
Ellies POV ~

its 8am and me, phoebe and ruby are all awake, this is a first. "ellie how are you awake?" phoebe asked "I don't know, I miss jack a lot though" I replied. "ell babe he misses you more" ruby responded. "haha bet he don't, ugh okay let's just shhh about jack before I cry" I replied laughing.

it's now 9am and I get a text from jonk

jonk💘☘️: morning beautiful

ellie🥰❤️: that's a nice way to wake up, morning. wait how are you even awake jacks it's 9

jonk💘☘️: because we're about to travel to Manchester for our 3rd show woop woop

ellie🥰❤️: have fun with all the girls saying I love you and hugging you. then I'll see all the pictures and get jealous

jonk💘☘️: ellie don't make me feel bad! I promise nothing will happy like me and you🙃😉

ellie🥰❤️: alright duff calm down I was only joking. and what do you mean me and you?

jonk💘☘️: I feel like we have that connection ellie ok, but I love talking to you x

ellie🥰❤️: you wouldn't wanna date a roadie surely, plus I'm ugly! jack you could do a lot better x

jonk💘☘️: I do if it's you, YOURS NOT UGLY. and your the best xx

ellie🥰❤️: duff your making me blush hahah, okay I like you, but at the moment let's not rush things as I'm moving to slough soon so I'll see you a lot more and then we can see what our friendship is like xx

jonk💘☘️: I'm so so down. can I say like babe and I love you? xx

ellie🥰❤️: of course duff man xx okay phoebe and ruby are going now, I'll text you in a bit ye xxx

jonk💘☘️: okay speak to you in a bit xx

I really like jack ye but will I ever see him like with collage and the band? let's just talk for a bit and I'll see how it goes. okay ruby and phoebe are about to go while I show them the conversation

Jacks POV ~

"Jack mate come on we're about to go" brook said "mate I'm ready, you haven't even got a top on" I replied "ye will now I have" he said slipping a top on "ahaha okay brook, come on let's go" I said

we walk down stairs and go straight to the van, it's currently 9:30am and we have 2 hours to travel. "so duff how's ellie" andy said "she's really good mate" I replied happily. "you gonna get on it with any other girls today mate?" Mikey said laughing "no I'm not, I like ellie and that's it. I wanna bring her to Dublin you know" I replied "we have a spare air plane ticket as blair isn't coming, so ye sure" Daren said from the front seat smiling at me listening to our conversation. "really! thank you imma ask her now" I say all happy.

(I'm tired so I'm just using "J" and "E")

J: ellie what are you doing tomorrow xx

E: nothing b why xx

J: how about you pack all your things and come to the Dublin show with me tomorrow! xx

E: JACK WHAT YES OF COURSE. what airport what time?

J: were flying from Manchester tomorrow morning early, so wanna come down in a bit so you'll be here in the morning

E: okay yes, my mom said she'll take me as she has a friend down there woop. okay what hotel do u recommed

J: *recommend and the room I'm sleeping in tonight, don't worry. the hotel is
**** ********
tonight's a late show so, if you get there before 11pm come to the back of the venue and I'll make sure Daren lets you in

E: thank you so much, love u see you in a bit xxx

J: love u too xxx

"she said yes woop, she's leaving in a bit so she'll be here before we go to the hotel ourselves" I say "okay jack, I'll do anything for you and ellie" Daren replied. "thanks Daren" I reply.

we arrived at the venue and done sound check, now we have vip in a couple hours and I'm so excited for ellie to come

A/N hi this one is okay I think, I don't know nothing really happens, it's to help the next chapter but oh well. don't forget to comment and vote 🥰
love you xx
