chapter 33

Anjali pov :-

"wha..what punishment? ". I stuttered at our approximaty. Arjun looked at me intensely . He pulled me more closer. We were so close that our lips were touching slightly. He slowly placed his lips on my forehead, slightly sucking it and drinking water beads on my forehead. His lips made there way to my lips along my cheeks.

As he placed his lips on mine, I pulled him closer ,holding his face . The kiss was passionate, even thought we are in swimming pool, my whole body was on fire . I'm sacred at the way of my body reacts to his touch.
We pulled away by car honking sound.

We both were panting hard.
"I think someone had brought the keys, I'll go and get them ". Arjun said and lifted me up in his arms and walked out of swimming pool .

"stay here, I'll get the keys ". He said placing me on the ground.  I was shivering due to cold.

"I'll come with you ". I said and took a step forward but stopped hearing his voice
"no your not coming there ". He said in serious voice which scared me  a little. Even though it's not dark here, I don't wanna be alone.

"why ?". I Whispered afraid of his anger.

"I don't want my men or any other man to look at you like this". He said pointing at my body which is dripping water, my clothes are sticking to my body , I'm felt like I'm naked.

Okay now even I don't wanna go with him.

So I just noded.

"I'll be right back ". He said and walked away.  I waited for good 10 minutes then Arjun came and lifted me in bridal style.

"you know god gave me legs ". I said in annoyed voice.

he always carry me like this.

" I love the feeling when you are in my arms ".  He said pulling me more closer . The lights were turned on so he took me to my room placed me inside the bathroom.

"you change inside, I'll change here ". He said and closed the door. I sighed and took off my cloths and throw them into wash basket and dried myself with spare towel, Then I realised I don't have cloths to wear and I'm completely naked.


What am I gonna do?..

"angel, open the door . I brought clothes for you ". Arjun said from outside. I sighed in  relief, I opened the door  just a little and stretched out my hand. He handed me cloths, I took them and immediately closed the door. When I looked at what he gave me to wear , I frown. I leaned on the door and Said

",umm, Arjun, you only gave me T-shirt ". It's my dad's T-shirt.

"yeah, I know. You are gonna wear only T-shirt  that's gonna be your punishment ". He said from other side. I gasp at his response.

"there is  no way I'm gonna wear  only this. Give me trousers ". I said in determined voice.

"it's your wish angel, if you don't come outside wearing that T-shirt in two minutes. I'll come inside and I'll make you wear that my self and believe me angel the pleasure will be all mine ". Arjun said in playful voice but the seriousness it didn't go unnoticed by me. So I did as he told. The T-shirt was extra loose and ended just above my knees. So it wasn't showing much skin.

I opened the door and came out side but stood near the bathroom door.
Arjun eyes lingered on my body, he wasn't Wearing any T-shirt. I gulped down looking at his bare chest
then my eyes met his, I felt exposed in his intense gaze. My hands automatically reached the hem of the T-shirt and tried to cover some more of my legs by pulling it down.

"angel come here ". Arjun said in deep voice which sent goosebumps all over my body. But I stood rooted to the ground. I couldn't move from the spot.
"you don't wanna come, OK. I think , I might have to spend my night looking at the pic then ". He said and took out a pic from his pocket.

"I found this treasure in your fathers cupboard ". He said and waved the pic in my direction. When I got the complete view of the pic. My eyes widen.

I Can't believe Dad still has that pic.

I ran to arjun and tried to snatch it from his hands. But he held it higher. I tried to reach it but I couldn't. Arjun was enjoying this As I can hear his chuckles. He is much taller than me I can't reach it. So I decided to trick him.

I slowly stepped on his feet and encircled my arms around his waist for support. His body stiffen and his eyes watching me curious what am I about to do. I tiptoed on his feet and reached for his face in one hand.
I placed a peck on his forehead. It's first time that I initiated something. I traced down to his cheeks with my lips. Arjun couldn't hold back anymore so he encircled his both arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I smirk in wardly before he could do anything else I snatched the pic from his hand and pushed him hard to which he stumbled back a little.

I waved the pic and smiled victoriously. Arjun looked at me with amusement.
"you tricked me angel". He accused.

" well, it's your fault that you weren't focused ". I said and looked down at the pic. It was my naked pic when I was three year old. My granny told me that I was very naughty when I was young and always wanted to be naked. It's embarrassing I know. Dad might have hide this from me.

I was so lost in thoughts that I didn't realised arjun coming towards me. When I did it was too late. I was already on bed with him hovering me. My T-shirt lifted up a little due to sudden fall. He pinned my both hands above my head, he took the pic from my hands and placed it on the side table.

He pushed his face in my neck kissing and sucking my skin. I wasn't struggling, instead I liked it. It's a surprise for me too.  He placed open-mouthed kissed allover my neck. He traced my jaw line with his lips. When his lips met mine. I couldn't  control that loud moan. But Arjun pulled away. I frown at him.

"I can't do this to you. If I continue even a little further I can't stop my self and I don't want to claim you until you love me back ". He said reading my expression. he was right. I don't want it now.

Arjun flipped me over, now he was on bed, I was above him.

" tell me about that pic angel ". He said running his hands in my hair.

" granny said, when  I was three I  always wanted to be naked. Even when my mom made me wear cloths, I would take them them off. So mom took this pic of me and warned me that if I don't wear cloths she would frame this pic and will show this to my husband ". I said remembering what my granny told me. Arjun laughed listening to my story. I hide my face in his chest to avoid embrassement  .

" well,,your husband saw that now ". He said chuckling. Then he went silent. There is one  question nagging me since he told about his past.
I thought it's the right time to Ask.

"arjun can I  ask you a question? ". I wanted to make sure he is okay with it as his past is a sour topic for him.

"anything angel ". He said.

I took deep breath and questioned,
"after your parents death, how did you end up being a mafia leader? ".

He looked down at me and sighed
"I was expecting this question, I was wandering why haven't you asked me yet ". He said and stared at the roof. I waited for his answer.

"it's because of your father ".

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