chapter 20

Anjali pov :-

Kunal took deep breath, but remained silent. I held his hand "kunal I know something is bothering you. Tell me what is it?? ". I said squeezing his plam.
"you don't know Anju. You can't understand ". He said shaking his head. I smiled at him and said " try me ". He looked at me and sighed..
"At the age of 14 my parents died in bomb blast, I was left on streets . For many days I slept on footpath in freezing cold, starved for food ". He pause, then continued " but one day arjun found me on the main road fainted . He took me to hospital, seeing my miserable state, he took me to his house as his brother. Since then I have been with him. Then I met Dhruv, he was very kind to me. One day I met sandy. She was arjun's dads friend daughter . She used to come here every day. We became best friends in a short time. I didn't know when my feelings for her changed from best friend to something more".

"I would spend all my time with her. I would smile when ever she smiles. My day would starts with her and ends with her. But one day she confessed her feelings for Dhruv to me. I was broken. But I didn't wanted her to know about it so I distant my self from her. I'm happy for her and Dhruv". He completed and turned to me.

"hey anju, why stop crying ". He said wiping my tears which I don't have any idea, when they started to flow down from my eyes
"what about you kunal?. You have suffered so much in life. " said as fresh tears started to flow from my eyes .

"I'm fine anju. It's hurts a little but I'll over come it. Dhruv and sandy deserve to be happy. So did arjun ". Then he held both my hands.
"arjun has suffered lot in his life Anju. His life was filled with darkness for years. But you stepped into his life like a ray of light, dragging him from dark to light. You are his only happiness Anju.please give him a chance ". He said and left.

I was now laying on the couch since the bed is wet due to whatever arjun did. I closed my eyes . Kunal's word kept on repeating in my mind.
I opened my eyes and my heart skipped a beat when I saw arjun standing near the couch looking at me.

"why aren't you sleeping on bed ". He slurred and thick alcohol smell hit my nose . I got up into sitting position.

"you are drunk ". I stated.

"that's not answer for my question ". He said and frowned .
"the bed is wet so... " I trailed off.

He just hmmed and stood there looking at. I got up and tried to walk pass him but he held my wrist.
"I'm.... I'm.. Sorry about this afternoon ". He is so drunk that he can't even talk properly.

I just nodded not wanting to talk about it. "I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have done that. But seeing you like that my control sliped out. I gave into my desire . I know whatever I done is unforgivable but please for give me". He slurred again.

"it's okay ". I said and freed my hand started to walk to the door.
"where are you going ". He questioned from behind.
"I'll bring you something to eat. You shouldn't sleep in empty stomach with only alcohol init ". I said without turning to him and walked out.

I entered our room with plate of food and glass of water in my hands. He was sitting on the floor, resting his head on the couch stretching out his legs. I placed food plate on his lap .

"eat". I said.
He took plate in his hand ,he tare a piece of roti and put it in his nose.

God! He is not even in his senses

I sighed and sat beside him on the floor,taming plate in my hand.
I took a piece of roti and dipped it in gravy and placed it near his mouth.

He looked at me with some deep emotion then started to eat. I made him eat three roties. When I got up to go he pulled me back ,beside him . I was facing him now.

"why do you hate me so much angel? ". I was shocked due to his question.
Realy I wasn't expecting that question from him .

"I treat you like my queen yet you hate me, you don't even see me as human". I can sense pain in his voice. He placed his head my lap ,facing me.

" I have been deprived from love in my life . I'm starving for your love angel. I'm begging for your love ".
He sounded like he is going to cry at any moment.

"you behave differently when I'm around. You don't talk in my presence. You don't even smile in my presence. I envy kunal in this matter. You always laugh with him. You will be you when he is around you. " he closed his eyes still mumbleling something. I didn't know he observes my every moment.

"why are you sacred of me?, why do you stiffen at my presence ?.why don't you love me angel. I want to pamper you. I want to spoil you with my love."

"please love me angel. I'll worship at your feet...". His voice came out as whisper. He was fast a sleep on my lap.

I was crying after listening to his confession.
What should I do?.

At least give him a change

My subconscious suggested. I shook my head. It can't happen.
We both are from different worlds.
My dad is a police officer-he is a criminal. I save life's - he kills people's. We can never be together.

At least you could be nice to him

Yeah. As long as we are together at least I can be nice to him. I made up my mind. This is the least I can do.

Arjun pov :-

I woke up with massive headache.
"uhhgg my head hurts " I mumbled getting up from the floor.


I was sleeping on the floor.
What the hell? . I tried to remember what happened last night. But I couldn't.
I groaned again due to headache .


Anju walked into the room with a glass of water. I was still sitting on the floor,holding my head.

She came near and stretch out her hand offering water to me. I raised my eye brow questioning it.

"it's lemon water. Drink it. It's good for hangover ". She said . I didn't questioned any further and drank it in one go. She took glass from me.
"umm... Sorry about last night. Did I do something wrong? ". I questioned her as I don't remember what happened last night.

"no. You didn't ". She said and walk away . I sighed and went to take a bath. When I came out , I found my cloths on the bed. I frowned,

who did that ?

I ignored it. I was buttoning my shirt when my phone started ringing. I received the call leaving shirt.

I was talking in phone when anjali walked in and stood near me.
The phone almost sliped out of my hand due to shock, when anjali started buttoning my shirt.

I was beyond shocked. Normally She does even stay in same room as I am.

"breakfast is ready ". She announced and walked out of the room.

OK, there is something wrong with her. What's cooking in her little head?

I walked down stairs. She was arranging breakfast on the table. She sensed my presence and turned to me.
"I made idly, dosa for breakfast. Hope you don't mind south Indian food? ". She said serving my plate.
I nodded and started eating. The food just melted in my mouth.

"it's tasty, I mean very very tasty ". I said and continued eating. She sat across the table. I finished eating ,it was the best breakfast in my life .

I couldn't help but feel suspicious about her behaviour.

I got up from the chair..
"wait... ". Anju voice made me stop.
"umm.... I want to change the interiors of our room. So I was planning on going shopping ". She said looking at the floor....

There... Now I understood why she is behaving nicely with me.
She is planning to run away again...
This thought made my anger reach peakes..

"are you planing to run away from me again ?". I questioned her trying to suppress my anger.

Anjali pov :-

"are you planning to run away from me again? ". His voice was calm yet deadly.

"no, I just want to change somethings.
Even if I ran away again you can. I know you will find me in no matter ". I said convincing him..

"yeah, I'll find you out, even if you hiding in other part of the world ".
He said thinking deeply..
"okay be ready by 5 o'clock I'll come and get you." with that he stromed out.

I was telling him the truth, when I said that I want to change somethings in our room.
Every thing in his room is either grey or black. I feel depressed when I'm in room. So I thought of buying something in bright colours.


I was waiting for him in the living room.
"Anju, sir is waiting for you outside ". Vishal announced. I nodded and went outside.

We are, I mean, me and I Arjun are sitting in back seats of the car, as his driver was driving the car.
Like always his hand was on my lap.

We reached the mall . I freed my hand from his grip and started shopping. I brought four bedsheets and curtains with different colours. He paid for them.

We were heading out when I saw mens clothing shop. I thought for a second .

He needs to wear some bright colour cloths.

I started walking towards that shop.
"where are you going :. Arjun held my hand and questioned.

I didn't answered and just dragged him to the shop.
"ummmaaaa, what's your shirt size?". I questioned him. He frown at my question but answered it . "XL" he said.

I brought him 30 T-shirt, 15 jeans pants and 30 formal shirts.
"I want you to wear bright colour shirts. Not that Boaring colours ". I said placing all the cloths on cash counter. He was amused when I said that. He paid the bill.

His driver took all our shopping from us. It was already 8 o clock. I got into the car next moment I drifted into sleep.

"angel wake up ". I was waken up by arjuns gentle voice. I half opened my eyes
"did we reach our home? ". I questioned him.
"no love, we are at restaurant. Let's have dinner here then we will go home ". He said gently stroking my cheeks.
"no, please let's go to home. I'm tired and sleepy. " I said closing my eyes.
He chuckled at me. Then I was been lifted up. I didn't open my eyes as I know who lifted me.

Of course it's him

I leaned into his chest, encircling my arms around his neck.
He took me inside the restaurant, he sat on chair, made me sit on his lap.
My eyes were still closed with my head on his shoulders. He ordered something which I didn't hear.

"love, open your mouth ". He said as I sense something near my mouth. I opened my mouth and swallowed the content in the spoon with out looking at it. I'm feeling extremely sleepy .

"angel you have to chew the food before you swallow it". He said. I ignored him and continued to swallow it directly. I heard his sigh.
He started feeding soup. I had my dinner with my eyes closed.

Once he was done feeding me.
"now, please don't wake me up ". I said as he placed me in the car.
"okay my love ". He said
I leaned on his shoulders and drifted into sleep.

"good night angel ". Was the last thing I heard.


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That was a huge chapter

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