chapter 38

*not edited *

Anjali pov :-

To save me from this embarrassing moment,  Lakshmi akka knocked the door saying that she brought our dinner.  I'm famishing ,but being slept in the same position my body is sore everywhere. I wanted some fresh air.

"Lakshmi akka arrange our dinner on terrace". I told her, she responded and left. I got up from the couch so did arjun.  We both made our way towards terrace. Arjun held my hand in his. 

" so where have you been the whole day ".

I questioned arjun breaking silence between us.

"some business stuff , ". He said unclearly indicating that he doesn't want to talk about that so I didn't questioned any further.

We reached terrace,  Lakshmi akka had arranged our dinner on the table.
The terrace had porch swing for two people. I took my plate and sat on the porch even arjun took his plate and took seat beside me and started eating.  I stared at him because it's odd that he didn't said anything like
" I'll feed you" Or " you should eat more"he just started eating. 

Then I thought,  he didn't had his breakfast here may be ,just like me even he didn't ate anything .
He always place his work before everything.  He cares about his men and being a mafia Don is not an easy thing.  Thinking back , I was worried about my future with him but now I'm not.  The man who cares about the people who work for him, wouldn't he safeguard his wife and children.  He loves me so much, I can feel it and realise isn't this what every girl dream of, A  man who loves her and cherish her, spoil her, and treat her has most valuable treasure of his life . I got that man without struggling,  the inner battle which I have been fighting with, now seems to be so foolish of me.

" angel , I know you love to stare at my handsome face but you should finish your dinner first, later you can stare at me as much as you want "

arjun voice interrupted my thought, and i realized I have been cought staring at him.  His lips had a playful smile.

My cheeks turned crimson red and lowered my gaze  to avoid his teasing look.  When I looked down I saw his hands empty and his Plate was placed on the table.

" you finished your dinner ?". I  asked him with some what amused expression.

"yeah, and I see it you have not even touched your plate. Do You want me to feed you ? " he asked with teasing smile.  I nodded unconsciously. Arjun was taken back for a moment from my response but composed soon and took my plate from me.

He started feeding me, staring at intensely at me.

"can I ask you something? ". I questioned him gulping down food . He nodded placing another spoon full of rice.

"what's your age? ".  I asked him wanting to know more about him .

" what? ".. He seems to not understand my question.

"your age,  what's your age? ". I repeated my question

"you don't know my age? "

Of course I don't know, or else why would I ask you... Humph..

"I mean, you know my birthday so I thought you know my age, anyway  my age is 28 ".. He answered still feeding me .

" lie"  I said subconsciously .

" angel why would I lie to you about my age " what he said made sense

"but you look older than that" I refuted .

"I'm not old, I'm just mature " he said in deep voice, I couldn't help but gulp my saliva.

"okay. What is your educational qualification? "

"are you interviewing me ?" he asked me Jokingly.

"I just wanted to know more about you, if you don't want to answer then leave it " i pouted angryly..

" I'm happy that you are taking initiative, OK ask me whatever  you want ask ",

I smiled immediately " then tell me whats you education qualification "

" I don't hold any degree, but even the highest degree holder works under me " he said casualy

Well what he said is true,

" what you love the most? ". I asked taking last spoon in .

" you" he said with out even thinking

I stared at him with surprises, something warm filled my heart.

After finishing dinner, we went downstairs,

"follow me to the study room "Arjun said and I did.

In the study he sat on main chair and gesture me to sit on the opposite one.  After starting at me for good two minutes, he sighed and said

" tomorrow I'll be going out of the country on a business trip , it might take a week or so." after a short pause

He continued " during this time, you must take care of yourself and don't run around just stay at home, if you really want to go out take kunal with you,  understand ?"

" which country are you going to ?" I questioned him with the feeling that it's not just a business trip.

After few seconds he answered

"country R"

"ok" I murmured feeling lost

"angel come here " got up from my seat and went near him.

He gently pulled me into his embrace and made me sit his lap with his arms around my waist.  He gently lifted my face holding my chin to meet his eyes.

"why do look dull, are you worried about me? " I can feel his warm breath on my face. 

I shook my head, for which he chuckled and gave a lite kiss on lips.

"baby why are you so cute " he hugged me tightly making me lean my head on his chest. I can feel his heart beat through his shirt.

After some time I heard him saying

" I have to go, but I promise I'll be back safe and sound ,OK? "

"OK, I'll be waiting " I replied

"are you feeling sleepy ?" Arjun asked,

I shook my head,

" then why don't you find a book to read here, after I finish my work we will go back together, huh?"

I nodded and got out from embrace as he released me. I randomly found a book and sat on sofa  beside book shelf and started reading it. From time to time I would peek at arjun who is doing something on his lap top.

After two hours arjun closed his lap top so I closed the book which has still  in first page and got up.

After returning to the room i when to bathroom to change into night clothes when I came out I saw arjun already on the bed leaning against the headboard. He saw I was coming out
Then took of his t-shirt and  said  

" it's getting late, let's go sleep " and lay down on the bed, I nodded and did the same. After I lay down he hugged from behind pulling me towards him , I didn't resist.  I could feel warmth of his skin on my back. I turned around to facing him , his face looked very tired . But the problem is I'm not sleepy at all.

I stared at his facial features,
He has sharp jawline, symmetrical face, stubble , little dry lips, pimple free skin," a perfect handsome face that any girl would die to marry .

But he still choose me , the warmth  i felt in my heart when he said that he loves the most ,

I'm sure I like him,  maybe I can get along with him, as for other things we can figure it out together.

Thinking that, I leaned on his chest and closed my eyes, may be I was tired mentaly, I slept as soon as I closed my eyes.

I didn't know the time but I woke but feeling suffocated only to see arjun kissing me.

" woke up? " he said after releasing my lips.

I didn't, but you woke me up by suffocating me

But I couldn't say those words, just nodded. Then I noticed he was already in his suit.

"are you leaving now? " I asked getting out of bed.

"yeah ". He said ,  I kept staring at him not knowing what to say.

"baby don't look at me like that, I'll be reluctant to leave ". He teased me then  pulled me into hug patting on my back.

" I'll be back soon, be good and wait for me " he said and left.

I was still standing rooted to the floor looking at his back.

Come back soon

I wishpered looking at his back until he disappeared from my sight .

Hi guys,  it's been month's since I have been here. I hope you all are safe and healthy.

I know many of you are waiting for the update, I'm very sorry for making you wait and thank you for waiting.

The reason why I'm not posting is that I'm unable to express what's in head in words , this chapter along with nine to twelve other chapter's has been drafted since four months but as I was reading i felt that, this not  enough and  something is missing.

Wattpad has developed a lot since I started writing there are so many amazing writer, I felt inferior , that's why I couldn't  post even after giving my word to post,  at that time I felt that I betrayed my reader's, I felt guilty to even look at their texts. For that

I'm realy sorry and I mean it.

When I was going through all this stuff , my friends and reader's encouraged me to not stop writing . I'm grateful to them.

So here I am posting a new chapter please do comment about how feel, 

If you feel something missing please point out in comments or in private chat I'll try to improve that.
This chapter is not edited so if you find any mistake(s) feel free to correct them in comments.

Thank you for your support. It means a lot .
