Ch. 6: Growing Power

This a mini story


Kal's P.O.V 

Marcus and I were at the Black's mansion. I was in the library when I came upon strange looking book. And as warlock from another dimension that is saying a lot. I grabbed the book from the shelf.

"Hmm. 'The Legend of the Ghost Wolves'?" I read the title of the book. I sat down in a chair as I opened the book and started reading when Jacob, Marcus, and Jesse found me. "Hey guys listen to this." I called them over.

"It's said that ghost wolves are one of few powerful werewolves a common ghost wolf could make an alpha back down. Alpha ghost wolves are known for their caring but protective of their pack." I read. I handed the book to Jacob read over the pages before he read the rest.

 "Ghost wolves have been around far longer than common werewolves. They are strong willed but when they feel threaten or need the need to protect, they can be unpredictable and dangerous. A male alpha is known for his wisdom and knows when to attack. The female alpha is skilled in combats and compassionate nature. With the help of a true alpha, are can become something that can heal even broken of spirits. They are the eternal symbol of wisdom, fierceness and pure soul." Jacob finished. 

"Where did you find this book?" Jesse asked me. I pointed to a shelf that was a little farther from where we were. "This book was given to us by the Queen Splendora of Halloween Town during the dark ages." Jacob states.

"So what your saying we have  an over thousand year old book on the species of our coven heads?" Marcus asked. I really wished he would use pack instead of coven. And  I have to agree this does seem to help but I wonder how Selena and her dorky brother will react when they find out.

Jacob looked at the book before he said, "We should give this to Ethan and Selena maybe it would help with their problem." Jacob said as Marcus and I left. I felt a weird...presence? Great Marnie and Sophie are rubbing off on me. But still I should keep an eye out.

No P.O.V

Three cloaked figures were standing in the wood out of ear shot but still close that they could hear those in the mansion. Watching as Marcus and Kal were leaving the mansion.

"You hear that our time is drawing near. Soon we'll be able to take control bring both worlds to it's knees." one of cloaked figure states.

"Yes sister, soon the king and queen will return and we'll have the power we deserve." the second figure agreed with the first one. 

"All comes to those who wait sisters." the third one adds. The wind started to blow letting the three figures disappear without a trace. "Beware of the Tribunal." was all was heard as in the wind.

 Selena's eye opened as if she heard the words before she went back to sleep.


Sorry for it being short I just wanted to add something for these four.
