For rebecchunter (Matt Espinosa)

*Your Pov*

I was currently cuddling with Matt.

Matt Espinosa.

A viner. Youtuber. Friend. Most Of All Mine.

A childhood friend of his recently just passed away and he came to see me. When I saw him I knew something was wrong considering we had a date tonight and he was extremely early.

When he told me what was wrong I hugged him instantly. We stood in my hallway for a bit then decided to just cuddle at home for the night.

We walked up to my room and picked out some movies. I put the first movie in and we laid on my bed close. By the fourth movie, I was yawning and we were cuddling under the blankets. Then when the sixth movie came on it was dark and he was holding me closer than ever, which is where we are currently at.

I yawned and saw it was barely past midnight. I shrugged it off a bit but Matt rubbed my arm. He does that to comfort me or tell me to fall asleep.

"Sleep baby," he whispered.

I shook my head.

"Why not?"

"I'm scared." I said into the side of his chest.

"Of what?"

"Losing you," I barely whispered.

"Were you scared of the movie?"

"No, I said I am scared of losing you."

"You're never gonna lose me baby. When you wake up I will be right beside you stroking your beautiful hair and holding you close. The minute you wake up I will be able to look into your amazing eyes and kiss you 'good morning' telling you I love yoh. I promise I will be here. Now get some sleep beautiful."

I nodded and slowly drifted to sleep while hearing the tv turn off. I felt Matt turn on his side and pulled me closer to him. Before I knew it I only saw what I wanted my future to be like with Matt.

Matt stuck to his promise. He was beside me stroking my hair. He did look into my eyes and kissed me before saying 'I love you'. I don't know how I had gotten so lucky. All I do know is that I love Matt and.....

Matt loves me.

Sorry if this was short. Wrote it on my phone so dont really know long it is or well was. Either way I'll try to update quicker but can't make any promises(:

Plus over 2.7K reads in a week?!

You guys amaze me.(:

Either way want a request check the very first page of this book and yeah(:

