Chap 10

"I understand."

During the date, both of you don't even talk to each other. You keep glancing at him. He only looks down at his phone screen. You start to feel guilty. "Hey. I'm sorry that I just makes you upset." You said.

"It's fine."

That's it. He doesn't even try to make the conversation longer. He only said just one or two of words. "Thank you sir. Do come again." A cashier said. He walks in front of you. He keeps walking without looking at you.

"Follow me."You nodded. It's a male voice and the way he grab you by the arms somehow makes you groan in pain.

"Helena? Helena! HELENA XAVIER!"

You can hear Harlyn's voice from where you're standing. "Hello. We finally meet each other. I'm Damian Byson." He said. THAT NAME. You want to scream but, he's a werewolf. He can sense your fear and you might get killed. "Hey. Why we're here?"

"I just want to have a little conversation. I know you're Harlyn's girlfriend but, is it wrong if I want to be your friend?" You shakes your head. "No. I guess... Not sure about that... "

"Damian!" You turned around and you see Halston. "Oh, Halston! Are we having a mini reunion here?" He said. Halston only look at you and both of you had eye contact. Little did you know, you can read his mind as you and him staring at each other's eyes.

"Harlyn will come here to save you."

"A reunion? Is this a joke?" He said. Damian looks a bit irritated. He starts to howl and then another guy came up. He's shirtless and wearing a black skinny leather jeans. "Thank you, Darren for coming." He said and pat on that guy's shoulder. When you're about to walk, you can feel someone's hands on your waist.

By that time, you know it's Harlyn.

He asked you to hold on him as he runs sprightly. You're back in his car again. His hand is still holding yours. "I'm sorry. I just put you in a danger this time.... "  You let go of his hand as you pull him into a hug. "No you're not. I'm fine now. I know you're always there for me."

"I almost lost you. You know, he's not a guy you can be friend with." You gave him a nod, to show that you really know what is he trying to say. "Listen. I finally agree to meet your parents."

His face brighten up as he smiles at you. "What about tomorrow?" He said, impatiently. "Can you be like more, uh, considerated? That's too soon. Oh yeah, I forgot that you're not a pure human being..." You said, trying not to laugh. "So, you change your mind? Can you please meet them for me? Pretty please." He pouted while he gives you that puppy eyes.

"I was just joking! Can you be like more, relax? Don't take things seriously?? Harlyn, I know you're a serious person but, the night is still young." He bury his face on your shoulder. "Wait, are you crying?" You can feel cold tears drop on your skin.

"Is it bad that I cry even though I don't why?"

"No, it's totally fine. But, man up. You're a vampire and, I get it why you're not sure how does you really feel..."You said. He wipe his tears as soon as you release him from the hug.

"Aww, you're so cute." You said. You caught him blushing. Then, he showed off his fangs at you. "Oooh, from cute to fierce, real quick!" He gave a loud, but manly, kinda laugh. "I never thought my boyfriend would be a freaking vampire. I feel like I'm dreaming."

"Do you want me to slap you?"

"No! But, I let you pinch me on my cheeks."

"Sure. Let me do that. Comes closer."

He pinch your cheeks. You find yourself giggling as he's trying to make cute face. "Okay. Okay. Can we go now?" He grinned at you. "Tell me. Urm, so, how fast you want it to be?"
"As quick as you can."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Hey! THAT'S SO-


