Chap 20

"Damian! Stop!" Mr Hunter yelled. Few hours ago, Hadrian and Damian yelled at each other at the house. But, now, Damian, came to Mr Hunter's house and start the chaos again.

"I can't! Harlyn need to back off! She's mine and, no one can take her away from me." He said, start to howl.

"Before you kill him, you need to kill me first. Can you just stop being a total dumbass? She likes Harlyn and only him. I will never let you touch her without my permission... " Hadrian said. "What? Obviously, all of you are using her. Clearly that Harlyn only need her because of what you just did in the past, Mr Hunter!"

"Damian. Stop. This. Whatever shit, you're doing. RIGHT NOW!" Darren came just right on time when Damian, about to punch Hadrian in his face.

"You should help me, idiot!" Darren pushed Damian right on the wall. Damian try to hit him back but, he can't as he starts to bleed. "Stop! I had enough of the bullshits! We need to make a peace. Mr Hunter didn't killed our dad! Hadrian was one of the witness.... " He said. "He will never believed me, Darren."

"Darren? Oh, so you and Hadrian, finally friends? I can't stand seeing you, try to be kind like this... What kinda of trick you've planned??" Damian said, and had that evil smirk on his face.

Without waiting any longer, Darren slap him and "Yes, I'm. I'm always that kind one. Unlike you and you've changed. You're no longer that Damian.... Please, listen to me. Damian, you only know the half truth and half lie. But, that's the truth you need to know. Mr Hunter didn't killed him!"

In split seconds both of them dissappear. Once you arrive, everyone seems bothered and also tired in the same time. You don't know what exactly just takes the place...

"My daughter!" Your mum said. She was crying on Selene's shoulder but, she stop after she saw you. "I'm okay, mum..." You said. You try to convince her that you're perfectly fine but, she begins crying again and hug you real tight. You could barely breathe but, you know, she's afraid to lose you.

"I'll go talk to the Dyson... Hadrian, you're coming?" Your dad said. While everything goes back to normal, you see Halston walking out of the house as he slammed the main door.

"Halston! Wait!" You said. "What do you want, Helena?? Go take some rest and stop worrying about me. I'm good." Harlyn probably watching you from far. "Can I hug you?" You asked. "No. My brother going to kill me unfortunately again..." He said and "No he's not. I want to hug you. Not you..."

He nodded as he agree with it. "Thank you." You said to him. He put his head on yours and "Don't thank me. I need to help those who need my service. That's it." He said. "Why it feels so warm to hug you?"

"I don't know but uh-

You slowly remove your arms that wrap around him and see he's actually blushing."What was that red cheeky you've got?" You said,  teasing him. "If I tell you why, you're going to distant yourself from me. I don't want to ruin your relationship with Harlyn..."

"Just tell me."

"Actually, on the first day we met, I already like you. I love your aura and how unique your scent are. But, Harlyn got you first and he's lucky though... I wish that you're not that pretty so that I don't find myself falling for you... But, too bad, you're such a gorgeous girl I ever met in my life.... Harlyn is made for you and you're belong to him. I made a promise that I'm not going to involve into this relationship... What's the most important for me is, your happiness... If you're happy, then I'm... That matter to me. I'm not telling this so that you leave Harlyn but, honesty is the best policy."

"I appreciate your honesty. It's hard to do it as I'm your brother's girlfriend but thank you for being so understanding. Halston, trust me, when the time comes, you'll meet that girl that's perfect for you. Honestly, you're the best guy friend I ever had. I realised bout that as soon as you keep teasing me but I ignore because you like to, uh, joking around... "

"I've to go now." He said.
