Ch.3: Don't Mess With a Morgan

 Both packs find out where Selena went over the Summer. Marnie and them are the same age as in Halloween Town 2. And a certain warlock gets a chance to redeem himself


Ethan's P.O.V

It was the weekend and we were at Jesse's and Jacob's place. Selena and Jacob were practicing their magic.  Selena seemed to be doing better, the last time she used magic complicated spells, she brought Jane's doll to life.

"Wow you are getting better Lenny." Theo complimented her.  Theo was always like an older brother to us. Even I heard Jane say that she has two big brothers and a sister. Theo can still be mean and snarky but he actually cares about us in his own way.

"Yeah how did you learn that spell?" Jacob said pulling the dagger from the wall.

"I learned a lot about magic over the summer." she with an 'innocent smile' shrugging as she went to read her spell book.

"Speaking of which where you? Your dad said you you  were with Scott but you weren't." Erica asked. Selena froze and to be honest I was curious too. All she told me was that she was going to work on her magic.

"I was somewhere learning about the supernatural world and magic." Selena sighed. Marcus must have seen something because he snatched it before Selena could grab it. Marcus was a tall guy around six foot and Selena was around 5'10 so he kept it out of her reach. He hands it to me. It was a strange looking  key, the bow was in the shape of skull with small crystals.

"Lenny what is this?" I asked. Selena glared at Marcus. "It's nothing I found it when I went hunting down Jase." She states.

At school Sarah's P.O.V

I spotted Erica talking to Theo. I walked up to them.

"Hey Sarah how are dealing with being  a vampire?" Erica asked me. Even though she can be pushy she still one of my best friends. "Doing well I still go for my vegan diet." I told her. We notice Ethan walking by and he looked very annoy for some reason.

"What's wrong with the voice of reason?" Erica asked. I saw Theo shrugged as we watched. Ethan seemed to calm down when he saw Jesse. It's still very strange those two are together but way they got together was amusing.

"Hey guys," I heard Selena greet us. We saw her walking with a cute guy wearing dark clothes. 

"Hey Lenny, who he?" Theo asked.

"This is Kal, he just moved here. These are my friends Erica, Sarah, and Theo." Selena answered.  He just waved at us. The strangest thing was that those two acted like they knew each other and they didn't seem to be on good terms.

"We better get going." Selena told as the bell rang.  We watched them leave But there was something not right with Selena or Kal.

Night time in the woods Jacob's P.O.V

Jesse and I were looking for something to eat. Jesse seemed annoyed with something. I think he said something a long the lines that Ethan and Selena were hiding something. I agree with him they went off the grid for weeks. Suddenly we heard something that sounded like growling and snarling.

"Did you hear that?" I asked making sure I wasn't hearing things. Jesse nodded as we headed to where the sound was coming from. When we got there I quickly called everyone.

"Hey guys why you call us?" I heard Benny asked but neither Jesse or I could say anything. We were staring at something that could even make Jesse feel disgusted. 

"What the heck is that?!" I heard Simone screech. We looking at was the remains of a buck and by the smell of the blood. It had to have happened not to long ago. But it didn't look like any normal animal kill. it looked like wild beast that hadn't eaten had at it. 

"What creature could do something that?" Selena states looking at the animal's corpse. Selena hates seeing animals harmed maybe that's the reason she doesn't like eating rabbits.

"What ever it is. It's not going to be easy to take down." Scott adds. H's right what could mutilate a deer this badly could dangerous.

We were about to head when a strange creature in a black shroud and ugly face appeared. It seemed to want  werewolves because it targeted the werewolves of large group. It harmed Erica when a hooded figure jumped out an used magic sending that thing away.

No P.O.V

Both packs looked at the hooded figure. 

"Thanks Kal." Selena thanked. The figure lowered the hood revealing Kal's face. "Do you have to take the fun out things ?" Kal asked. Selena shrugged amused by his annoyance towards her.

"Okay you are definably going to tells what you did over the summer." Sarah states. Selena and Kal noticed the looks from the pack. Selena let an annoyed whine not really wanting to tell them.

"Fine." She groaned, "After I told mom and dad that I was going to Beacon Hills, I was really looking for Jase got into a little bit trouble with the Vampire counsel. I met this powerful teen witch named Marnie Cromwell. She took me to this place called Halloween Town. I met Kal the son of a evil warlock that was destroyed by Marnie and her family." Selena explained. Kal walked to take over. "I tried get revenge by turning humans into their costumes and creatures into. But was stopped by Marnie. After that change and help others but I'm no good guy. Marnie's grandmother sent me here and interact we others that at least look human and because my father came back and has stolen a very powerful jewel called the Blue Moonstone." Kal finished. 

"Wait a blue moonstone?" Jesse asked.

"Yep." Kal said. The two seem to know something that the others didn't. Ethan was agitated already even if he didn't know why. "Jesse, if you don't tell us what that jewel does so help me, " Ethan warns trailing off. Jesse rolls his eyes wrapping his arm around his boyfriend . "The blue moonstone is jewel an evil warlock crafted to control ghost wolves." Kal explained.

"Great can we have one day that we don't have to fight against evil." Benny whines.

At school the next day

Marcus was with Kal and Jesse, they saw Ethan walk by with Selena. The two new guys notice how everyone stayed out their way.

"What's with them?" Marcus asked.

"Selena is deathly protective of Ethan, it earn her the nickname 'she-beast' because if you mess with him or me you don't want to know." Jesse explained not wanting to tell them what happens.

"The thing she does trust anyone outside her friends and family." Jesse adds.

"So tick her off got it what about the voice of reason of the two?" Kal askes.

"Let me guess Ethan is the geeky younger twin that has to keep his sister in check?" Marcus guesses. Jesse nods.

That night the two packs plus Marcus and Kal were  roaming the woods. Suddenly Ethan and Selena felt a sharp as they clutched their heads in pain. "We're close." Ethan said. They continued forward when they saw the figure from the other night.

"Ah I guess you found me." The figure said as his ugly face turned into more human one.

"Remember how I said Kal's dad was an evil warlock well that's him." Selena said. She pointed at the man. Calabar held the blue stone as Ethan and Selena felt more pain trying stay in control. The vampires tried to attack but Calabar used his magic and sent them back causing some of them pain.

"Foolish vampires do you really think you can beat me?" the evil warlock asked. Theo saw something as he was helping Sarah up and smirked. "Maybe not them but they might." Theo muses as Calabar turn around just as Selena and Ethan had turn into wolf like beasts(A/N: By that I mean they look like wolves but they have human features). They attacked him causing him to throw the jewel only for Kal to catch it.

"Kal give me the stone then we can rule both worlds." Calabar told his son. Kal looked tempted but tossed it to Selena who turned more human as she crushed the stone into dust.

"NO!" Calabar screamed as shot his magic at Kal and Selena knock them against a tree. Ethan froze when he saw this (A/N Ethan was this in beast mode).

"You shouldn't have done." Jesse chuckles. Calabar looks at him with confusion only to here a deep angry growl. Ethan's eye looked a little more red as he pins Calabar to the ground trying not to end him. "If there's one thing as dangerous as a angry female alpha that will and over protective male alpha." Theo mutters.

"That's quite enough." a woman's voice called out. A woman who looked to be in her 60's or 70's appeared with a 16 year old girl and 10 year girl. Ethan reluctantly moved as he shifted back still looking tick off.

"I thought you change Calabar, but still won't let go of the past." the old woman said as she held up mirror cast a spell causing Calabar to go into the mirror. The woman put the mirror in her bag.

"Aggie? Why are you here?" Kal asked as Marcus helped him. Agatha Cromwell smiled at the warlock. "A little girl found me and asked me to stop the evil that would hurt siblings." Aggie told them. Everyone looked confused but had a  good idea who did that. "Who would that be?" Ethan asked. As if on cue Jane come out from behind a tree and walked towards her older siblings.

"I just wanted to help." Jane said. Aggie leaned towards the two. "She a strong  one could make a wonder witch or earth priestess." She told them.

"I see you made some friends." The 16 year old witch teased. Kal rolled his eyes at her as he smirked. "Better then hanging out with Dylan." He told her.

"Okay I think it's time for everyone to head home. shoo- shoo." Aggie state as everyone heads home.
