chapter 16

Anjali pov :-

I was in trance still thinking about what she just said.

Do I look like a maid?. I questioned my self then realised I was still in my night dress. May be she thought me as maid because I'm dressed like this..

I was brought back to reality when I heard arjuns voice.

"sadie, we have to hurry up "..arjun said.

A smile crept on my face. I had made breakfast today I wanted to see his reaction .

But my smile fade away when he didn't even glance at me, just continued to walk towards the main door.
"I made breakfast for you ". I said walking to him . But he didn't even stop to reply me .

"no,  I have a meeting to attend ".he said walking out ,followed by that girl.

I felt hurt. He didn't even Adress me as angel, most importantly he didn't kissed me on my forehead today.

May be he is still angry on me. I was hurt but I ignored it. I sat on the couch watching TV .but my mind was occoupied by the morning events, about that girl. I didn't notice when Lakshmi akka walk in.

"Anju why did you cook breakfast, I would have made it for you". She said.
"umm I just wanted to make breakfast for him, but he didn't even took a glance on it". I said .i was sad ,it took me one hour to cook but he didn't even care.

"oh Anju, don't be sad. He rarely eat breakfast at home . Why don't you do one thing. Prepare lunch for him and take it to his office. He will be happy "..she said dragging me to kitchen to prepare lunch.

if I make him lunch, he will be less angry. I thought and started  preparing lunch.
I made egg balls, paneer Frankie, chicken korma, parotas. I had mad chocolate cake in  dessert .

I packed lunch and was about to leave when I remembered sandys comment . So I went to my room change into something good.

Anjali dree pic

I took lunch and went out side one of the guard came running to wards me.

"mam do you need anything mam? "
He question.
"umm I want to give him lunch, can you please to b
me to him" I said as thought he would know I'm talking about Arjun. I haven't used his name aloud.

"sure mam"he bowing his head.
"please call me anjali ". I requested him ,he looked at me with amusement eyes but nodded.

I reach his office building. I asked varun who drove me here to wait outside. He is funny guy.

It was huge building . I didn't know where his office is.. So I went near reception to enquire.

"excuse me. Can you tell , where is Mr arjun Oberoi's office is? ". I asked her in polite voice.

She frown at me "do you have an appointment? ". I was taken back by her question.
"I'm his wife, I don't think I need an appointment ". I stated

She laughed at me as if I had said joke of the decade.

"seriously you have to work on your skill of lieing, I mean it's not even reliable . Now please leave before I call-" before she could say anything . Varun walked in
"stop there, if you want keep your job. I don't think arjun sir will tolerate any insult on his wife, ". He said in dangerous tone, daring her to continue. Her eyes widen in shock
"mam I'm sorry, I really didn't know -" but I cut her off.
"arjun's office? ". I don't wanted stand there any more . I was already close to tears.

"floor number 46"she said. I turned to varun and mouthed him thank you and made my way to the elevator.

I took deep breaths to control my tears. The elevator dinged signalling that I have reached the floor.

I could see the name plate

"arjun Oberoi
       CEO         ".

I smiled at the name plate. I stood in front of the door ready to knock when I heard someone moaning from inside.
But I ignored it and knocked on the door but the answer never came. I knocked again but still no answer.

So I opened the door to walk in but  stopped immediately .

I felt betrayed my vision got blurred due to unshed tears, when I saw what's going inside the office.

Arjun and sadie were kissing standing in the middle of his office .with his one hand around her waist and on back of her head pulling her more into him..

till next update


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