Chap 29

As you reached the house, you know your mum going to ask you tons of questions why. But, she's nowhere to be found.

"Why everything, are so messed up?"

You said to yourself. You're hoping that, the power of love can control everything but reality will never let it win. No matter how hard you try.

"Honey. Are you in there?" It's your mum. "Yea." You open the door and see her holding a cup of tea. "I guess you need this." You take the cup from her. "I don't want to talk about it, but, I'm sorry it has to end this way."


"Because, it's, he's going to get married soon with a girl that his family had actually chose for him. They thought that the marriage is cancelled but, its not."

"Its not your fault, mum. I should've known. I feel like I'm just a fool that's in love then boom, I have to raise my very first child alone. I thought that he's going to choose to be with me...."
You sighed.

Your mum nod at you and "Yeah. I get it. Honey, you have us. You're not alone in this."

She's right as always. But, the thought of, not having a husband or father while your child growing up, breaks your heart. You never choose to have this life. "Mum. Isn't it going to be hard? Probably he's going to ask his father." Your mum looked away. She put your hand in hers. "I know. Don't worry, we, will get through this. I admit it's not going to be easy."

"This is so unfair."

"I knew about this a week before the wedding." You looked up as you turn your head, looking at her. "Why you don't tell me? It's better off if we stop the wedding."

"Some things are better left unsaid."

The words hit you just right on you. "But, mum, it would be so much better if you tell me it. I don't care about the wedding getting cancel. I'm freaking pregnant right now. Don't you think you better said it rather than keeping it from me??"

She gives you a hug. She knows you need it. "Yes. Honey, you're so happy with him. I don't want to take that away from you. Your happiness. You will never understand this, Helena. Even if you do, you're still clueless."

You're an adult. You hate how people think that it's better off to keep it rather than seeing others hurt because of the truth. Comforting someone with a lie isn't  good either."Night mum."

Its been 2 years after that day, your little boy is here with your family. You named him "Harlyn".

"Harlyn!! Dinner is ready!" You said. It took you awhile to get over what happened. You're still recovering from your major heart ache.

It's the truth that, no matter how much you loved someone and keep holding on, if it's not going to work, it's not. Reality is cruel for certain people.

"Yes mum!!" He said, from his room. You're in the kitchen with your mum. Your dad is already at the dining room. Hadrian and Harris came over again to the house. "Uncle Had and Uncle Har !" That's what he called them. You have no idea who give that nickname, probably himself.

"Oh hey cutie." Hadrian said. You can see the sadness in his eyes as you look at him. He's got married at the young age but, he doesn't have any children. You don't know much bout them but, you heard that he's going to adopt a child.

"So, Helena, how's it?" Harris said. Your mum glanced at him before your finally bawling your eyes out and cursed at him. "Good. Life has been treating me so well. I'm glad I've got this cutie to be there for me. It's his loss he left me." You said. "Who left you, mum?" He looked up innocently. "Oh, it's a guy. You don't have to know." He mouthed 'ohh'.

"I blame you, Harris." Your dad said. Harris doesn't say anything. "Sorry." He said. "I don't get it where the hell you got that stupidity." Hadrian added. You glared at him. Whe he said that, he seems like he's trying to, stir up the situation. "Hadrian." You said.
"Fine. Sorry. I just hate it when someone bring up about something, that's personal, indirectly."
