chapter 40

*not edited *

Anju slept peacefuly all night. When she woke up it was already 9 o clock. Kaira had to go attend class today so she was having breakfast when anju came downstairs after getting ready .

"good morning baby ". Kaira greeted when saw anju coming down stairs .

" good morning, ". Anju replied and sat beside her .

" I didn't find you in the room this morning , where have you been? ". Kaira asked.

"last night i Couldn't sleep in that room, so I went back to mine". Anju said .

"love realy change people, few months back you were sacred of sleeping alone, but look at you now, "

"it's just familiar feeling that's make's sleep at ease, nothing else ". Anju said seriously but the blush on her face betrayed her.

"yeah yeah, like the hostel room that you have been sleeping in for almost four years do doesn't makes you feel at ease but the room this room does ". Kaira said rolling her eyes

"anyway, I'll be going now or else I'll be late. Bye ". Kaira said after finishing her breakfast .

"OK, take the car ". Anju said waving at her.

After having breakfast she went back to room and started sorting out her wardrobe which was mess right now.

It took her two hours to do it, now it's arjun wardrobe's turn, but his wardrobe is neat and organized. Anju pulled a drawer which contains expensive wrist watche's ,after going through them she found that the watch she gifted arjun was missing. She searched for it in other drawers but she didn't found it.

"did arjun took it with him "She thought and searched for the tie she brought it was also missing.

Idiot , since he knew that he gonna miss me , then why didn't he took me with him instead of those things.

Anju murmured but she her self was smiling like an idiot. She was in really good mood so she decided to clean his study room . Even though maids clean it regularly but she want to do it . So she made her way towards study room.

When she opened study room door ,as expected it was spotless

She still went to in inspecting every place.  Beside arjun and his most trusted people others are not allowed to enter this room. The maids who usually does the work are the people who were rescued by them, so they are loyal to him.

Since it was so important She was curious about his study and expecting to find some hidden room , secret tunnel or something intresting .

She searched for half an hour touching ,picking up things and turing them in 360 degree angle to see if it reveal some hidden door,but she didn't find any room. She got disappointed and tired , she sat down on the main chair where arjun used to sit and rested her head on table . After sighing few times she straighten up and pull drawers of the table . 

The first draw had a gun with magazine beside taken out , she has seen so many guns since she came to this house ,so just ignored it. then opened second draw which contain few files with projects names labled on it. She didn't find it intresting so she closed it and then opened third draw ,she was surprised and shocked for a moment to find her dads photos in it, along with some files.

She immediately took all of them out.  She got emotional looking at the pics. She gently touched the pic , her eyes watered unconsciously.


She murmured gently. Whenever she tries to recollect  memories of her father , that nightmare where her father was laying in the pool of blood was all that comes to her mind. That images causes her heart breaking pain. So over the time she was was trying to not remember that. But now looking the pics where her father is completely fine, all the memories rushed to her brain.

She tightly clutched his pic near her heart trying suppress her cries. She was telling herself not to cry , her father would be sad if she cries. Taking  deep breath's for few minutes she calm down. She arranged all the pics that were scattered on the table and placed them on the side of the table . 

Their were also some files but on caught anju's attention, she took it out from the stack of files . It was labled as medical report. She was unsure why their a medical report in study .

When she opened it, first she read patients , it read


Anju's eyes widend , she thought her eyes are playing trics on her.  She rubbed her eyes and looked at it again. It's still the same. Then she thought it might be coincidence.  It's not that their is no other person with same name . 

She looked further onto the report, she realised not only the name but age and blood group also matches with her father. Her grip on the report tighten . She checked the date on the medical report. It was issued day after her father's murder. She studied medical report in deapth. After reading from beginning to end the conclusion is that ,

The patient was shot several times, due excessive blood loss the patient slipped into coma. 

Study room was dead silent, the only sound that could be heard is anjus heart was beat and clocks ticking.

Dhak dhak dhak dhak

Tic tok tic tok

Her mind was messed up. She was trying to focus on one thing  but she couldn't. Her mind was telling that their can't be so many coincidence's in the world.

She slowly started to think from that day when her father was shot trying to find some clues.

Then she found small clues from the fragments of her memory.

First ,she realised that arjun never said that her father was dead,  she just assumed that he killed her father. She never tried to asked where her father was buried.

Second, when she and arjun went to murthy uncle's house after wedding, arjun and uncle where taking about sometimes and arjun said

" she doesn't have to know about it ". Arjun  May or maynot be talking about her father being alive.

She assumed that he is talking about for a while and thought ,if her father is alive ,arjun must have kept him in very safe place and that safe place may be his territory.

She started analysing , according to the report the patient is in coma some one must be taking care his necessasity and observing his condition.

All of a sudden she thought something  and turned to the first page of the medical report and stared at the top of it,  which has hospital name On it.

She knew this hospital is owned by arjun, it is the same hospital where murthy uncle was admitted before.

A segment of her memories abruptly flashed in her mind. When she visited murthy uncle their was a restricted Area guarded by two guards. Their is a possibility of her father being their.

But if her father is their alive, she didn't understand why arjun would hide this from her. If she knew her father was alive their relationship would be much better along time ago.

Since arjun didn't want her to know this , she should go to the hospital without arjun or his men knowing.
Now that arjun is out of country, she thought this is the best time .

She took out her mobile and took pics of the medical report and put them back in the drawer as before. She went back to her room and started to think how she gonna go to hospital even with out arjun their is kunal and body guards.

Then she suddenly thought something ,she went to her closet and took out shopping bags she brought yesterday, then she took her purse which had some cash and went downstairs acting normal .  When She came out ,immediately a row of 6 men stood in front of her. Their were her bodyguards .

She looked at them, then said
" i have to return some cloths that I brought yesterday and buy some new stuff , so I want go to the shopping mall ".

As for why she said in such a detail way instead of just saying want to go to mall is , they are not normal body guards , these people are the members of mafia with a leader himself a mafia king . Even though they are very respeful to her,  she can't make them suspicious of her.  It will make it difficult for her to sneak out.

As she thought, they just noded. One of them was about to take the phone,  She know he is going to call kunal , her hand unconsciously fisted,

" you don't need to call kunal , he is busy. You just take few extra bodyguards it's enough ". She said hoping he could give up.

But the body guard said " no mam , we are ordered to in from Third commander (kunal) When ever you go out ".

Hearing this anju couldn't say anything ,Then  arjuns gloomy face flashed in her mind.

Suddenly she clutched her jaw, widening her eyes a little making a gloomy face .

" how dare you disobey my order, Why should I have to inform him when I want to go out, don't forget that I'm your boss's wife, do as I say". 

When she said that,  the body guard felt chills all over his body.  He literally thought his boss is infront of him.

" sorry  mam ". He said and put back his phone into his pocket. He opened car door far anju, anju got in without changing . When he closed the door she let out a sign of relief and wiped invisible on her forehead.

What she did just now was a gamble, she didn't expect it to be work . The body guard did as she said.  When they reached the mall few body guards followed her, few of them dispersed into crowd. 

She directly went the shop were she brought lingerie, she turned around said to the bodyguards who seems to follow into the store.

"don't follow me to inside, it will make other ladies uncomfortable, I have to alternate some clothes so it will take some time. You can all me if something happens ". She said with the serious face and left without waiting for his reply.

When she went inside , a sales girl came to her with a smile but anju had other plans.

"excuse me, is their any other exit for this shop ". Anju asked anxiously

" yes, but we use it when new goods are delivered. It's not for customer purpose ". She said with a standard smile.

"please let me use it, my dad don't like my boy friend. He wants me to break up with him. I'm always under his monitoring . Even now also bodyguards are waiting for me outside, I haven't met my boy friend since three months. This is my only chance. My boy friend is waiting in the parking lot now. Please let me use that exit I'll be back in few hours ".
Anju said that in single breath. She made up this story on the way.

" I'm really sorry mam, but I'm not.. "  seeing that she still refusing anju directly stuffed credit card into her hand and said

"34,24,36. Pack everything of this size in your shop . Please let me use that exit OK? ". She said pleadingly

" OK ". The sales girl said and lead her to the other exit. When anju was about to go she said to the sales girls

" do me a favour, pack few  cloths for every 30 or 45 minutes and give them to the bluky man standing right infront of your shop and say that anjali mam said to place them in car , thank you ".

She said and left,  she took a taxi from the main road and went in the direction of the hospital. Their was no traffic on the way she reached the hospital in 30 minutes.

She was familiar with the route, as she came with arjun last time . But she couldn't go straight to the ward like this. So wandered in hospital for 15 minutes then she saw the changing room fortunately it was not locked.  She went in,  their were bed sheets, some nursing equipment, dr coasts etc.  She searched for nurse out fit and changed into it. She put on a face mask and took a basin with spong and towels.

She went to same floor, she saw the guards standing their.  She slowly walked towards them normaly. When she was about to pass by the guards
She heard

" stop" one of the guard stopped her ,

" who are you?, I haven't seen you before ". He said and stood blocking her from moving forward.

Anju's last hope seems to be diminishing.  She could clearly see the the ward but it's still too far to reach.

************************************hi guys, I hope all of you are doing well.

I'm sorry for making you wait, but the reason for late update is,  I wasn't feeling fell. I was suffering from fever, cold, cough and discomfort in eyes.

With the pandemic going around the world ,  I just don't want to take any chances . So I just concentrated on bringing my health back to normal. So I couldn't update it.

The reason I'm telling this is because I don't want you guys to think that I Discountinued or something like that.

My health is good now.

If you guy's come across any mistake which I think you will because I haven't cross checked it .pleased fell free to correct me

Thank you for waiting and for your support

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