Chap 18

As he left you alone, you can feel someone reach for your hand. "Why did you met him? What you just did? Helena!" He yelled at you. You were startled as you see him start to yell at you but you remain as calm as you can. "I just came here for a walk then he came up to me. We just talk... And my question is, why you're here?"

"I have to keep an eye for you. I'm your guardian and, stop saying that you can take a good care of yourself because I know you can't. If you want to meet him, do tell me first. You never know what is he going to do. At you. Fine, go spend your time alone.."

You don't want him to think that you're such a burden."Sorry." You said but he's nowhere to be seen. You take out your phone from your purse.

"Please be back home. NOW."

You run as fast as you can to shorten the time to go back home. You never thought Halston text you and it sounds urgent.

"GUYS! I'M HOME!" You said, but no one is there to answer it. The house is a mess and the sofa was rippen off. "SHIT!" You run towards the kitchen but no one is there until you heard someone is screaming from Hadrian's room.

"GO AWAY! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE HERE!" You gulped. You're still hiding between the cabinet at the living room. "I'LL NEVER! UNTIL I KILL HIM! HARLYN!" It's Damian.

Your heart beats getting faster. All you want to do is run but, you're afraid that Harlyn is going to DIE. The what ifs questions start to makes give you anxiety. You leave the house once you realised it's not safe. You use the back door to go out of the house. You dial his number but nothing.

"Harlyn.... Please. Pick it up, Harlyn!" You said, as you get into the cab. You try to text him as well but, still, he doesn't reply. You take a really deep breath and hold yourself from crying. "Thank you." You said and pay the driver. "Dad?" You said as you walk into his office room. "I'll call you back." He said, as he saw you.

"Mija! I'm so glad you came here. I'm so worried and your mum currently at Mr Hunter's house. I know, Hadrian, he's still trying to settle, whatever argument it's with Damian but, he'll be fine. For tonight, you have to stay at Hadrian's house. Halston, he's going to pick you and Harlyn, we don't know where he's but I'll tell you if we found him, okay??" He said.

You're still shaking after what you've saw moment ago."Helena? Can we go now?" You give your dad a hug as you follow Halston from behind. "I'm sorry. I shouldn have let you know before you get back home... About Harlyn, I'll send you to his secret place."

"It's fine. I get it, you're trying to help me.." You nodded.

"Where are we??"

"At the garden. I call this place 'HH' because Harlyn always go to this place everytime he has a problem..." It's a beautiful place and you know it's not from somewhere that you live. You can't help but admire, the beauty of it and you caught Halston that's still looking at you."Hals? Hey?? Do you hear me???"You said to him. "I'm sorry. Let's go and find your boyfriend.."

"Harlyn?" Both of you are walking into the cave. You can see a figure is sitting by the lake and "Why is she here?" He said. "Well, this is for her safety? Why do you look angry? Aren't you guys literally in love??"

He only look at you and turned his back to you. He's hurting. You want run into his arms but, he's still mad at you. "I told you to leave me and spend your time on your own. You don't need me. Did you know that how fucking worry of me when I saw you talking with him??? If only I know its going to be this complicated... If only I know that, being in love isn't as easy as it's going to be?"

You're still standing behind him and remains silent. You know you're wrong but, somehow, it makes you sad as he's not that sweet Harlyn that you know."I know it's my fault. You've the right to be harsh and act that way. I should've known too and I'll leave you alone and never come back. If that's what you want...."
