chapter 41

"who are you?, I haven't seen you before ". He said and stood blocking her from moving forward.

" I'm a  nurse under training , the head nurse had to attend an emergency case, so she let me give spong bath to the patient " , she explained .

The guards looked at her from top to bottom and nodded ,moving to the side unblocking her path.

Anju slowly walked towards the ward, as she got close her heart started to beat crazily, when she opened the ward door, she was taken back seeing another guard inside the ward.

She doesn't expect arjun to arrange security inside the ward. But she maintained her expression slowly walked to the bed the guard was standing beside the bed watching her movements, he seems to be arranged to monitor visitors.

When she went near the bed and saw the patients face. She let out a cry in her heart,  she haven't seen this face for months. Now looking him laying on the bed. Her heart felt sad happy at the same time . Just want to throw herself  on him and cry loudly, and tell him  everything what happened to her, how much she missed him,  how sad and despair she felt when she thought that he is dead. But she couldn't, she knew arjun has reason to hide this from her so don't want to let him knew that she already aware of his secret.

It was her dad laying on the bed,  breathing.

She never felt so happy in her entire life , her eyes were red, but she didn't want guard to notice her emotions. she immediately started to give him spong bath, gently rubbing het father's body. Her hands were trembling due to excitement. But she controlled it watching his face and accepting the fact that her dad is alive.

She gave spong bath for hour,  she intetensionly made her movements slow wanting to spend more time with her dad. After she was done she held his hand for few seconds and reluctantly let it go. While doing all this, she was been monitored by guard so she can't be obvious. She took the basin and drained it in the sink and left after taking one last look at her father.

She changed back into her dress and took taxi back to the mall. When she reached mall , she immediately went in the same way which she came and reached the store .

When the sales lady saw her ,her face beamed with light.  She hurriedly came to ger and said

" mam I packed everything in our shop, that was in our shop. Just now I sent the last few bags out. Here is your card and bill." she' said and handed her the card and bill.

Anju nodded and just " thank you for the favour ".

" mam it was my pleasure,  please Visit again ". She said and bowed

Anju nodded and went out, immediately guards gathered around her. She looked at them and said

"my shopping is done let's go "
And went in parking lot direction.
Others followed her. When she reached parking lot she saw two more cars waiting with the driver. They are arjuns people. I frowned and asked

" why their are extra two cars here? "

"i called them for carrying shopping bags mam? ".  When he said that I was surprised it would be an understatement because I didn't except that lady to pack so many bags.   I took out bill and looked that total amount, my jaw almost dropped to the floor, the total amount shows

Rs 3,45,890

This is more than the total amount of shopping i have done in last three years. This number was total horror for her. She immediately stuffed it back into her purse or else she will feel guilty for spending money lavishly.

When she was passing by the cars she just took a peek inside the car. Except fir driver seats ,they were stuffed with bags till the roof . Looking at them she just sighed.

It seems that she don't have to go to that shop inner for at least next 10 years.

Anju went home and sorted out new cloths for which she had to rearrange whole section.

She was in very good mood and full of positive vibes.  After knowing about her father's matter anju still has some questions , for that she has to wait for arjun to come back and answer those questions for her.

On the other side, kunal was driving back after dropping kaira at the collage. 

Yes he did that.

Yesterday night he received information about the mission. It said that half of our enemy territory has been destroyed but the leader has not been defeated. If the mission goes on like this MB might return early. After this he can be at peace of mind for some time and have his own happy time with anju.

No one knows how dangerous this mission . With the slightest mistake one's life will be lost.

Hope everything will be fine

With that thought he drove his car towards main house.

Anju was sitting and the sofa, in the living room. She took her phone wanted dail something but she stopped. Thinking the number won't be available anyway.

"are you waiting for AB's text? ".

Suddenly a voice came right beside her ear making her flinch, almost throwing her away . She placed her hand and one her heart  turned and saw kunal smirking at her, she then smacked on arm

" that almost gave me heart attack, can't you make sound when you are coming"

" ouch, why are you hitting me. You can't be rude to me, I'm your guardian for a week and answer my question are you waiting for AB's text? " 

He sat beside her,

" i don't need a man in twenties with the brain of an child to be my guardian , I won't tell you anything "


" now look who is being a child ? Anyway if you are waiting for AB's text then don't. He won't a time to text with you . So if you need any whereabouts AB you have to ask ...."

before he could complete the sentence
Anju's phone rang , it was an international number ,
She hurriedly answered the call and said with excited voice

"hello, arjun"

"it's me" he replied. His voice was hoarse .

Anju was overwhelming with excitement.

" why didn't you call me before ?"

"I'm sorry ". He apologized instead of answering her question.

"hum" .realizing that he don't want to answer she just hummed.

" are you good their? ". She wanted to ask are you safe and sound their but changed her words.

"are you worried about me? ". Anju can Imagine that slight smile on his lips right now.

" yes ". She answered honestly . Their was moment of silence

"angel I miss you ". Arjun said suddenly .

"then you have to finish your work and come back as soon as possible ". 

Anju chocked in the end and realized she crying. She didn't know why she cried, but she tried to control it.

"angel do you miss me? ".

" yes, anrjun i miss you. Please come back soon OK? ". In End the she blurted out her inner thought and heard a happy laughter from the phone.

"angel I'm very happy ". 

"baby just few days I'll be back,  wait for me OK.?".

"OK, I'll be waiting for you ". She said.
They stayed in line for three minutes not talking anything just listening to each other's breath.

" i have to go now ". Arjun said.

"OK, be safe bye ". With that anju hung up the phone.

With this call anju wad more energetic, turned to kunal and said

"see, I don't need to ask you about arjun, my husband personally called me to inform ". 

For which kunal raised hands in surrender, looking at this anju become more proud.

"since I'm in good mood,, tell me what you want I'll cook for you ". Later they both started cooking.

By both i mean anju cooking ,kunal tasting it.

At the same time in the total opposite side of the world.

Arjun was looking at the phone which of black  now.  He can feel his angel change through phone and it's a positive change.

At this time all he want to do is take her in his arms hug her, kiss her.

But it's not the time yet.

" boss , we are here ". His man informed when they reached the destination.

They have attacked and destroyed most of their territory and captured most of his people. But the leader and his brother were missing.

According to the information,  his brother Dima has been escaped and leader Maxim is hiding in the secret hideout's. 

That's why arjuns team is  here while dhruv headed to location with separate team , they stopped in a distance and surrounded the building they could see the people guarding the building through binoculars, so slowly moving towards it .

They sneak in the  building after dealing with the guards and started attacking opposite men who were guarding inside the house. Arjun and his men were wearing bullet proof jackets,  they were also using silencer guns so when they are dealing with one men others where not alerted,

Arjun lead the team , when everyone in the corridor  was dealt with, they checked each and every room. They didn't find the leader. But arjun recheck every room he found a odd looking wall. He knocked on the wall it sounded different like it's a hallow she'll. So first he shot the wall with a bullet, it went through it, then everyone shot the wall Spontaneously in a door shape  and knocked it down.

It lead to the secret passage, arjun and few of them went inside while others stayed out. Passage had lights what's inside the passage was open luxurious room and Maximwas sitting on the comfy looking couch while holding a glass of wine.

He was not surprised when he saw arjun, like he had excepted it to happen.

"where is your brother? " arjun asked after not finding him in the room

"arjun...arjun.. I under estimated you ". He said completely ignoring arjuns question.

" but don't think that you have won, I have prepared a surprise for you. You will like it , I will never give you satisfaction of killing me ".

With that he took out gun from his sock before anyone could react he shot arjun in heart and next he shot himself in head ending his life.

Arjun was always on alert, when he shot he avoided it but it was close range shot it still shot him on his shoulder where their was no safety suit. He wanted to stop the opposite party from committing suicide but because of the shot on the shoulder he couldn't .

He got dhruv message stating that he couldn't find his brother or the leader.
They had only two hideouts according to the information give by our spy.
If his brother is not in either of the hideouts, where he might be. Arjun couldn't help but think.

After everything was over, they returned to the base ,doctor was called to deal with arjuns wound .  Dhruv was sitting beside him. After doctor left

" so what's we are gonna do next? ".
Dhruv asked him

" first  select eligible men from our secret force and make arrange few posts on their eligibility".

" Dimitri will take  care of the rest ".
Arjun said massaging in eye brows

"do you really plan to make him in-charge here?.  I mean he was once second in command of Maxim.?"

Dhruv asked in unsure tone, even though most of the information they got was given by him , he don't trust him.

" i have kept an eye on him for two years,  even though he did some I'll  legal things, but those never hurt common people, that's where he came into dis agreement with maxim and helped us so it's him ".

"OK then, I'll do it now . You should take some rest, ".  He said ane about to go

"dhruv " arjun called him back.

"huh? "

" we still didn't know where his brother is,  their is still hidden danger let our men be in alert".


The room was fell into dead silent. Arjun closed his eyes, all he could see was his angels face.

He took out his phone intended to call her but saw the time thinking that it will be night time he gave up the idea and slept.

Hi guys

First time I tried to write  action scene and realised its not my cup of tea 😅.

So I tried to write a rough view about action scene.
Tell me how was the chapter, and feel free to point out any mistakes.

Guys please vote, It gives me motivation.

Thank you.

