fifty two.

1 year later

•ellies pov

let me catch you up. it's been a year. a long year.
me and jack are still together
josie and mikey are finally together
sophie and brook are also finally together
rye and andy. still single.

i've been home about 4 times in the past year to see my family. i'm now am auntie as nash and will both had kids. oh ye i quit collage.

josie and sophie quit after me i just couldn't do it. but hey i get money for dancing with harvey.

josie and mikey have been talking about getting a kid. i mean josie is nearly 20 and mikey is 24.

me i'm 18 not wanting a kid. same with sophie.

anyway we still live at the house and ye. carry on reading

"ellie babe do you want lunch" jack shouts from downstairs

"ye i'll be down in a minute"

i grab one of jacks hoodies and head downstairs. i walk into the kitchen. jack is cooking lunch and the others must be upstairs

"hey baby. josie isn't very well so she's still upstairs with mike but the others have gone out" jack says walking over to me and wrapping his arms around me

me and jack eat our lunch and head back upstairs. the boys have also just finished a tour so they're all very tired

•josies pov

okay i'm really ill. ever since me and mikey... yano, i've been sick.

"josie babe"

"yes mikey"

"do you think your pregnant"

"mikey i really don't know"

"i'm calling sophie"

he grabs out his phone and calls sophie. he asked her to buy a pregnancy test. i guess this is when we find out.

i was finished being sick and now i'm sat in mikes bed.

sophie finally got back with the pregnancy test and mikey made me take it.

me and mikey have been trying
but he has the band
what if this ends the band
what will i do
what if this breaks me and mikey up
i can't look after a kid on my own

"josie josie josie"
i hear ellie next to me

i look at her and she smiles at me. i see sophie next to her and the boys aren't in the room.

"josie do you wanna look yet" sophie asks me

"i have no choice"

ellie grabs the pregnancy test and looks at it before i can see it.

she doesn't have any expression on her face

she hands it over to me

oh my god


i laughed writing this. this is so bad but i see the boys tomorrow.
this is short and they'll be a longer one soon
