Ch. 14: Call of the Wild

Liam's P.O.V

"Benny are you sure you know what you're doing?" Sarah asked Morgan pack's resident fumbling spell-master. How he isn't dead is a question I'll never know just like why is Ethan friends with him.

"Come on, when have I ever messed up a spell?" Benny asks. I quickly covered Theo's mouth because I know he has been keeping a list every magical mix up that happens. Theo handed the list to said spell master as did Jesse.

"Oh come on two of the psychotic trio have a list!" Benny shouted. He looked over the list  before looking up annoyed. "And who put being a loud mouth the list?" He asked and everyone but Rory and me raised their hand.

"Okay but I gotten better and besides I think I've found a spell that could help with Selena and Ethan's werewolf side lashes out so much." I have bad feeling where he's going with this. Yes his spells have gotten better but his aim needs work.

"Ethan. Selena can you can you both come down here?" Benny called. Right as the were at the foot of the stairs Benny started to cast the spell. "Lunam alta sed mugire humilis tempus forma humana ire tempus remissionis tuae veni magnae bestiae." But just his luck Scott came down the stairs right as Benny finishes saying the spell.

Sarah P.OV

"Benny *cough* what did you *cough* do?" I asked coughing at the smoke. When it cleared the three were still there but they seemed different. Scott's and Ethan's hair were a lot darker almost black and Selena seemed eerily calm and composed. That isn't good because her chaotic nature. Scott also had a darker aura around him and Ethan looked more confident. I guess everyone felt the strangeness too as we all looked unsure.

"Are guys okay...whoa." Benny began to asked but Scott grabbed his shirt lifting him off the ground. Scott never seemed to be the violent one that was his boyfriend's thing.

"What were you thinking you idiot?!" Scott's voice roared in anger. He looked ready to punch him. This was too strange.

"Put him down Ares." Ethan spoke but his voice seemed colder. 'Who's Ares?' I thought. Scott looked at Ethan before looking back at Benny dropping  with little to no respect.

"Okay what is going on? Ethan why did you call Scott, Ares?" Kyle asked. Selena looked at him him with no expression. I mean her face looks neutral, no emotions like she the definition of order.

"Tsk. We're not your guys friends, we are their wolf side. I'm Ares and that's Themis and Athen." Scott...I mean Ares states sound irritated. 'He seems to have temper.' I thought to myself.

"Wait werewolves have separate personalities?" Benny asked. Theo and Liam had to physically hold Ares back as Benny hid behind Selena's body. "Ares keep your temper in check for once in your existence." Themis scolds him. Her voice was calm almost like Anastasia when she on the counsel. 

At the Black mansion. Theo's P.O.V

We moved to Jess and Jay's place before Ethan's parents found them. Grandma Wier was looking over the three. Liam and I had to keep Ares from running. Man he seems to hate sitting around.

"Why did you use an advance spell?" She asks slapping him. I couldn't help but snicker and it seems Ares is enjoying this too. "I just wanted help Ethan and Selena with their lashing out problem and Scott got into the cross fire." Benny tried and fail to explain himself.

"What made you think we need your help?" Athen spoke up not sounding happy. Honestly his name is easier to remember since you just swap around the a and e.

"Sorry but you guys have been really moody lately." Rory chimes in. Ares and Athen stand up from the couch.

"Do you ever think things through?" Athen roared, "Have you ever realize how your actions effect those around you? No you don't. Just ignore everyone's advice and expect them to help when it goes wrong. And honestly some of you are just as bad but Ethan and Selena never say anything about it but you guys don't know much they hold back!" Okay that was a hard blow. Never thought I would see Ethan being confident.

The two stormed out as one went after them now that they were mad. Themis calmly walks out  but there was angry energy around her. I think it would be best if me and the guys stay over. Great now I'm sounding like Scott.

The next day at school No P.O.V

"Guys this is getting troubling." Sarah told them as they hung out in the lounge. They haven't seen the alpha's wolf side since Saturday night and it was already Friday. Isaac came running in. "You guys got hid me." He told them. A girl on Selena's soccer team ran in and spotted Isaac. "There you are Isaac." she states walking closer to the werewolf.

"Rose, I told you that I am not going on a date with you." Isaac told her. Suddenly Selena walked up to Isaac and kisses him surprising everyone by the action. "Sorry Rose but Isaac already has a girlfriend and a boyfriend." She tells her teammate gently. 

"Who?" Rose and the pack members asked. Even Isaac looked confused. "He dating me and Jay. I wanted to keep it a secret that I was part of threesome." Selena explained. Rose nodded smiling for her team captain as she left. Selena face went stoic.

"That got rid of her." Themis said. They looked at her with their mouth dropped as Jesse smirks. "Looks like you finally got your crushes Jay even though it wasn't your choice." Jesse states patting Jacob's shoulder. Jay 

"Well both wolf and human side like the same person. By the way Jesse, Athen is looking for you, something about a promise he need keep?" Right when she mention Ethan's wolf's name Jesse vampire speed away. 

"So how long will this spell last?" Sarah asked. She took Benny's book out of his hands glaring him as he gave a nervous smile.

"It will wear off when both sides can work together, so maybe never we don't see eye-to-eye on thing." Themis said dismissively as she leaves.

"Well she sure does sounds like Lenny." Theo mutters.

Later that night Sarah's P.O.V

I was at the Morgan's again. None of use had seen our friends since Themis announces she, Isaac and Jay were dating. I can't wait to see how that plays out when get back to normal. I noticed Mrs. Morgan walking up to me. I think this Friday's date was a movie then dinner.

"Oh Sarah if could figure out were Ethan, Selena and Scott are could you tell them that they need to be home early there's wild animals roaming the woods near by. " she told me. 'wild animals? That can't be good.' I thought but nodded. When they left I called.

"Benny get your grandma." I told him.

After we left Jane with Benny's grandma, we went to find our now wild Alphas. 'I hope that they haven't got into any trouble.' I told myself but knowing them I doubted my own words.

"I think we're close." Marcus states. He was looking at a dead bear carcass  pulled apart. "Scott had said that Mrs. Morgan had limited their meat in take." Aiden said eyeing the partially eaten bear.

Athen's P.O.V

"Why couldn't we have finished that bear?" Ares complained. He wiped the blood from his mouth. "Because don't want any more problems like someone getting caught on camera in wolf form." I told shooting him with a pointed look.

"Sisters look the Alphas and they're children." A woman's voice spoke. We turned to find three cloaked figures standing in front of us. They were wear dark blue, purple, and black cloaks. They attacked us and judging that they could use magic it was safe to say they were witches.

"OW! Sister the female one bit me." The one in the purple cloak exclaimed. We turned into wolves and kept defending ourselves and it seemed to annoy the one in the black cloak.

"THAT'S IT! Time to muzzle  these mutts." She bellowed. Suddenly chains wrapped around our necks and an actual muzzle on Ares and Themis. It  isn't the best to make Themis feel trapped.

The witches started pulling on the chains but  pulled back. We aren't dogs but these chains are becoming painful. I felt a bit weaker and I saw that Ares and Themis were slowing down. I sniffed the chains knowing the smell from Selena's experiments. 'IT'S WOLF'S BANE!' I thought to myself. As much as I as don't want we need our pack and fast. I started to howl not sure if Ares and Themis realized what I was doing but they started to howl too. We then let out the loudest howl. 

We then heard howling and yelling. Our found us. Ares's pack attacked making the witches let go of the chains.

"How are you guys so good at finding trouble." I heard Sarah mutter as she removes the chains. With the  chains off we turned human. Jesse and Jacob along with Ares pack looked ready to kill. But if things couldn't get worse I spotted Jane and Anastasia running up and it seems the witches noticed them too.

"SISTERS look children!" the purple cloaked witch shouted. Two of the witches fought the packs while the witch in the black cloak went after the little girls as Theo tries to keep her away. Ares and Themis saw this too and we are happy.

Theo's P.O.V

I notice Jane and Ana, her name is way too long, running up to help us. And my guess is that Jane wanted to help and dragged Ana along. Anyway I saw the witch in the black cloak walking towards them. I got in the middle keeping her away from them.  Even with seeing her eye she had intents to kill me and take the girls. If I survive this I'm most likely going to get told off by Scott and Ethan then punched and scolded by Selena.

But luckily the alphas in front of the witch, I could feel the deathly protective power surround them. "Leave them alone." Themis growled with anger. Good thing these three care for little kids and if there is one thing you should never do. That is to try to harm werewolf's pack member or their loved ones. I saw the witch flinch as she backed away

"Sisters it's time to leave. " she shouted getting the other two's attention. Without warning the cloaked witches disappeared. Ares, Themis and Athen seem to calm down a bit when they collapsed. 

"Are they okay?!" Jane screamed. Right she and Ana are right behind me. I told her that they were going to be fine as we went home.

Scott P.O.V

When Ethan, Selena and I woke the first thing we did was scold Theo for nearly getting himself killed...again. But Selena didn't punch him since he protecting Jane and Anastasia but still.

Ethan seemed to remember what happened as his face a dark red blush spread over his face as Jesse had a wide smirk. 'What did Athen do to make Jesse smile that big?' I asked myself.

"How about we talk about how Isaac is with now with Selena and Jay?" Marcus chimes. Selena's head snapped hearing that her face was turning red. "W-what did you say?" she asked. She never 

"When your wolf was in charge she pretended to be you and kissed Isaac and claimed that you, Jay and Isaac were a threesome to a girl name Rose." Jesse explained with a big smirk on his face. Selena looked at Isaac and Jacob turning even more red as they nodded. Isaac was also blushing while Jacob looked even paler as if to make up for not being able to blush.

Selena ran right her room as those who don't live here went home. I have a feeling that we'll see more of those cloaked witches.


Sorry for taking so long Work has been crazy. Anyway hope you guys like this.
