For Paloma (Matt Espinosa)

*Palmoa's/Your Pov*

Today was Matt's and I three year anniversary. He was planning on taking me out to dinner. So at around 5ish I took a shower then changed into my new navy blue strapless dress. It went down to my knees. I put on my black leather jacket and my black flats. I grabbed my car keys and drove to Matt's house. You're probably thinking "why isn't Matt picking you up?" 

Well we decided that I would drive over and then he would drive us there. We've done this a bunch of times and since I've recently got my license I'm enjoying being able to drive myself and not driven by someone else. It took me about fifteen minutes to get to Matt's house. His parents were out so I could just walk on in. I usually did even if his parents were there but that's a different story for another time. 

I heard some things drop from his room so I went straight there. I knocked on the door but I guess over the music he couldn't hear the knock so I just walked in. I wish I hadn't though.


Once he heard his name he turned around and to say he was shocked was an understatement. He looked like he just saw a ghost and honestly I didn't even care. The fact that I saw his ex was the girl he was on top of hurt me the most. I was going to say something but shook my head and walked down the stairs. Matt ran after me and grabbed my hand.

"Babe please wait! It was a mistake I swear. She means nothing to me."

"Matt if she meant nothing to you then you would be ready for our date not sitting there shirtless making out with that slutty cheerleader!!! She cheated on you before with more than one guy yet you let her back into your life and on our anniversary! I don't want anything to do with you anymore Matt. I don't want to hear your lies or excuses. I knew that I was nothing special. I don't know why I ever thought that I could mean something to you. Here you can have this back." I took off the promise ring he gave me for our six month anniversary and threw it at him. I walked away towards my car while he was calling my name. I completely ignored him. I could care less for him now. He broke my heart and I truly hope I broke his too.

~3 Years Later~ 

I am currently in college. I have three amazing friends Cam, Taylor and Aaron. Yes all three are boys. It was spring break so I decided to go with the boys to some thing called Magcon. They're in it and I was gonna be a good friend and go support them. I packed a string bag and one small suitcase with any clothes I'd possibly will need. First stop was Los Angeles. I can't wait to have the sunny weather. 

Taylor came and picked everyone up. Well to be correct he picked up Cam and Aaron who were sharing a dorm then came and picked me up. Once we got into the car I put on my ipod and blocked out these loud crazy boys. I fell asleep in the car. Honestly, I don't even remember waking up to go on the plane or even getting off. 

Actually, I woke up on a couch backstage somewhere. I sat up and immediately saw about eight boys staring at me that I've never seen before. I was a bit creeped out so I just shouted for Taylor and he was here immediately. I gave him a look then he started to laugh then I shot him a glare and he quickly quieted before coughing.

"Paloma these are our friends Brent, Shawn, Jack Johnson, Carter, Hayes, Jack Gilinsky, and Nash. Then there's Matt somewhere. I think he's with Aaron and Cam. I'll go check," He said as he pointed to each person then ran off. Now I was stuck with seven random guys that I've never spoken to before. This should be fun......

" long have you guys known each other?" I asked out of the blue.

"Hayes and I are brothers then we just sorta met through vine by re-vining each other and yeah...." Nash, I think it was, said. I just nodded and I could hear Cam and Aaron from a mile away.

"Cam and Aaron stop before you break something!!' I yelled toward the direction I heard them coming from.

"But! It's not our fault! It's Matt! He's chasing us with baby food trying to put it in our precious hair!!"

"Cam I don't care. You two stop right now."

Right when I said that they stopped. Then I heard the one voice I thought I would never hear again. Oh god..... It can't be. Is it? I turned around and saw it was. The one and only Matthew Espinosa. It was dead silent between everyone here. I think everyone could feel the tension.

"Paloma?" He said half shocked and half happy. "What are you doing here?"

"I could be asking you the same thing. But I'm friends with Taylor, Cam and Aaron. We met at college."

He nodded then looked at me. "Wait you aren't dating any of them are you?"

"Why does it matter to you? Last time I checked you were the one making out with your ex on our anniversary. So why do you care who I date?"

"Because I told her off the minute you left. I tried calling you but you'd never answer your phone."

"Matt calling isn't the only way of getting in touch with someone. You could've came to my house and saw me. You could've even came to my graduation party."

"Palmoa, look I'm sorry alright. I was a complete jerk for cheating on you. I shouldn't have done that. But she's long out of the picture. I haven't seen her since that night. All I could think about and still think about is you and only you. You may not be able to forgive me for breaking your heart but can we at least be friends and try to build up our amazing friendship we had?" He was crying. His eyes were red and tears were staining his cheeks. 

Of course being the good person I am gave in and hugged him accepting his apology. After hugging Matt for what seemed like forever the boys started talking and we all hit it off very well. I can't believe I get to spend two weeks with these eleven crazy boys. How will I ever survive?

There it is!!! I hope you like it. It was really fun writing something like this. I'm not sure how well I did but I hope you enjoyed this and tell people about this. Also, check out my book. I'm looking for roles for my book so yeah.(:

Comment your feedback. It helps me a lot.(:

