my eyes and head upstairs with brook flipping rye off as i exit and i see him do it back.

we walk upstairs and he drags me to his bed and pulls me close. "don't leave me again" he says pouting

"okay i won't" i reply. we hug and i eventually fall back to sleep

ellies pov ~

brook and sophie have gone back to sleep
mikey and josie haha gone back to sleep
jack is still asleep
ryes awake but annoying
andy is also awake but he's playing gutair

i'm bored
wake up"
i say poking him. he doesn't even stir. i decide to roll on top of him and kiss him all over his face and he finally starts to stir. he rubs his eyes and sees its me and flips me over so he's on top of me and starts kissing me

"ha" he says kissing me again

"shut up i woke you up" i reply pushing him if me

"yes but i won" he replies in defence. the days goes by and me and jack don't move out of bed. josie brings us up food but that's about it. then a new group chat starts going of.

dad🤪: hello

ellsbells❤️: why did you make a new group chat

haysieboo🧸: because i'm in here

nashy: and me

robbie: and i'm here

champ🙃: and me

ellsbells❤️: you made a gc with my brothers

dad🤪: and mine

sophie🥰: jack is basically my brother

mikey👾: nash is in here

nashy: yes 🙂🙂

bestfriend♡: NASH

nashy: JOSIE

ellsbells❤️: 🤢🤮🤢🤮

hayesieboo🧸: 🤢🤮🤢🤮

nashy: hate you too

mikey👾: hmm

bestfriend♡: mikey calm down

ellsbells❤️: ahahha

gorgeous👫: o

hayesieboo🧸: jack

gorgeous👫: yes

hayesieboo🧸: i miss u

gorgeous👫: miss you too

ellsbells❤️: that's really cringe 😂😂

hayesieboo🧸: don't be mean to me and jack

ellsbells❤️: not being mean to jack. i'm being mean to you

bestfriend♡: ahahahah

mom🌵: jheez ellie clam down

ellsbells❤️: i miss my mom

hayesieboo🧸: i'm going home soon

ellsbells❤️: when?

hayesieboo🧸: dunno i'll message you

nashy: and me

hayesieboo🧸: no

ellsbells❤️: i will

nashy: favourite sibling

bestfriend♡: ellie is my favourite grier too

dad🤪: and mine. sorry

sophie🥰: yes i agree. i adore ellie the most

mom🌵: yes

mikey👾: yes i agree

brooky🤖: yes i also agree

ellsbells❤️: love you all. now jack!!

gorgeous👫: obviously your my favourite grier

hayesieboo🧸: o thanks guys 🥺

nashy: ahahah what about sky

ellsbells❤️: jack don't fucking say anything

gorgeous👫: wasn't going to ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

sophie🥰: ellie is still my favourite

bestfriend♡: i completely after with sophie. do not tell sky

hayesieboo🧸: let's get of this topic

ellsbells❤️: ahahah i love one direction

hayesieboo🧸: i'm not watching that movie again

gorgeous👫: we watched it 3 times in one day when ellie was ill

ellsbells❤️: you love me

bestfriend♡: me and ellie saw it 7 times in the cinema

nashy: and me and will went every time

sophie🥰: why not hayes

hayesieboo🧸: me going to watch that 7 times ahahah no way

ellsbells❤️: i'm going to sleep goodnight.


valentine's day tomorrow. what are you all doing ❤️

liked by badzachx, brycehall and 962,582 others
👥 jackduff

jackduff: spending it with someone i love ❤️

hayesgrier: nothing

josie: i don't know. have to ask the person

softroadtrip: and who is that person @josie

fovvs: dont know yet

shannon: seeing you again ❤️❤️

elliegrier: @jackduff you cute

elliegrier: ahaha you single @hayesgrier

elliegrier: @josie hmmm MIKEY 😂😂

elliegrier: spend it with me @fovvs

elliegrier: @shannon so excited 🥰🥰


tour soon? ❤️

liked by blairsworld , joeybirlem and 972,572 others
👥 itsgibsonwyatt, ryebeaumont, fovvs , mikeycobban , jackduff

elliegrier: hey the one not looking at the camera is cute

dazingduff: couldn't after more @elliegrier

dazingduff: yes i want tour soon!!

rtdrama: @elliegrier dropping hints

sophieduff: if i can come

softbrook: i need to get the clear are you and jack siblings? @sophieduff

sophieduff: @softbrook no. @emilyduff is his only sibling. i'm family.

cutefovvs: why is andy the only one smiling

alstar: 😊😊😊


tour? 😊❤️

liked by blairsworld , roadtriptv and 972,972 others

hrvycute: coincidence roadtrip put the same thing

josie: can i join you?

elliegrier: i wanna join to!

sophieduff: i'll join as well !

gingersophie: and me!!

grierfan: will they me dancers??

hrvy: @josie @elliegrier @sophieduff @gingersophie 🤐🤐🤐

so. i'm writing a new book hopefully soon. but i'll post this more just me and josie have this thing and it just makes a good wattpad soo yes. go and read roadddtrippp trust and misery club to get the story ❤️
and yes 2 updates in 1 day as i don't know how active i'll be over the next couple days x
