Chap 8

"Where's your dress? Let me pay for it." You give him the dress that you just choose and follow him to the counter. "The total is 400$"

"Okay. Here it's." He said, calmly. You had a minor heart attack when you heard that. "Let me just pay for what's mine if I know you pay that much...." You whispered to him. "It's fine. It's nothing."

"Damn, you rich, boi."

"I know." He whispered in your ear. "Elena, let's go!" You saw Halston waves from the distance. But, you're still waiting for Harlyn. You can't help but stare at him, again. "Helena? Come on." He said, as he holds your hand. "Yeah..."

"I didn't know you bought your stuff at H&M..." You added.

"So, do you think that we've our own store? Like, a vampire store? Where they're only like sell the black colour clothes?" He said.

"Yeah, why not?? Isn't that cool?"

"It's but, that's lame." He said, and turn his direction to his brother, that's in front of him. "Helena! Tell me more about you!" He said, excitedly. He's like the opposite of Harlyn. Halston looks like a happy go lucky, kinda a guy. He can't stop humming, whatever the song it's."What do you want to know?"

"How do you guys met each other?"

You can see Harlyn rolled his eyes but, since Halston asks you, you have to answer it anyway. "I'm going to make it short and simple. I went for a walk and then a guy bumped into me. I was already on the floor and he just left me. Your caring brother came up to me and offer a help."

"Aww, that's sweet."


"I'm glad he's there to help me, Hals."

Both of them exchanged look. "Did, you just called me Hals? Aww, Helena, you're something else. His exes, they never called me that during the first meet. Harlyn, you should take care of her. She's precious. You're lucky to have her, Harl. What a lucky dude. " He looked away as he tries to hide a smile. "Really? I mean, you're friendly, it's kinda easy for me to open up."

"Honestly, I'm not. I'd act like I'm cold as stone if I saw a girl with him. But, when you're with him, you're nothing like a trouble or you're fake or whatever I call it, but, you're lowkey scare me." He said. "Scare you? Why?"

"You're confident but, still a little bit shy... But, you're not that acting shy girl but actually a bitch. I can see you're being yourself. I like that and no wonder, he's in love with you." He added. "That's so nice of you to say that... Awww."

"Helena!!" Yes, that's your mum voice, again, she's yelling at you. That's one of her daily routine though. "I gotta go... Bye!" You said. "Wait." Harlyn said. You turned around and raised your eyebrows. "What?"

He kissed you on your forehead and "See you tonight, babe." He whispered. Everytime he whispers at you, it gives you some typa of goosebumps. It gives you chill and he doesn't even know how fast your heartbeat, beats for him when you're near him. "Okay. Love you." You said, and hugged him. "Love you more."

"What. Was. That? O! M! G!"

Drama queen is back, aka your mama. "It's just, uh, nothing." You said, try not to blush in front of her. "I saw that. I saw THAT." Here comes your dad. "Mum. Dad. You're embrassing me." You said. They share a laughter and look at you. "It's just so nice to see you're happy like this."

You've never been in a serious relationship. Even the previous one, your parents know bout it but, you never show it off at the public. "Yes, and, when's the wedding?" Your mum added. "Mum. Can we not talk bout that yet? You know, there's no-

"We know the Hunters, honey. Don't worry bout that... " Dad said. He knows what are you trying to say. He even gives that smile of hope that says 'I'll be there. To support you'

"Thanks dad."

"You deserve to be happy. We missed that smile. We missed our happy little daughter back then. I guess, it is finally the time for that."
