Ch. 4: Sirens Song

At the Morgan house Sarah's P.O.V

I walked down the stairs frustrated, Jane isn't wanting to go to bed.

"Hey Sarah, how's getting Jane to sleep going?" Benny asked. I hissed at him making him jump. "Sorry it's just she doesn't want to go to sleep." I groaned flopping into one of the chairs I notice Ethan and Selena looking at each other as they headed upstairs.

"So are any of guys going to enter the school's talent show?" I heard Rory asked. That's right the show is coming up. Everyone but Rory  wasn't going to do it Erica didn't want put in the work. Out of nowhere we started to hear singing. 

"Sleep young pup, time to close your eyes,

Rest your weary head, you'll be alright.

The sun has set, the stars are bright,

Don't you worry, the moon will guide you through the night.

Sleep young pup, it's time to sleep,

Dream of happy thoughts and a peaceful sleep.

When the morning comes, you'll be alright,

The moon will keep you safe through the night." We heard coming from upstairs it started to sound like two voices. We all went upstairs and saw that source was coming from Jane's room. We peaked in and saw Ethan and Selena singing a lullaby to Jane.

"Lay down now and close your eyes,

Relax your body and drift away.

As the night goes on, the moon will rise,

Your worries will float away on the night breeze." Selena sung. I didn't even know she and Ethan could sing.

"Sleep young pup, it's time to sleep,

Dream of happy thoughts and a peaceful sleep.

When the morning comes, you'll be alright,

The moon will keep you safe through the night." they finished the last verse and Jane was fats asleep. We went back down stairs before they could see us. When they came down Benny excitedly asked, " You both can sing?"

"We don't usually sing unless Jane can't sleep." Ethan shushes Rory.

"You two should sing in the talent show." I exclaimed. They both shook their heads 'no'. "Why not you both sing beautifully?" Erica asks.

"Because we unless there is a time we have to sing, we are not doing it." Selena told us. 

At school No P.O.V

Selena, Ethan, and Benny were walking through the hallway. There were less then usual and Ethan finds it strange while Benny is happy not get bullied.  They saw the emo new girl walks by and everyone starts to attack each other.

"Who's that?" Benny asks eyeing the girl.

"That's Sirena and if she is half as good as dresses then she might win." Selena tells them. As the twins were walking by Sirena bumped in between the two sending them both into a vision

Ethan's and Selena's Vision

They see Sirena with purple hair and black eyes sing with intensity that it sounds like screeching.

End of Vision

Scott and his friends and Jesse walked up to the three. They jumped when Ethan and Selena cried out in pain covering their ears. 

"Guys what's wrong?" Benny asked. Ethan and Selena kept crying out in pain. "Too loud." Selena shouts.

"This is strange even with werewolf hearing they should be fine." Aiden state. 

"I'm going  to get these two home. Whatever did this must have been powerful and extremely loud." Jesse said as he took the twin werewolves home leaving Benny and the guys.

"Sirena must be behind this." Benny tells them. They look at him weirdly because Benny barely ever thinks. "This started when Sirena bumped into them causing them too be sucked into a vision. And next thing we know is that their hearing is damaged." Benny explains.

At that moment Benny phones rings, Benny's caller ID shows Ethan was calling.

"Hey." Benny answered. The voice on the other end was someone, he didn't expected. "It's Jesse." Jesse answered from Ethan's phone. Jesse was with Ethan and Selena. "How are E and Lenny doing?" Benny asked. He go his answer when Selena shouts something.

"Their hearing is damaged but they will heal soon enough. The thing is that Ethan said something about Sirena being a siren." Jesse said over the phone.

 At the Morgan house

"Sirena a siren?" Sarah asked.  Selena nodded as Ethan was wearing earmuffs to muffle the sound. "Yep and it would explain why everyone is acting strangely." Ethan shouts not hearing his own voice.

"Sirens do bring the worse in people  it's basic Greek mythology." Selena said. Everyone was looking at her surprised. "What I like Greek mythology. Hello my name is one vowel off from being that of the goddess of the moon." Selena told them.

"Okay do you know how to stop her?" Jesse asked holding Ethan close. 

"Yes during the time of the antient Greeks, siren have beautiful voices but the are the jealous type. So the muses used that jealousy against them destroying them." Selena explained. Erica realized something and started to smile. "So we need somebody to make this siren so jealous that she destroyed?" Erica asked.

"If only we knew someone or two that are great singers." Theo chimes in. Everyone started looking at Ethan and Selena. "You did say unless, you guys singing was needed to stop a creature, you guys wouldn't sing. Well there's a creature you both need to stop with your singing." Scott states.

"But we miss tryouts." Selena argues. Out of nowhere Ethan and Selena's voices were heard singing everyone turned to see Erica holding a voice recorder. "I heard you both singing while you guys were hunt so I recorded it submitted it." Erica told them in a sweet but cunning voice.

"Ugh, fine." Selena groans.

At the talent show

People were gathered to watch the talent show. Benny's grandma was in the audience as she turned down her hearing aid. After a few acts Sirena was up and started singing causing everyone to attack each other. When suddenly different music started playing.

 "We raise our voices to the heavens above And the music will show us what the world is made of We sing for the joy and the sorrow of life That it's a gift that we'll carry through time," Selena walked up singing as Rory was DJ-ing. "We don't sing for power, we won't back down From the truth that we found in the sound We always sing the truth we don't make mistakes And we will never be silenced by what fate will take," Ethan sang walking up next.

"We sing the song of the muses and we won't let sirens win We'll stand up for what's right and we'll never give in Our song plays the memories as we sing in harmony For the love and tragedy of the world we sing." Selena and Ethan sang in unison. Just as Benny reflected Sirena's song back on her.

"Everyone will feel my pain!" Sirena screamed as tried to get sing only for it to be drowned out. Scott and Jesse closed the curtains so no one could see what's about to happen next. They directed the song against Sirena as she was brought to her knees then destroyed. 

"Glad we don't have to sing." Ethan said. Jesse and Scott opened the curtains as Theo ran on stage. "Hey everyone do you guys want hear Ethan and Selena sing again?" Theo asked getting cheers as  an answer, "They're all yours." Theo whispered before leaving.

"Let's get this over with." Selena sighs.


Life can be so hard, it can make us feel so low,

But if we look beyond the darkness, we can find our light and know,

We can fight our way through the darkness and make it to the shore,

Don't be fooled by the siren's song, you'll be safe evermore.

Ethan and Selena:

We all feel our pains, it can bring the worst of us,

But when we look past the dark we can find our light and trust,

Don't be fooled by the siren's song of pain,

And together we'll find our way again.


We can search the depths of our souls and find what's true,

The courage and strength that's been waiting there for you,

The siren's song of pain will try to lead us astray,

But we won't be fooled, we'll find our way.

Ethan and Selena:

We all feel our pains, it can bring the worst of us,

But when we look past the dark we can find our light and trust,

Don't be fooled by the siren's song of pain,

And together we'll find our way again.

When they were done everyone was cheering causing a faint blush spread across both their faces.
