For Charly (Hayes Grier)

Quick A/N: Just wanted to say thank you for all the wonderful feedback. I have 19 votes and 320 reads in 3 DAYS!!!! That's insane!! Like this has made my day especially since I was born (19)99 and on March (3) (20). Lol I'm weird but if anyone understood that. Then comment and don't forget to share with all your wonderful friends.(:

Anyways......on with the imagine now(:


*Charly's/Your Pov*

Today was Saturday and as I planned for it to be. It was gonna be a lazy day. Honestly, I wasn't feeling so good so I was just gonna stay home. My mom ran out to do some errands, so I had the house to myself. As normally so nothing's different. I was in bed watching some movie that was on tv. I could honestly care less about it. I looked at my reflection on my phone and I looked terrible. My brown hair was all over the place. And my blue eyes were lighter than usual, which seems to happen even when I just have a cough. That's how we can tell when I'm sick. 

All of a sudden I got a call from Hayes. It was really odd for him to call out of the blue but I answered anyways. I coughed a bit then said, "hey babe."

"Heyy beautiful what you up to?"

"Just laying in bed."


"Why? What's wrong?"

"Nothing.....just I thought you'd remember the movie date we had planned today."

"Oh my gosh! I totally forgot. I'm such a terrible girlfriend. I am so sorry. I'm actually sick at home baby. I promise I will make it up to you."

"It's fine but hey I'll call tomorrow. I'll let you get some rest."

Before I could answer he just hung up on me. 

Now I know for a fact something is up. He wouldn't do something like that to me. I honestly didn't want to think about it right now so I just got up and closed my curtains then I laid down in my bed and fell back asleep. I had a dreamless sleep, just how I like it sometimes.

~2 Hours Later~ 

I woke up to some banging on my door. I sighed and covered my head with a pillow to block out the noise. But once I noticed that it wasn't gonna go anywhere I sighed. "It's open! Come on in."

I almost regertted saying that until I moved the blanket and saw Hayes standing infront of my, now closed, bedroom door. He had two pizza boxes, a case of water and a stack of movies. I knew he was a perfect boyfriend for a reason. I sat up and reached my arms out towards the pizza. 

"Pizza!!! Gimme gimme!!!"

He laughed and handed it to me. "I take it you haven't ate yet?"

"Why would you say that?" I asked after swallowing the bite I just took. 

"Well usually I get a kiss first but you went straight for the pizza. And you usually choose food over me when you're hungry." He sat next to me on the bed after placing the stack of movies on the side of my TV stand. He first put in "Haunted House" which was a hiliarious movie. I couldn't stop laughing throughout it. At one point Hayes turned red from laughing so much. I thought he was gonna die so I had him drink his entire bottle of water. He chugged it down really quickly.

We watched a few more movies that we really didn't pay attention too. We talked bout how school's ending soon and how we can't wait for summer to come. Especially since we'll be spending most of the summer at my beach house so it's a definitely big deal.

When Hayes put in "Titantic" I was slowly drifting off to sleep. I cuddled up to him and he pulled the blankets up covering us up as he put an arm around me. Soon I was knocked out like a light next to my perfect boyfriend.

Sorry that it's so short. I usually write longer but I don't really know what to write. If you hate it, don't hurt me?

Lol but yeah if you dislike it comment feedback so I know how to fix it. That's the only thing that can help.(:

