chapters 8

Anjali pov :-

I was woken up by my flight announcement. I got up took a deep breath and started walking towards boarding area.

Now I'm sitting in the plan waiting for take-off . Soon plane took-off. I looked  through window seeing the city of dreams Mumbai but for me it gave me nothing but miseries . I lost my dad here . I didn't know when tears started flowing down from my cheeks.
Dad just wait for me I'll come for you.

After like sixteen hours I landed in New York. I mean my flight landed in New York. I exchanged my money into American dollars in airport.

I got into a cab and told Adress to the driver which kaira sent me.

I reached kaira's house . I ringed the door bell,

"coming ". Yelled a voice from inside, I know who it is. She opened the door, when she saw me she just pulled me into tight hug. I hugged her back...

"Anju I missed you so much ".she said pulling away.
"I missed you too kaira, won't you invite me in.. "
"of course ,come here. Mom, dad see who is here?. "She said pulling me into the house.

"how is dea... O my god Anju... What a pleasant surprise.. I missed you so much". Said uncle (kaira father) pulling me into hug. I hugged him back.
"I missed you too, how is aunty .?"
"Ho, she is absolutely fine.  She is sleeping right now. "

We talked for some time, then kaira took me to her room.
"now Anju tell what happened,  their is something definitely wrong,thats the reason for your sudden visit, right".she questioned me soon as she close the door. I cried remembering everything for few minutes, I almost forgot about my worries. Kaira consoled me. I told her everything from auction to shopping.

"I'm so sorry Anju, I wasn't there for you, I'm soo sorry you had to go through this all alone , I'm so sorry for being such a terrible friend ".she was crying.
"kaira stop crying, it wasn't your fault.
You  are the best friend anyone could get, see you are here with me when no one is their". I said hugging her.

"don't worry about anything Anju, we will find uncle and make that arjun pay for everything he did to you". She said wiping her tears. I resist crying.
"Okk, enough of this crying. How about I make your favourite kheer to night ?". I said trying to lighten her mood.

" mouth is alredy watering, I missed it a lot. But we have to buy some groceries. How about we go for grocery shop and I'll show you our neighbourhood?".
"give me a minute I'll fresh up and change". She nodded.

We were in grocery store. It's our routine that when ever we are shopping something either me or kaira will steal one Chochlate .
Today I steal  one sinkers Chocolate, we paid for grocery except chocolate we came out.

We where walking back to home then I remembered we didn't brought ghee. So I told kaira to wait there and went back to store to bring ghee.

I brought ghee, when I back I  didn't see kaira where she was earlier.
I fractionally looked around then out of no where men in black suit blocked my way. I tried to walk pass them but they completely surrounded me.

What's happening here? Who are these people?

A black car with tinted glasses came and halted near me. One men went near the car and opened passenger door.

When I saw the person got down from the car, my world turned upside down .

No no no  this is not possible, he can't come here. It's just a dream. He can't find me here. Its not him, it can't be him.

I kept repeating same lines in my mind, but I knew it is him.

He stood near me, he lowered his head to my level so he could look into my eyes.
"why did you run away from me Angel?. Iam very angry on you now.
So now be a good girl and get inside
the car NOW ,". He said stressing the word now. I took a step back ready to run away,but he caught my by my wait pulling me into him.

"leave me, or else I'll scream".  I said in warning tone.
He chuckled at me like I have said some joke.
"if you want your friend to be dead,then you can scream ".
"what do you mean? ".i asked him confused. He signaled his men ..

Then they dragged kaira, one men held her both hands covering her mouth with other. She was struggling when she saw me she stoped it.

"so angel how about you come with me like a good girl, no harm will be done to your friend. If you refuse to come then I'll let my men have their way with ". He said that last line with deep voice .
"please let her go, she has nothing to do with it. I'll come with you just don't do anything to her". I said shaking my head furiously.

He then signaled me to get in car, I looked at kaira for last time. She was shaking her head furiously not go with him, but I Have to do it.  I mouthed her sorry. Then got into the car with out glancing at her again.
He got in beside me. I moved to the corner leaning on windshield.

Because of me kaira is in trouble. That's it, I will not take anyone's help, I don't want anyone be in trouble because of me.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realise that we reached our destination. I got down, he came beside me and held my hand . I tried to jerk off but he didn't let me so I give up.

We got into flight, he sat beside me. but we were the only passengers . The flight also seems to be more luxurious and comfortable than the one I came here.
"sir we are ready to-off, do you need anything sir?." one of the man in black asked. Arjun just shook his head. The man bowed a little and walked away.
"where are the other passengers? ". I couldn't hold it long  I asked him.

"it's my private plane, why would their will other passengers ". I stared at him with wide eyes. This man owns a plane. He smiled at my expression.

I didn't make any conversation after that. No matter how many times I ran away from him. He will always caught me. I'm tired of running, I'm tired of fighting him, I'm tired of being alone.
I'm tired of my life.

Please dad ,where are you? .just come back.

My eyes were feeling heavy, so I closed them.

I felt someone kissing my forehead and murmuring something like

"I'll make sure will not run away from me ".

But my mind didn't registered anything as I drifted to deep sleep.


I felt a hand caressing someone caressing my head..
"Anju weak up, I  came see to you ".

I opened my eyes to see my father
I jolted in sitting position and him.
"I knew it dad you can't leave me I knew you were alive.."I starting crying
"Anju listen to me, I can't stay longer I have to go, I just came to see. ".

I looked at him horrified, "no no dad why can't you stay longer, I want to talk, or take me with you".

"A...anju ..listen to me it's... My.. Time to go...". He was saying in painful voice.
"dad.. No no you can't leave me, you promise me that we will live together.. You can't break the promised dad... ".. I held his hand.. But..
"listen.. Anju.. I.. L. Love you... So.. Much... After your mother gone, you are the reason for my living.. But I have to go... Now... Remember... Whatever you see through your eyes is not true, sometimes our eyes can betray us, "..with that his had sliped from from my hand. He vanished into darkness.
No no nooo
End of dream

Dad!  I screamed, my eyes shoot opened ,I was breathing heavily.

It's dream, just dream.

I calmed my self. I was laying on bed.
I tried to get up but I couldn't move something is restraining me from moving.

I tried to move my hand but I couldn't. Then I realised my hands are tied bed and same goes to my legs..

What the hell ?

I heard door clicking, then the devil came in. A evil smirk was playing on his lips. He came near the bed,  looking at me as I'm piece of meat. "you look good,  like this in my bed".

I gritted my teeth looking at him in disgust. "what do think of me, am I looking a animal that you have tied me like this,  untie me un". I yelled at him, even I'm surprised by my bravery.

"Ho no, angle, you are far away from animal ,you are queen of my life, prison of my heart. "he said placing his hand on his chest..
"and about in tieing you ,no I won't you will be here in my bed like then until you are completely mine forever". The way he said mine forever it sacred the living soul out of me.

"what do you mean by that?. " I questioned him, but Iam afraid of his answer . What ever it is , it's going to be a bad news for me .

"Desperate aren't we? ".he smirked.
"I mean what I said angel, I thought of giving some time, but you always try to run away from me, so I won't give any time to you.".

He pause looking straight into my eyes ."so, I'm going to marry you twomarow morning, with or without your will,  get ready to be my bride, I'll make you mine forever ".

My breath stopped ,my eyes widen in fear.


His bride?

Forever his?....

No no it can't be happened....
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