For Sara (Cameron Dallas)

*Your Pov*

I had just gotten off the plane. I just wore a tank top, hoodie and sweat pants on the plane ride here so I was in deseperate need of changing my clothes. I grabbed my bag and walked to the ladies' restroom.

I took out a floral top and a pair of yellow shorts. I changed into that then put my long brown hair into a high pony tail. I changed out of my uggs into a pair of navy blue converse. Once I was finished with that I picked up my stringbag and my suitcase then left.

I looked around the entire airport until I spotted the one face I have been waiting forever to see. My bestfriend. Cameron Dallas. We have been friends since forever but then he moved. But we stayed in contact.

Today was a big day though. Today was his first day at magcon. I mean I was happy for him when he first told me but I was extremely excited when he invited me along! I mean I couldn't believe this especially since I love all the boys he's gonna be with. Cam and these boys are gonna be a handful luckily I wont be here for long...... I don't think so at least. I'll have to ask him.

Once he saw me he ran over to me. I flung into his arms and hugged him extremely tight. I missed my bestfriend way more than anyone would or could ever think.

"I truly missed you," He said into my hair.

I giggled and kissed his cheek. "I missed you too but let's get in the car. I wanna see the boys!!"

"You rather see some random guys over me? Well then...." He gave me the hand and made a fake hurt expression while putting his other hand over his heart.

We both knew he can't stay mad at me for long so we started bursting into laughing. I couldn't help it at all. Once we calmed down I grabbed my bag and raced him out to the car. Sadly, he won but the winner had to carry the loser around the hotel so I guess I'm the winner in the end. We got into the car and the ride was so looooooong. I litterally wanted to kill myself because the heat here was killing me. And then just how silent the ride was.

The minute we arrived I jumped out the car and kissed the ground. Like seriously I kissed the ground. I wiped my tongue quickly because I had gotten dirt in my mouth. Then I heard a mix of laughs that I have never heard in person before. I looked up to see about nine boys staring at me and I quickly jumped up and wiped off my clothes.

"I didn't know a girl was gonna be joining us," Brent, I think it was, said.

"What? Can't handle a girl being with eleven boys or so? Because I can tell you now try anything against me and I will make sure you guys wont have a future that involves children in it." I smirked.

Cam then came around over to us with a bunch of bags in his hands. "Ignore her. At least that's what I do. She acts like that alot because she's used to being around just boys."

They nodded.

I smiled, "I'm Sara and this is Cam. Cam if you didn't know that is Nash, Matt, Jack Johnson, Brent, Taylor, Carter, JC, Jack Gilinsky, Hayes, Aaron and Shawn."

They looked stunned that I knew their names. I just shrugged and took my bags into the hotel then went over to the elevator. I pushed the button and went up to the floor. Cam had told me the room numbers and floor. Him, Nash, Taylor and I are sharing a room. That should be so much fun. Not.

Im stuck in the loudest room possible. I chose mine and Cam's bed. It was the one closest to the window and then I put my stuff in my drawers and made sure there was room for Cam's and the others. I sat on the bed and within fifteen minutes the boy finally came up. Six of them had a bag that was most likely one of Cam's since he packed for like four months.

"How'd you know our names?" Nash asked.

"Umm......vine and youtube? Only cause I act like "one of the guys" doesn't necessarily mean I won't fangirl over you ten or twelve or how ever many you are boys. I am still a girl."

"Good point."

"I know. Hence why I made that point. Now I already unpacked so you all can unpack and then we can watch some movies until it's time."

It took them about thirty minutes to unpack. Then we went into the living room and I sat on Cam's lap considering all these boys took up all and any space there was left. Of course, they decided on watching some horror movie. So we ended up watch "You're Next" like three times. Appearantly they find it funny to scare me. Every time I got scared I jumped and kinda elbowed Cam in a place no boy would want to be elbowed in. But in all fairness it is not my fault.

I decided on not changing because well I was lazy. They thought it'd be a great idea to bring me along downstairs with them so I did. I sat in an extra seat beside Cam's and was just playing on my phone. I got alot of glares from girls and I was pretty close to hurting someone. What really ticked me off was when some petite brunette girl who clearly was a cheerleader made a comment.

"What a slut....." She said.

"Look who's talking." I replied.

She turned and faced me. "What did you just say?"

"I said look who's talking. You don't know me. So don't call me a slut when we all know you are the one who probably slept with half your school football team and if you ever got a chance to you would sleep with all these boys not caring for their feelings. So how about you hop back into that line and stay out my face." I said standing right infront of her.

"And who invited you here? Or did you stalk them?"

"Sorry to disappoint you hun. But Cam invited me. We have been friends since I was born. Yeah he's three years older than me but he's always been an older brother to me. So don't be jealous. Now hop on into the line so you can go back to where you came from and sleep with more guys. I've had enough of you." I sat down but then she decided to slap me. I was about to lunge at her until Cam came up behind me and held me back with his arms around my waist.

"Aww poor baby can't fight her own fights....." she mocked.

"Cameron let go of me! Let me just punch her once!"

"Sara no. Not now and not here. Calm down please." Cam said in a soothing voice.

"She called me a slut! I'm not gonna calm down. But know what. I'll let the slut have it her way. I'm going back upstairs into the room. Don't be surprised if I'm not there when you return." I got out his grip and ran up the stairs to my room. I heard them calling for me but I didn't care nor paid attention. Cam just took that girl's side and he didn't even care.

I packed all my clothes into my bag. I'm leaving in the morning. After a while I decided on watching the rest of magcon from my laptop. Pretty soon it ended and the boys came up. I had locked the door. The only way they could come in was from one of the other rooms. I guess Cam knew I was mad at him because he hasn't came in yet. But then I heard a knock.

"Who is it?"

"Who do you think it is?" The voice said.

Well someone is sassy.

I sighed and unlocked the door opening it a bit. "What do you want Taylor?"

"For you to go talk to Cam. He feels really bad. He wont stop whining and complaining and it's killing me!!! Please go talk to him."

I sighed and nodded. I followed Taylor to the hotel room across from ours. I saw Cam there in tears. Once he looked at me we instantly hugged. This is how we normally made up after an argument. I couldn't be happier at this moment in time.

Somehow I ended up falling asleep in Cam's arms into a peaceful sleep.

~Next Morning~

I woke up and knew that none of the boys would want to cook. I decided on making some pancakes. Within ten minutes of cooking the pancakes all the boys were awake. Some were waiting in the dining area talking while the others were watching tv or changing. Once I was done I settled the plate of pancakes on the table and allowed them to dig in. We were all sitting around a table and I made sure to have various toppings out.

I gave Cameron the look and he nodded as he lifted his phone up a bit higher. I smiled and saw none of the boys were paying attention. I quickly put some whip cream into my hand and waited until I finally decided on who I was gonna do it too. I looked at Cam and then nodded into the direction. He caught my drift and nodded.

I leaned over the table and spoke to Brent, "heyy what'd you have on your pancakes today?"

"Umm....why? I mean you were sitting right across from me," he said a bit confused.

I had my hand behind my back and some boys noticed what I was gonna do.

"Hey Brent can you come closer you have something on your face." I smiled innocently.

"Where?" He was extremely confused now.

"Come here and I'll show you."

He leaned over the table.

"Smack cam!!" I yelled while slapping him and the boys laughed.

"Wave hi to the camera," I said pointing over to Cam.

"I hate you guys...." he mumbled.

We all died laughing and I somewhat regretted doing that. Because of me starting that a whole smack cam war broke out. I was definitely enjoying this.

Hope you liked this imagine. I honestly just typed as it came to me(: It was amazing writing this one I truly enjoyed writing this one. So yeah comment what you thought about it.(: Should be another 1-3 uploads tonight. Just to let you know.

Dedication: pamsoams1

