Chap 27

"Can we go now?" Harlyn said. "Yeah."
You're now heading to Japan for the honeymoon. You wave at your family also Harlyn's family. "This is your first time being apart with them?"

"Yes. I'm such a cry baby."

"No, you're not. I get it, you're a girl."
You nod, in agreeance. "Let's hope we survived this. I hate going on the plane."

Once you get in and take your seat, Harlyn leaned at you as he put his head on your shoulder. "Are you scared?" You asked. He takes your hand and hold it. "Yes. I act tough and all, but, this is my weakness. If only, I could fly..."

"I see. But, there's nothing wrong if you're not that tough. It's okay you can tell me anything, including your weakness. It's one of the way to get to know you better, Harlyn..." He smiled. He squeezed your hand and you did the same thing. "I'm going to close my eyes. If we're finally on the cloud nine, tell me."

He close his eyes and you can't help but laugh. He's so adorable when he's scared. "Miss, what would you like to have?" The stewardess asked. "Orange juice would be fine. Make it two." She takes the cup and fill it with the orange juice. "Here."

"Thank you."

"Hey. Wake up. I got this for you."

His eyes slowly open and take the drink from you. He looks exhausted but, at least you know he's doing fine because of his aerophobia.


A few hours later, you're arrive in Japan with the love of your life. "We gotta find our luggage then let's just sleep whole day."

"No. I'm going out today and I've been dying to come here. We only stay here like for, 6  days. Then, I've to go to work and I'm going to be busy as fuck. Harlyn, can you please, listen to me this time? I know you love me. Right?? Pretty please... " He sighed. He's still pushing the luggage cart and "Fine. I won't let you travel alone."

"My love!" He said, as he's throwing himself on the king size bed. "You're not tired. I know." He's already lie on the bed, with his head on the pillow and completely shut his eyes.

"Seriously Harlyn?? Let's go!!"

You try to drag him from the bed but he's too strong even though you did it by using your all strength. You find yourself giving up to compel him.

"Nevermind. Bye!"

As soon as you close the door, you can hear he's yelling  behind you and "WAIT!!" You stop walking once you're in front of the lift. "Don't tell me you're mad at me?" You ignored him. "Is this a silence treatment?"
You remain silent. No talking, also no that body language sign. You're just, keep quiet.

"Talk to me."

"Hi." You said. You can see he's about to say something but you turn your head to the right. "Let's play a mini game." He said. He gives you the coin and ask you to flip it. "If it's tail, you're going to talk to me. If it's head, I'm going to kiss you. Right here."

"This sounds, uh a bit stupid."

"Just do it. Flip it."

"Okay. Shit, it's head."

"Huh! Got you!!"

He did it without any hesitation. As, you can feel it's getting intense, you pulled back from him. As the lift door open and you're at the lobby now, an old woman is staring at both of you. "Gomen-ne (sorry)." You said, politely. The old woman smile at you and "Young love. It's okay." You smile back at her.

"That was awkward."

"It's not. Why?"

"I mean, we're in Japan. We have to behave though.."

He smiled. "It's not like you don't want to be seen with me? You told me that you're lucky to have me. Just, show them off..."

"I have to say I'm agree with you. But, behave, home boy. I get that you, always have the urge to do that freaking thing. Chill out and we'll discuss about it... Deal??"

"Okay, princess."
