Chap 9

"Mum! I'm going out!" You yelled from downstairs. As you see black ferrari arrives, he's walking out of the car. He's wearing black suit with his hair on the fleek. He's smiling at you as he leans at the car.

"You're ready?"

"Yes. I'm."

He open the door for you like a gentleman. "Thank you." You said, as you're acting like you're the first lady. "No problem, princess." He said and closed the door. He walks as he goes to the driver side and get into the car.

"I bet your parents saw us."

"Yes. They tease me all the way home... I'm just sitting at the back and blushed. I feel stupid." You said. He's laughing at you. You know you always end up staring at him everytime he smile or laugh. When he laughs, you never know it's going to be your favorite sound.

"My parents are the same. Especially, Halston. He kept saying that she wants you to be his sister in law. He even told my parents bout the kiss... I want to kill him." He's mad again at Halston. Probably these two are having hate and love relationship.

"For real? Just ignore him and don't kill him. He's nice, anyway..." You said. "I won't but, he hits me on the nerve sometimes. I can't stand him and my inner killer self kept asking me to kill him instead." He said. "Do you know, Damian and Darren? I mean the Dysons brother." He groaned and, his expression changes.

"Don't ever metioned their name. I'll let you know once I tell you everything about me, first."

"But, I know you're a vampire."

"There's more than that, Helena."

He speeds up the car speed this time. You don't know whether to be glad or scared of this car is so fucking fast but, there's a chance you're going to crash. "Okay." You said, quietly.

We finally arrive at the venue. When you reach the restaurant, it's some gothic type of restaurant and you have never ever seen it before.

"Where are we?" You asked. "My hometown." You rubbed your eyes. You realised that you're at the different side of the world. Everyone here is so pale and they're wearing all black outfit. Some of their eyes colour are out of the world and you wonder if that's really their eye colour. Can you believe seeing people with violet, turquoise or, a freaking red eyes colour.

"I know this is your first time here. But, don't worry, I'm here." He said as you're walking hand in hand with him to the restaurant. He pulled the chair for you and then, he takes his seat. "So, what do you want for the order?" A girl with violet eyes and light green hair said. "Do you have menu?"

"Oh, here it's,miss."

You take the menu from her and you flip through it. You look up and stared at Harlyn. He's still busy, with his phone. "Harlyn?" You said. "So, what do you want to eat?" He asked and put his phone back in the his trousers pocket. "I have no idea."

"Can we have mango juice and, caesar salad? For two? I'll let you know if we want to order other things."


"Are you like? Suprised? You look pale as you open the menu book."He said.

"Yeah, a little... Some of it are normal to me but, sweet blood drink? Is that what you always get here?" He nodded. "I don't eat or sleep like normal human being... I mean, yeah, we only need blood to makes us feel... I can say, alive." That's creepy but, you know that's what vampire usually have. You love paranormal book and, now, you're dating a vampire.

"Oh, okay. I'm just curious."

"Is it okay if I bring you to my place? My parents want to meet you." He said. You almost choked on your mango juice. "R-r-really? I mean, I-I am not ready."

"I'll let them know later." He said. "Harlyn, I want to meet them but, I don't think I'm ready to meet them, this soon...." From his face expression, you know he's upset at what you said.
