
Ellies POV ~

the boys are in the order brook, Andy, mikey rye then jack. but andy made jack move to the middle so he could be next to me. I hug brook then andy then jack and we take the photo but jack leans down to me and kisses my cheek. I blush loads and he hugs me so tight. I hug mikey then rye and they all say "we'll see you soon ellie" and I turn around and smile. jack then says "message me" with a huge smile. I reply with "okay love you all" and walk to meet the hara and bronnie.

now I'm outside the venue waiting for the boys to come out. I was the last one so they shouldn't be long. I decided to message jack as I was bored out my brain

ellie🥰❤️: how long are you gonna be I'm bored and cold out here x

jonk💘☘️: not to long now, where are you sleeping tonight xx

ellie🥰❤️: hurry up I'm cold, and home. I don't live that far away xx

jonk💘☘️: 2 minutes we'll be out, and okay, what are you doing tomorrow? xxx

ellie🥰❤️: nothing just packing getting ready to move out xxx

jonk💘☘️: where you moving to? xxxx

ellie🥰❤️: London, slough. it's for college and stuff xxxx

jonk💘☘️: thats where we live!! okay coming out now, we'll see you in a bit xxxx

ellie🥰❤️: I know!! ahahah okay I'm waiting xxxx

I put my phone away and wait for the boys to come out. i hear screaming and head my way to the van so I can see them clearly. for some reason Daren didn't tell me to move... he let me, phoebe and ruby stay at the van and told everyone else to leave.

they're out. I can see girls run to them so me, phoebe and ruby decided to step back and get out the way but Daren said stay because we weren't doing anything and he didn't want us to go anywhere. Daren was able to get all girls off them. Andy was walking out first and because ruby is in his lane I pushed ruby into andy and mouthed 'hug her tight' and he did so.

then Andy hugged me and got into the van, same with rye and mikey but I told brook to hug phoebe first then me cos I'm just a great friend. last was jack. he looks at me, gives me a smile and hugs me so so tight. I hug him back and we embraced it. "I have to go babe, I love you and I'll text you later okay" he says "okay, as long as you text me first this time" I respond then we both laugh. he heads in the van and they drive off.

everyone was chasing them but me ruby and phoebe just decided to walk back to mine and have a sleep over.

jacks POV ~

I miss ellie already. "I already ship you and ellie jack" Andy says and laughs. "I miss her tons, and she's moving to slough for collage soon" I reply. "How do you already know that about the girl" rye asked "she told me" I respond. "You have her number as well" mikey butts in. "that is it! Jacklyn is over" brook says and pouts like a 2 year old. "okay, jellie is now the ship" I say. all the boys laugh.

we finally made it back to the hotel. imma face time ellie

A/N ~ okay that was boring. what happens when jack calls ellie? what do phoebe and ruby think?

okay thank you so much reading this. I hope you enjoyed it. remember to vote and comment and I love you bye 💘💖💕
- ellie x
