Ch. 2: Welcome Back

There might be a pun or two in this chapter.


Ethan's P.O.V

I was in my room on my computer when my phone rang. 

"Hello?" I answered. I realized it was Sarah who called me. "Finally I got a hold of you. First Selena M.I.A and then you flat out hide from us." Sarah scolds me over the phone. Sarah stayed in contact of the alpha while she was away.

"By the way you should be very careful Jesse isn't exactly happy you ghosted him." Sarah adds over the phone. Right I have been putting off texting Jesse for weeks. He's so going to be mad when I see him.

"Ok Sarah could you at least text him and tell him, I'm fine?" I asked her. I heard her sigh on her side. "If you're sure you're okay. You haven't been quite yourself since the dance." She argues but agrees. I walk over to my window staring off into space as images from the previous school year flashed by, I was brought back to reality when Jesse appeared out of nowhere hissed at me. I jumped back. I quickly opened my window allowing him inside.

"You better have good reason for going lone wolf on us." Jesse demands his eyes were glowing their piercing blue. Yep he's pissed. "I just wanted time myself, okay with everything that happened." I growled  back at him. Jesse just sighed calming down he told me to be careful as he left.


Outside side the Morgan house two vampires walked up the house under the cover of night. they looked at the house.

"You sure this is the place, Marcus?" One of the vampires asked. The second vampire, Marcus, sniffed the air. "Yeah this place reeks of werewolf and rare blood." he states. They both noticed Jesse leave, as if it was confirmation they got closer. but they stopped when they saw Selena, Scott, Theo, Liam, Isaac, and Aiden walking up to the house.

"More werewolves? Let's go Luke, we'll come later." Marcus states annoyed by the arrivals.

 The next day at school

Scott and his pack were with Selena when Erica, Sarah, and Jesse walked up not looking happy. Selena walked off not wanting to stay for  what was coming next.

"What got you guys upset?" Isaac asked.

"Why did you tell us Selena was with you guys in Beacon Hills?" Erica hissed. The guys looked surprised. "We only saw when we were heading back here she said she coming to get us." Scott told them. "Well Ross told us that she was spending the summer with you." Jesse counters. Scott and Theo realized what happened. Selena was lying to where she was spending her summer.

At different side of the school Ethan and Selena were talking. "Lenny you have to more careful when you leave." Ethan scolded his sister. Selena rolled her eyes. "Relax little brother we both know I had to do it." Selena told him casually. The vampires from the other night stood in front of them. "Is this the one that does magic or the werewolf seer?" Luke asked. Selena growled at them letting their eyes change color as warning.

Ethan's P.O.V

"definitely werewolf." one of the vampires states. Selena looked ready to attack the slightly older vampires but I stopped her. "Leave us alone, Marcus." I heard Selena mutter.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"We're looking for Sarah, Jesse, and Jacob. We know that they care about you two the most." the states as he goes to grab me only to be blocked by Sarah, Jacob and Jesse. "Touch him you'll lose a hand." Jesse warned. 

"The vampire counsel sent us to get you three you three and keep an eye on these two." Luke hissed. Ethan got in between his pack members and the vampires. "Why the vampire counsel want you to keep an eye on us? We're not vampires." I asked. 

"No but it seems you both have caught the counsel's attention." Marcus told me looking at Selena. Selena glared at the vampires.

"We'll go after school, alright just tell them we'll be there." I told them. They reluctantly agreed before leaving.

After school Selena and along with our pack stood in front the vampire counsel. Selena looked annoyed along with Jesse and Jacob. A girl, who looked like she couldn't be any old than Jane, sat in the front middle chair. She looks like she in charge.

"I'll like to thank you for coming today. " The little girl said in a proper accent.

"Why did you call for us, Anastasia" Selena asked. the vampire counsel looked at my sister than towards me. "We want to for your help some green mist is harming vampires." Anastasia told us. Jesse and Jacob looked confused and concern even Selena looked surprised.

"Don't worry we'll figure this out." I heard Jane's voice. 'Please let her not be.' I plead to myself and turned to find Jane with Erica and Rory.

"Why is she here?" Selena and I both asked. If there is one thing Selena and I most protective of it will be our baby sister. "She told peabrain to take her to you guys and he did. I actually tried to stop him." Erica explained.

"We'll do it on one condition no vampire will cause Jane any harm." Selena demands. How is she so confident to make demands to a big group of vampires? The counsel talked among themselves. 

"We have a deal." Anastasia told us. We left the building. "Sarah can you take Jane home?" I asked. Sarah nodded as she took Jane's hand using vampire speed  and they were gone.

At the Morgan house

 The guys were in my room as I was on my computer looking through the supernatural data base. After a while I found what I was looking for.

"Guys I found it." I exclaimed as they got closer. "The breathe of death, a power mist that possesses creatures to harm or even kill vampire." Scott started to read. 

"Some of these ingredients are black magic country." Benny adds.

"But there is a way to contain it. One of ingredients involves vampire urine." I told everyone. Jesse and Jacob already said they weren't doing that. Rory said he'll do it.

Selena's P.O.V

We were back at the  building in front of the vampire counsel. Ethan was holding a strange looking jar that stunk. One of the vampires seemed to have gotten possessed and tried to attack Anastasia. Even if she's a brat I can't let that guy hurt a child. Call it a protective sister complex. Ethan opened the jar as the mist went heading toward him. 

"Ethan watch out." I called out. But he tripped went down let go of the  jar. The green mist went into Ethan possessing him.

"You got to be kidding me." I heard Sarah groan as Ethan went to attack her, Jacob and Jesse. I held him off as best I could. I saw Jacob pick up the jar, the mist left Ethan as he looked confused and disoriented. The went into the jar as Jacob closed the lid.

"If you  have anything else?" I asked as I took the jar from Jay and gave it to Anastasia. We're about to leave.

"WAIT!" Anastasia shout making everyone freeze as she regains her composure. "Would like to talk to the Alpha's alone." she told everyone. The only ones in the were Anastasia, Ethan and me.

"I'd like to thank you for helping me." she started, "I would also like to know if Jane would want hang out some time as me keeping her out of trouble." she said quickly adding that last part in. Ethan and I looked at each other and smiled. 

"As long as you act like a kid when our parents are around." Ethan told her. She smiled and nodded. Anastasia might be one of the oldest vampires but she is an immortal child. We left the building with our friends.

"Everything okay?" Jesse asked.

"Yeah just happy Jane and our gro...pack is safe." I said correcting what I was going to say. Ethan smiled agreeing with me. Our pack looked surprised because don't really use the word 'pack' but after today I think it's time for Ethan and I to act like true alphas.

Later we found out that Anastasia sent Marcus to help our pack. I noticed Ethan rolling his mutter something along the lines 'great another vampire to keep in check. But I didn't mind.
