Ch. 18: Mirror/rorriM

At School No P.O.V
"The Forces of Nature?" Erica said reading a poster that was up on the wall. "Ugh I hate this hippie junk. This is going to be the worse school play ever." She melodramatically states. As she,  Sarah, Jesse, Jacob, and Jase in the hall. "So why do you want to be in it?" Jacob asked one of few real friends.

In a different hall Benny, Ethan, Selena, Scott, and Scott's friends were also talking about the play. "I don't want to be in it. I want to do lights a sound." Benny states excitedly. "Yeah that would be a lot cooler." Ethan sarcastically tells him. 

"Have you seen that controller consul? It has like a million buttons." The spell-master said sounding eager.

Back with the vamps.

 "It's on my bucket list." Erica states. Sarah looked her blond friend confused. "Why do you have a bucket list? You'll never kick the bucket." Sarah comments. 

"No could but not in the natural sense." Jase chimes in. Erica looked at her friend and pack mate. "It's a long list and item 12 says star in the school play. So I can rub in the face of that pint size drama queen, Sunday Clovers." Erica explains.

The Black brothers rolled their eyes, they knew how much Erica didn't like the girl even though she super sweet. "You act like she came all the way from Austria on exchange just to bother you." Sarah chuckles, "Why can't you be nice?"  

"Don't tell me how to live Sarah. Beside maybe Rose and Jase will get to play the lead." Erica sighed. Both girls heard that the leading girl and boy would have to kiss. "It's highly doubtful." Jase states bluntly.       

With the others. "I just don't want you making lightning and burning somebodies' hair off again. You were lucky that your grandma had a hair regrowing potion." Ethan warned. "He was lucky because he lost his hair after I was down with him." Selena adds glaring at the nerd.  "I said I was sorry." Benny tells her. 

They turned the corner as both Erica and Benny grabbed the pen to the sign up list. Both groups met as the halls became one. "Age before beauty." Benny said slightly scared of the blonde. She took the pen just as the drama teacher walked up.

"Oh that's it. Let the eagles of creativity soar." Ms. LOL said as Erica wrote her name, "I'm off to make copies of this wonderful script." Ms. LOL was having trouble opening the book. 

"I don't think wants to open." Theo mutters. 

"It didn't want to be found either hiding away in that basement wall for twenty five years. And I dug it out." As she said that last part the drama teacher finally opened the book and left. 

Somewhere in  the dressing room lights around a mirror flickered on as if something woke up in it.

The next day Sarah's P.O.V

"I'm the understudy? I thought I nailed it." Erica said. Jase was going to say something but I stopped him. "You were present. The role of Waterlily the lady of water goes to Sunday Clovers." Ms. LOL said carefully. Sunday is a sweet girl but I couldn't under stand her.

"Um Ms. LOL if it's okay Erica can have my role as Mother Nature and I could be Sunday's understudy." I heard Rose pipe up. "Are you sure Rosalyn you were quite good." Our director asked. I see what Rose is doing she trying to help Erica. "Yeah Erica would way better than me." She answered.

"Okay Erica, you will be playing mother Nature and Rose you'll be Waterlily's understudy." Erica hugged Rose thankfully. We heading out when Ms. LOL stopped Selena, Jase and Jacob. "Selena, you would make a perfect Wildflower the queen of the forest. Jase and Jacob are great for Prince Sky and Ash the knight of fire." I had to stifle my laughter.

Flashback still Sarah's P.O.V

As Erica was doing poorly on her audition. We heard something and went check it out and saw Selena, Jase and Jay reading the script. And they were really good.

"The flora and fauna in my domain are sacred and are not be harm by the likes of fire and air." Selena sounding regal and wild at the same time. "My fair queen we wouldn't dare to harm your beautiful land we just ask a favor to bring unity to our lands." Jase acting like a gentleman.

"My fiery friend is right we sent by Mother Nature herself  to collect very four items from each elemental force." I never thought I would see Jay being like.

End of flashback still Sarah's P.O.V

"We were just messing around while we waited for Rose and Erica." Selena states. And I don't know how it happened they were part of the play.

"Thanks Rose for doing that for me." I heard Erica thank Rose. "No problem." was all Rose said. I noticed Jase watching her with a smile. Oh they really should get together already.

No P.O.V

Sunday enter her dressing room with a sunflower. She sits at the mirror looking at her reflection. She hear whispers as if someone was talking to her. 

The next day Ethan's P.O.V

"Dude this play is a bust. No lightening, and no explosions." Benny complained. "Yeah the closes you get is small fire flares with Jase." I told him. I walked off when I noticed Jesse walking up and grabbing my hoody stopping me in my tracks. "Come on Ethan you could sign up for stage manager." Benny states catching up. "No way Selena's the drama nerd while I'm a real nerd." Ethan states.

The next thing I know is that I is helping with the play. "How did I get roped into this?" I ask knowing was not going to like the answer. "Benny gave me a vial of your blood to get you sign up for stage manager." Jesse answered. Of course it had to be my blood. I looked Benny who looked nervous.

"Selena gave it to me in case I needed to bribe Jesse. Besides both Jase and Selena are in the play, they might be getting along but you know they still don't see eye to eye." Benny explained. I hate it when does this kind of think. "Fine but no more bribing I like remembering what I'm doing." I told them before I walked off.

No P.O.V in the dressing room

A wilted sunflower sat at the corner of the mirror. Sunday was in her costume as she was looking her mirror. "You're the star. they didn't treat you like one and they have to pay. It's time to break a leg." Sunday's reflection told her with a cruel grin.

Rose's P.O.V

I was on stage reading my lines. "Selena as Wildflower you need to be compassionate and help Waterlily see her worth so the Elements can come together." I heard Ms. LOL  tell Selena. Suddenly sandbags started to drop.

"Rose look out." I heard someone call out. I felt some grab my wrist pulling me out of my spot. The next thing I know I was in Jase's arms and a sandbag hitting the spot where I was was standing. I look at Jase.

"Ow my hands." we looked towards Sarah. She had caught the sand bag and must have said that to not look suspicious.

We then heard Sunday scream as two sandbags fell top of her. Ms. LOL and Ethan ran up to Sunday. I grabbed my phone and call an ambulance.

"We need a medic." Ethan called out. I saw Erica smiling  as I heard her mutter, "And an understudy."

Ethan's P.O.V

We left once Sunday was taken to the hospital. I remembered something about vampires. "Can't vampires go puppet master on the weak minded? You could have convinced her to hurt herself." I stated looking at Erica. 

"It's called glamouring. Nice theory but only older and more powerful vampires can do that." Jase explained. "Yeah and the only glamouring I did was to get you to sign up for stage manager." Jesse added. I just glared at him but I couldn't be mad at him.

 "So what did you do?" Sarah asked. We all looked at Erica as she looked offended. "Nothing that girl is mad as cut snake. She freaked out on me earlier. Said stay out of her mirror, if I was going to break her legs. I would have done it then." Erica argued.

"She telling the truth." Selena told us. 

"Thank you now Rose you better get ready now you get to play of the leads." She said. Then she started to talk in Austrian. 

" Jase could you help me run lines?" Rose asked the enemy turn anti-hero. They walk towards Rosa's dressing room.

No P.O.V

Rose and Jase walked into the dressing room. They stood a few feet away from the mirror. "Okay... Jase turn around." Rose exclaims. Jase looks towards the mirror and saw his reflection. "That's impossible." He states as they get closer to the mirror shocked.

"Well now you can see how handsome you are." Rose tells him. Suddenly their reflections started talking to them.

That evening at the Morgan's Scott's P.O.V

"How everything back home?" I asked as I talked with my mom on video call. "You know some the usual but hey I started dating again." She told me. I was surprised when I saw a familiar show up on camera.  It was Doug. "Hey Scott. How are you guys doing?" he asked.

"You know surviving high school and just surviving." I answer. I walked into the kitchen and switch to my computer. "Hey Sis how are you." Aunt Sam said as she brought out a cake. 

"Great Sammy how are you holding with everything?" Mom asked. Ethan walked in he looked nervous. "Oh you know raising a little witchlet and two teen hybrids." I could hear the exasperation in her voice. "Ethan how are doing." My mom asked.

"A hundred pound sandbags fell on our star." he answered. Both mom and aunt Sam looked at each other. "Really back when we went to your school a giant tree fell on a girl and boy head." aunt Sam said as she tried to cut the cake.

"A rain cloud? Was the play called The Forces of Nature?" Ethan asked. Both women nodded. "Yes, it almost fell on me but my closes friend pushed me away." my mom answered. 

"Bye guys." I said ending the call as the cake hit the plate. We looked at the cake then at each other. "Maybe we show your father/uncle, Selena loving the cake." Aunt Sam suggested as we all called for Selena.

The next day Selena's P.O.V

I was working in fake wings for Jake's costume so he could fly without anyone being the wiser. Rose and Jase were going ever their lines when they saw Jay flying. Sarah and I laughed at him but Rose and Jase didn't look happy.

"Don't upstage us or else." Rose stated as the two left. Sarah, Jay and I went after them. We found them in the dressing room in front of a mirror.  "Or else what?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah Jay was just playing." I added. Both seemed to get irritated by this. "This is Rose and my show. Ours." Jase shouted. I flinched slightly, in the time I knew the brothers Jase has never or lost his reserve ever.

"Your show? You're sound just as bad as Sunday. Look at yourself." Sarah states. Right as she said that last part I noticed that he could seem himself. They were both looking themselves over in the mirror. "You can look a yourself, you have a reflection!" I heard Jay exclaimed. Jay once told me Jase hated being a vampire the most out of the three of them because he didn't know how he looked. Never though Jase would insecure about that

They just glared at Jay and Sarah but acted different towards me. "Stay out of our mirror. Stay out of our way." Rose growls. I got in front growling back they seemed to flinch a little. "See you on opening night." I heard mutter as the left.

Ethan's P.O.V

I was looking up that accident 25 years ago. Benny was talking about something so I answered, "Pretty safe." But he realized that I wasn't listening to him. "You never think my ideas are safe? Are you even listening?" He exclaimed as he grabbed my laptop.

"Theater curses? Dude relent." he scoffs. Someone has to worry about this stuff. "Look at this twenty-five years ago two of the stars Olivia Fry and Lucas Julian were victims of a horrible accident in our theatre on opening night. And now one of our stars is flattened by sandbags." I told him.

"Yeah but not horribly. We're cool...right." right when he asked me Scott and Jesse walked to us. "He look at this it's my mom's old year book. It looks like she had the librarian make a copy of her year book." Scott opened the book to a page of three students. I recognized aunt Melissa in the middle of three. "Oliva Fry, Melissa Morningstar and Lucas Julian." Jesse read the names.

"Ethan, we need to talk you now." Selena told me. I could hear the slight panic in her voice, and by the way Jesse and Scott's heads shot up the they could hear it too. "Got to go stage manager business." I said as Sarah started to drag me away.

In the halls still Ethan's P.O.V

Sarah, Jay, Selena and I were walking down the hall. "Jase almost attacked Jay. Both him and Rose were act like he and I did something them." Sarah told me. Okay even when he was the bossy lunatic vampire when I knew him, he would never attack or lash out at Jesse or Jay. "Really?" I asked. 

"Yeah and this is going to sound crazy but we saw Jase's reflection in the mirror." Jay added. I then realized something. "I knew it. I told Benny this play is curse." I exclaimed as we stopped at my locker. I noticed that Selena was quiet and had a look that I know too well. "Sellie what's wrong?" I asked. 

She handed me a piece of paper with a picture. It was a well draw picture of Jase and Rose but standing behind them blurry figures. "Okay Sellie and I  will check out that mirror. you both should avoid Jase or Rose." I told. 

"You don't think we could take them?" Sarah asked. Selena and I looked at each other. "Sarah we know how strong you and Jay are. But Jase is more powerful and Rose is still a new werewolf she won't be able to control herself until she fines her anchor." Selena states.

We headed to dressing room and found it empty. I stood in front of the mirror. "This is ours. they need to hurt for what they did." I found myself saying. "Where did that come from?" Lenny asked as she got closer. We both touched the mirror and was sucked into a vision.

Next thing we know is that our reflection pulled us into the mirror.

Selena's P.O.V

Ethan and I woke up on the floor. We looked around and saw two people standing in the door way. But they ran off when we turned around. 

"Something isn't right here." I mutter as we went after them. The halls were empty which was odd since there was still students when we left. 

Suddenly a girl and guy appeared in front of us. The guy was dress in red and gold while the girl was wearing a dress with different shades of blue. They looked surprised to see us.

"Oh hi. Where is everyone? How long were we out." Ethan asked. He looked down at his wrist and saw his watch on his right wrist. I looked at my anklet and it was on my left ankle not the right. "Weird I always wear my watch on my left hand." i heard mutter.

"Y-yo-you both can see us?" The girl asked.

"No one ever sees us." the guy adds. They both were smiling as if they were invisible. Of course they would say that we're in the mirror. "You both are both are in the mirror." Ethan exclaims. 

"Who are you both?" the guy asked. "I'm Ethan and this is my sister Selena." Ethan answered as we stuck out out hands. Right as they grabbed our hands we were suck into a vision.

Selena and Ethan's vision

They saw a guy wearing a costume close to Jay's walking off stage and stood next to two girls. One dressed like Mother Nature and one dressed as a stagehand. "Is it ready?" the guy asked. Both girls nodded making him smile. "Good." he smirked.

A young Melissa Morningstar(Scott's mom) was dress like an earth queen. She tried to pull on a vine that was attached to a fake tree. She kept pulling as people started laughing at her. The tree started to come down and Olivia and Lucas pushed her out of the way.

The two screamed as the tree landed on them. Those off stage looked horrified by their little prank

End of  Selena and Ethan's vision No P.O.V

Ethan and Selena came out of their visions looking at the two. "They weren't trying to hurt either of you or her. It was supposed to be a joke." Ethan tried to reason. They didn't look happy. "You wanted her to look stupid." Olivia states almost angrily.

"Now you're all going to pay." Lucas adds looking vengeful. "All of who? Our friends didn't do anything." Selena argues.  The two ghost sensed something as they smiled. 

"Someone is in our mirror." Oliva states. The two disappeared out of sight.

Jase and Rose were sitting in front of the mirror in their costumes.  "Why wait? I can wipe them all right now." Jase asked. Lucas was facing Jase as Olivia was facing Rose. "No we had to suffer in front of everyone and so will they." Lucas spoke. Ethan and Selena saw silhouette of Rose and Jase. The lights around the mirror turned off and only Olivia and Lucas reflection could be seen.

"Everyone trust their reflection." Olivia explains. Both her and Lucas turned to the twins smiling. "Especially when one is a vampire. It's opening night. Would help us run lines?" Lucas adds.

In the real world in the auditorium 

Jase and Rose walked up next to a light as Benny was working. "A geek and his gizmos. You seem happy." Jase comments. Benny looks up with a smile. "That'll change." Rose adds but was ignored by Benny. "Look at this Bitey. Magic plus buttons equals star power. Like actual bright as a star power." He explains excitedly.

"All these nerd toys seem fragile to me." Rose tells right as Jase knocks over the light. Benny scream as the light hits the ground getting Ms. LOL attention. "BENNY!" the theatr teacher shouts from the stage. "Sorry won't happen again. I hope." Benny said.

Erica, Jay, Jesse and Sarah ran up looking at the vampire and werewolf. "Jase? Rose? What's wrong with you?" Jesse exclaims. "Just leave us alone." Rose states as they walked off annoyed.

"That's not the Jase and Rose that I know." Erica states. "That's kind of the Jase, I know." Benny states since he was always picked on by the eldest Black brother.

"Did Ethan or Selena said there was anything weird about that mirror?" Sarah asked Jesse and Benny. "I haven't see either of them since you dragged Ethan away." Jesse answered. 

Benny's P.O.V

I noticed the worried look on Sarah, Jesse and Jay's faces. Jesse makes sense since he very protective of his boyfriend and best friend. "Okay Sarah and Jesse you both stay here and help with the play. Erica and Jay you two come with me." I told them.

Erica, Jay, and I walked into the dressing room and walked up to the mirror. "Vampires don't have a reflection because their  curse blocks the soul's inner light. So if Jase saw himself then that means there is a soul in that mirror." I told them. I pulled out a divining rod and right a way it points to the mirror. "Hey I'm getting pretty good with this stick," I joke before getting serious, "Okay there's someone inside but I can't tell if it's Ethan and Selena." 

"Erica stand in front of the mirror with me." I heard Jay tell Erica. They stood in front of the mirror their reflections started showing. "They deserve to hurt." Erica started saying before her's and jay's expression changed to slight panic. "Benny, it's Ethan get me and lenny out of here. Touch the mirror and pull us through." Jay spoke sounding freaked out. 

"How do we know Selena is in there with him." I asked. Erica started to look annoyed. "Get us out here you hack of a spell caster." she spatted angrily. Yep that's  Selena and her nasty temper issue.

"I'm on it. Erica, you and Jay need to touch the mirror. They need a supernatural connection." I told the two vampires. They did and the lights started flickering. "I have this that..." I started to explain but was cut off. "Just shut up and get us out." Erica shouted. Okay Selena is getting irritated.

I casted the spell next thing Ethan and Selena are pulled through the mirror.

No P.O.V

The mirror cracked  as Jay and Erica helped the co-alphas up. Jase and Rose rush in seeing the five and the crack. "Get away from our mirror." Rose demanded as she and Jase shoved past them. "You cracked it." Jase exclaimed almost upset.

Purple mist left the mirror and into Jase and Rose as their eyes start to glow purple. Selena shoved Jase and Rose away from the mirror grabbing a broom smashing the the mirror.

"What are you doing that's seven years bad luck." Benny exclaims. 

"Part witch remember not a problem." Ethan reminds his best friend. Selena turned to her beta and Jase. "Are you both okay." the she-wolf asked. The vampire and werewolf smiled.

"Of course we're okay. We're finally free." Jase state not sounding snarky or rude but kind. Selena and Ethan looked nervous. "And stronger than ever." Rose squealed the two left.

"Can someone me in on what's going on?" Erica asked. She had no clue what was going only that Jase and Rose were acting weird.

"Long story short Jase and Rose are possessed by two very vengeful ghost." Selena explained. The five of them ran out.

"Good evening everyone. Welcome to the Whitechapel high production of 'The Forces of Nature'." Ms. LOL announces. Both Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. McCall were in the audience. "I hope no one ends up in the hospital." Mrs. Morgan whispers. She looks at Sunday who was sitting next her with both her legs in casts and crutches next to her.

"So sorry to here about your accident." Mrs. McCall tells Sunday. Sunday smiled at the two mothers and said, "My own fault, I did go a bit Billy bonkers. But now it's Rose's turn to really make Waterlily glow like water in the sunlight." The two sisters smiled though they barely understood what she said.

The curtains went up as play the play went on until Jase and Rose got ready get revenge. Erica ran on stage with Selena and Jacob. "Wildflower. Prince Sky, the evil has taken over sir ash and lady Waterlily." Erica exclaimed making it sound like part of the play.

"Mother, I do know a spell that help them." Selena exclaimed subtly looking at Benny nodding at him. "Safety off. Lightening on. It's Benny time." Benny quietly mutters.

Benny turned the light causing the magic light to hit the possessed supernatural creatures, stopping them in their tracks. "Sorry Rose and Jase." Selena whispered under her breathe. Both Selena and Jacob kick Rose and Jase making them annoyed.

"Get off our stage." Jase growled helping Rose. Ethan ran up just staying out of sight as he holds up medium size mirror. "Olivia fix your hair." Ethan called out getting the two's attention. Rose and Jase looked into the mirror making them freeze.

Benny casted the spell causing Olivia and Lucas to be sucked into the mirror. Both Jase and Rose fall to the ground. "Sir Ash, Lady Waterlily are you okay?" Selena asked. She mouthed 'Go along with this.' The curtains closed as everyone applause.

In the hall Ethan's P.OV. 

Great grandfather removed the souls from the mirror and into a different mirror. "Here this should keep them in the mirror world for a while without them possessing anyone." the former king of the hell explained. Good thing Selena has him on speed dial. "Can I have mirror grandfather?" Aunt Melissa asked. Lucifer hand her the mirror.

"Hello Liv, Lucas." she greeted. 

"Melly?!" I heard the ghost exclaimed. Aunt Melissa looked like she was going to cry. "Lucifer could Aunt Melissa could spent sometime with them to catch up?" Selena asked.  Aunt Melissa left with the mirror.

"It was nice having a reflection again." Jase states. I noticed Rose holding Jase's hand. It looks like Lenny saw the same thing. "Maybe for you. The rest of almost died." Sarah tells him.

"We almost get killed on a regular basis." Jay states. I saw Selena slip something into Jase's bag. "Well we should get going. Scott could you take my car? I want to give Ethan and Selena some flying practice." mom told us.

"Sure come on guys." Scott said as he and Benny left with mom's keys. "Do you mind if I join you?" Lucifer asked. "Why not." Selena states as we started leaving. Once we were sure no one was around our wings opened as we fly home.

The next day Selena's P.O.V

I was at my locker when my four best friends walked up. "Hey guys what's up?" I asked. Erica was the first to speak. "Did you hear? Jase and Rose got together." she told me. 

Speak of the devil he walked up to us Rose kissed him before leaving. Erica and Sarah left but stayed in ear shot. "Hey Jesse, could you and Jay leave so I can talk to Moonlight alone." He asks. The two shrugged and left a few minutes later I could hear Ethan yelping from Jesse surprising him in my head.

"I know what you did." Jase states. I raise my eyebrow looking neutral and asked, "What do you mean?" He handed me a piece of paper. I opened it and inside was a note that read, 'I know you like Rose. She likes you too. You've changed not by much but still you should try to be happy.'  

"I know your handwriting. I just wanted to say thanks for the push. But why help me." He asked me. "Because if you were going to kill us you would have done it  when found you. You 're going to therapy because you want to change. That's why. We're both older sibling and I know what it's like to want what you think is best for them even if it's not the best way to go." I explained to him.  

He about to when I stopped him. "If break her heart Ethan and I will not hesitate to hurt you." I warned him. He just  laughed and said, "Please I know how strong the original Morgan pack was. But trust me I know strong you and Ethan are. I wouldn't dare hurt Rose because I know you will either you or Ethan will end me or my brothers if we betray your trust." He told me before leaving.

'By the way thank for the mirror.' I heard him said in my head. I'm glad Agatha gave me those vampire mirrors and I'm really happy Jase like it.  
