Ch. 8: Blast from the Past

The three cloaked witches wander the woods looking for something. They found what they were looking for. They came a cross a statue of girl in an 1800's styled dress.

"Look sisters the answer to our problem." The black cloaked witch announces. They stare at the statue for a bit. "Uh Winnie how's a piece of rock going to help us?" The dark blue cloaked witch asked. The witch in the dark purple cloak started chanting 'rock' over and over until the witch the black hit her in the stomach.

"Zip it Sarah. Because Mary, this no ordinary statue. This the statue of Kali Casimir one of the strongest, cruelest, and most beautiful demon to ever be created." The witch Winifred explained.

"Demon from deep within your crypt," Winifred began reading the incantation, "I free thee from where you've been kept. Awaken and heed command. And together we shall rule this land. So, I summon thee to come forth, Like soldiers ready to show their worth. Arise from within the depths of the Underworld, So, that you may spread darkness and fear upon this mortal world.." The stone crumbled revealing what most would see as a teenage girl.

The woman was beautiful with long wavy dark brown hair and striking green eyes wearing ripped jeans, a tank top and wedges. 

"~I'm back~." She said in sing-song voice before her beautiful features turn evil. "And who freed me from that retched prison?" She asked. Mary raised her hand getting the demoness attention. "That would be our sister Winnie." she giggled

At school Ethan's P.O.V

I was at my locker as Benny filled me in on the blank part when my...wolf side?...was in control. Sarah, Erica and Simone walked up to us.

"Hey guys how our nerds doing today?" Erica asked. Even though Erica shows some ounce of care towards since I'm one best friend's brother and Benny is my best friend but she wouldn't greet us like this. "What do you want?" I asked dryly. Erica huffed that I caught onto her act. "Have you guys seen Selena anywhere?" Sarah asked.

"No is she still avoiding Jay?" Benny asked. I have to agree even though Jesse and her have the most in common, but Selena and Jay were always together like me and Benny. "Yeah who knew She-Beast Morgan would be timid when it comes to a crush." Simone chuckled.

I saw Megan walking up to joining the conversation. "Hey guys. Ethan, Jesse is on his way." She told me. I ran off knowing that I'm adding fuel to the fire since Jesse hates it when I avoid him.

Sarah's P.O.V

Ethan ran off like he was being chased. 'What's going on between those two? Jesse might be a jerk at times but he means well and he adores Ethan, so why was Ethan avoiding him?' I ask myself. I was brought out of my thoughts when Jesse and Jay came walking up. 

"Hey Jesse, you just missed Ethan." Benny told him. Somehow those two have found common ground since Jesse doesn't pick on him but they aren't friends I know that much. Jesse was about to head of when Erica stopped him. 

"Hold it. I'll tell you where your little nerd is in exchange for why  he's avoiding you." Erica told him. Normally I'd scold Erica for this kind of thing but honestly I wanted to know too.

"When I met with Athen, he threated me that I did anything stupid he wouldn't hesitate to end me. Then he grabbed my shirt pulling me into a kiss." He explained. All our jaws dropped at the statement. 'Okay didn't expect that.' I thought. "Now where is he?" Jesse asked Erica. Jay quickly handed Jesse a pair of sunglasses.

"Lounge." Erica tells him. He uses his vampire speed and disappear. I noticed Kyle walking up with a girl that I have never seen before. 

"Hey Kyle, who's your new friend?" Benny asked trying to act cool. He is very bad act smooth. "My name is Kali." she told us. There's something about her  that I don't like. 'Great Ethan's paranoia is rubbing off me.' I groaned at myself. Seems that Jay doesn't like her either.

"I wish could talk more but we have find our friend Selena. We'll see you later." Jay said as we all left. I saw her heading off in a different direction.

No P.O.V

"Oh you'll see me later Elijah and Horace too." Kali mutters to herself as she walks off. She walked to the an empty classroom bringing out a pocket mirror. She opens it to reveal the three sisters.  "Did you find them?" Winifred asked.

"Unfortunately no, but I did meet some of their friends and an acquaintance from the past." the demoness answered.

"Why do we need the the brother and sister, Winnie?" Sarah ask. Kali rolled her eyes at the airhead witch. Winifred slapped Sarah making her wince. "Because you fool the tribunal promised us eternal life if we bring them the two." the elder sister explains annoyed.

"What do you want me to do with their cousin? Even if I was trapped in stone I know about Scott McCall." Kali chimes in. The sisters looked at each other talking about what they could do, Sarah suggested something about play with him.

"No you idiot bring him with the other two. I'm sure the tribunal will figure something out." Winifred states. Kali nods as she closes her mirror and leaves the classroom only to be caught by Mr. G.

"What were doing in there, students aren't allowed in...." He trailed off when Kali's eye's glowed orangish gold. "You did not see me." She said in a demonic voice magic laced in her voice. She snapped her fingers and Mr. G didn't remember what happened.

Same moment Ethan's P.O.V

"Come on Ethan You can't avoid me forever." Jesse hissed as he sat next to me. I could tell he was really trying to keep his temper in check. While Jesse is the 'cool popular guy' he doesn't like when I ignore him. "Can we please not talk about that." I begged him. I was well a were that he tease me about it later.

"Fine but I would like to talk to Athen sometimes." He whispered. I shoved him away as he chuckle, my face is probably red.

"Hey Jess, Baby bro." Selena says as lands on the couch. Thank god that she 's here but I wish she would stop calling me Baby Bro. Not too long the others joined us, sense we have a free period we hang out why everyone else is in class.

"I'm telling you Kyle, there's something not with Kali." We heard Jacob speak as he, Benny, Sarah, Erica, Simone, Kyle and Megan walked in. "Come on Jay, the chick is hot." Benny argue. Great a hot girl means Benny is not going to be useful.

"What's got Jay's fangs in a twist?" Selena asks. At least she's not running off. "There is this hot new girl and Jay doesn't trust her." Simone explains bluntly.

"There is something about her that seems familiar." He counters. Jay is getting defensive that can't be good. "How about we keep an eye on her just in case we wouldn't something like with Sirena again." I state diverting the issue

Over the week I has noticed the new girl Kali flirting with different guys and when she asks them out they end up the hospital pale but stable. Today it was Cole a soccer player. I heard he had went out with her the night before and like the others he's staying in hospital for a few days.

It was the final bell and I was at my locker when Kali walked up to me. "Hi Ethan right?" She asked. I nodded having a bad feeling. "I was just wondering if you wanted to go out tonight?" she asked subtly grabbing my arm pulling me into a vision.

Ethan's vision

I see Kali kissing Cole. When she pulled away her face became distorted and started draining him but leaving him alive. "You are cute but I want Nathan's power even if I take some from his descendant." I hear cackle.

End of Ethan's vision

I looked at her a little nervous about what I saw. "Sorry but I have a boyfriend. Sorry." and with that quietly walked away. I have to tell the others.

The Black's mansion No P.O.V

Both packs were at the mansion Scott and his minus Theo was video calling the rest of their pack back home. Theo and the others were talking about weird things happening around Kali.

"I have seen cause two boys to fight over her and I think she enjoys it." Sarah explains. The other share their observations. Kal and Marcus noticed how uneasy Ethan was. "What's up with you?" Marcus asked getting everyone's attention. "Kali isn't human she's a demon. I had a vision of draining Cole's energy and said something about getting some power from me." Ethan told them. 

"That's it Now I remember," Jacob exclaims, "She's Kali Casimir a demoness who feed off power from whoever kiss her. She once went after Nate but Jesse, Emily and I stopped her by turning her into stone."

"So why would she want Ethan?" Erica questioned. Jesse's eyes darkened realizing the reason. "The power of the alpha ghost wolves will go to the twins can prove they can handle it and that would Selena and Ethan." The older Black twin explained holding Ethan close.

Friday night Scott's P.O.V

We were in the forest looking for Kali so far we found nothing. Out of nowhere we heard a loud roar not to far from us.

"That's an alpha roar, Ethan and Selena need back up." I called out. My pack and I ran to a clear, we saw Ethan and Selena and their pack. Benny and Kyle were on ground not looking to good. Kali noticed me smiling cruelly.

"Excellent I have all three the Witches and the tribunal will be pleased even if I can't power from that nerd his little friend did just fine.

The demon started attacking but she was most keeping us away from our packs. "Stop and surrender to the tribunal." Kali growl her voice became more demonic. 

"Why would we do that?" Selena asked but I wished she didn't. Kali smirk as cage appeared over Ethan's and Selena's pack. "If you don't come willing then I might have to take your pathetic excuse of a pack in your place." She taunted. I was ready to help my cousin's pack but Ethan stopped me.

"Stand down Scott." I heard him command his voice sounded a little distorted. I could hear Selena growling a low deep warning growl. "Like a dork and a hot-head can take me on." Kali mocked. 

We all looked as they were now in wolf-beast form but they didn't look angry actually they had a protective look..  They attack knocking the demoness away from their pack.

"You know what Kali?" Ethan asked his voice sounding a little deeper. It almost sounds like...oh that demon messed with the wrong pack. "You can mess with our town. You can mess with us." Selena growl as both Ethan and her send the demon into a tree my pack and I kept Benny and Kyle out harm. "But no one messes with our pack." They roared landing the final blow without even killing her.

No P.O.V 

"You both are weak for not destroying me." Kali taunted. Selena had an evil smirk. "Oh no we wouldn't be able to kill a demon. But I did call someone who owns me a favor." Scott had a bad feeling when she said that. Out of nowhere a man appears. Kali paled when she saw the man.

"Kali this is Samael Morningstar or as you might his as..." Kali cut Selena off before she could continue. "Lucifer." 

"Yes and I have forgotten about you." The man said snapping his fingers sending her to hell and free the Morgan pack. "Thanks Samael for the help." Selena thanked the man. 

"Selena do I even want to know?" Ethan asked eyeing the man nervously. Theo walked up calmly. "Relax King of Hell is a therapist now he likes to help souls move on or in my case have a fresh start. "Nice to see you too Theodor." Lucifer greeted.

"You better get back I heard you are helping Michael out with his problems with you." Selena told him. The devil looked at his watch and left.

"Why am I not surprised you know the devil?" Ethan asks pinching the bridge of his nose. "Long story That you don't want to know." She answered.

How did I do on this chapter? I know it might be a little longer but I hope you guys like it.
