Chap 13

Your dad finally leaves the room after your mum called him.

"Mr Hunter!" You heard your dad's voice from downstairs. You started to feel nervous and your palm is already sweating...

"Helena??" It's him. "Give me a second." You open the door and he's there, right in front of you, looking good as always.

"Hey, handsome."

"Hey,you're not so bad too. I mean, you look drop dead gorgeous in whatever you're wearing though... Don't you realised that?" You blushed.
"Let's go." You nod and take his hand.

"Hello lovebirds." A woman with her hair in braided bun style and her eyes exactly like Harlyn's eyes. It must be his mum. "I'm Helena. Nice to meet you."She smiled at you."I know, sweetie. I'm Selene Hunter,anyway... Now I know why he likes you so much, Helena."

"Let's get down to our business. Shall we?" Harlyn's dad said. "Sure. So, when is the date??" Your mum, excitedly said but everyone is still remain silent. "Oh, sorry for being so-

"It's okay, Mrs Xavier. I'm so so excited for them too!! I can't wait to be a grandma!" She said, breaking the awkward silence between all of you. She did that 'fake sobbing' but of course, a mum would be so emotional if their children got married.

"Oh yeah! Oh I can't wait to choose the dress for the wedding!" You looked at your mum. You cover your face with your hands to hide the embrassment.

You can see your dad obviously faking his laugh while, Halston and Harlyn, only smile at your mum. "We'd love to, if you want to be our wedding planner." Harlyn said.

"Oh, honey, you'd be satisfied with the outcome!"

"Can I cut in?" Mr Hunter finally spoke. "So, I know that, you're half vampire also half human, Helena. But, I think it'd be more safer if we have a secret wedding instead. The Byson probably waiting for their chance to stop the wedding." You started to feel worried.

Yes, you met Damian and also Darren yesterday. You're scared that they are going to do something that you're not capable of. Harlyn place his arm around your waist and "I'm here. I'll protect you, no matter what it cost. I'll be here, forever, with you. You can rely on me, Helena." He whispered.

When you're about to look him in the eye, he looked away. You smile at him and you never thought that someone side profile would be this perfect.

"I know you're staring at me."

"Shut up." You said, quietly.

"Okay, I agree with you as if that's how it going to be. I'll make sure the other vampire clans are going to be here too, for the secure protection. Just incase, they sneaked in even if we can sense their existence. Well, we may not get along with the werewolves clan but I hope we can solve whatever that's past. We need to make a peace with them." Your dad said. "I hope this wedding went well."
He added again.

He gives you 'you'll be fine' look. Dad has been a perfect dad for you. You never thought the man you're living with is actually a vampire. "Yea, I guess that's it." You can feel Mr Hunter is looking at you. "Stop it. I'm ticklish." You whispered to Harlyn but guess he'll never listened to you.

"Son, get a room." He said. Mr Hunter's expression change real fast. He looks like he wants to kill you a second ago but then, he acts like a cool dad. Do the vampire always had this 'expression swing' as in 'mood swing'? Sounds creepy but, quite interesting. "Dad. I want to make it special for both of us. If you say that again, I'm going home."

"That's rude." Halston said as everyone shares the laughter. "I'm not, just saying what my mind told me to...." Halston grab your hand and pulled you away with him. "Where are we going?!" You said. "Halston!" Harlyn said while try to follow up from behind. "Kids always like that. Don't be embrassed." Selene said. "I just hope both of them don't fall for the same girl."

"Not gonna. Trust me." Selene added as she pat Mr Hunter on the shoulder.

"Shall we have a dinner now?"

"Yes. Sure."
