For Melissa (Matt Espinosa)

*Melissa's/Your Pov*

I'm laying in bed waiting for Matt to come back. 

He was out with our kids out at the park. I wasn't feeling so good earlier so he offered to take them to the park while I rested and got better. Matt and I have two kids together, boy and girl each. Jason Matthew was older than Luna Ellissa by two years. They are the cutest kids ever. They get along great. 

Jason loves his little sister more than anything and when I woke up from my nap they were just arriving back. I was watching tv when I heard two pairs of little feet come up the stairs and into my room. Then I heard the one voice I've grown to hear over everyone else. "Hey now kids let mommy sleep."

"Matt it's fine babe. I've been awake for a while now." I smiled and picked Luna up as Jason climbed up on the bed. Matt sat next to me and held Jason in his lap. "Did you guys have fun at the park?"

"Yup! Daddy was it and he had to try and catch me and Luna. But daddy was too slow cause we got to the safe zone before he could catch us."

"Oh really? I think since daddy lost then he should go make the popcorn while you guys can choose the movie?"

Once they heard the weird movie they jumped up and smiled. Matt picked them up and brought them to their room changing them into their animal onesie. Jason has a monkey while Luna has a dog one. They looked so cute. They came back in and laid in the middle of the bed. We chose the movie "Monsters University". They honestly loved this movie more than anything else.

Matt came up with a bowl of popcorn, their cups full of jucies and a few water bottles for him and I. Once he was comfortable I started to play the movie. We were all cuddled up under the blankets and within forty-five they were knocked out cold. I picked up Luna and Matt got Jason as we carefully packed them up and brought them to their rooms. Once they were tucked in, we went back to our room and laid on the bed.

Matt turned off the movie and we just laid in the bed in complete darkness. We had the curtains closed and everything turned off. I cuddled close to Matt before coughing a bit. He wrapped an arm around me and I knew he knows I was blushing even if he can't see me. 

"Hey Melissa?"

I hummed in response because I was close to being asleep.

"I love you."

"I love you too babe."

"No I mean I love you with everything. I'm glad we're married and have two beautiful kids. I hope someday we can have more. But for now I want you to get some sleep beautiful alright?"

I just nodded and soon fell asleep to Matt's humming.

This is most likely the shortest I ever wrote and I'm sorry about it. 

But, comment your feedback(:

