For Caitie (Hayes Grier)

*Your Pov*

Today was the day of the talent show. The one that my two bestfriends, Alexis and Tessa, forced me to sign up for. They think I have a good singing voice and so do my family but I disagree. I mean doing this is just gonna make my school life worse.

Should probably tell you why. I am considered the new girl still. I had moved here because my mom got a new job. What makes it worse was it happened a month and half after school started. So I was a bit mad about till I met Alexis in my math class, then Tessa in my art class.

We instantly became friends and soon I found out they were already friends. But it was now December which is usually when the winter talent show is held. There is a spring one too but I have no idea why. Anyways I was stuck doing the talent show.

I decided on wearing my red cami under my white off the shoulder jersey top and my jean skirt with my brown uggs. After putting on my shamrock earrings, peace dog tag necklace and kate spade bangle bracelets I straightened my blonde hair. Then I put on a bit of mascara and eyeliner to make my blue green eyes really pop. For some reason the eyeliner helped show the grey that are on the edges of my eyes.

I quickly put on a coat of silver nail polish. I looked in the mirror and approved of the look. I grabbed my phone and walked down to the school considering I only lived five minutes away by foot. Surprisingly winter wasn't so cold. It was pretty warm out.

I got to the school in no time. I met up with Alexis and Tessa over by the doors of the auditorium. I was definitely not ready to perform infront of half the school plus all the parents and judges who are here.

"Nervous?" Tessa, standing infront of me, asked.

"Yeah a bit. Is it noticable?" I looked down and saw my head shaking a bit.

"Hey. Breathe. Everything will be alright." Alexis put her hands on my shoulder and looked me straight in the eyes.

I nodded and took a deep breath.

"Good. Now we want you to go out there and win!" She said.

"Yeah. We believed in you." Tessa smiled.

"Thank you." I hugged them.

I took another deep breath then nodded at them and started to walk to the doors but stopped. I could hear their voices. Meaning Hayes and his friends. I definitely need to back out now. I quickly walked back over to them.

"What's wrong? Why aren't you over there?" Tessa confusedly asked.

"They're here." I barely whispered

"Who?" They said in unison.

I sighed and pointed over to Hayes and his friends. They quickly caught on to what I was saying then gave me a look. I knew they still wanted me to go. So I got up before they could say anything.

As I was waiting backstage to be called I got a text. It was from Alexis and Tessa both messages saying the same thing. I dont see why they couldnt just sent one message.

The text read:

We honestly didnt think he would be here. We are so sorry. I know this must make this ten times harder but we believe in you. Please don't back out now. Think of it this way. This is your chance to prove his friends wrong. To prove the school wrong. To show you are more than just the new girl. We love you and will always be here. Just do your best for us.

I sighed. I couldn't say no to them. Luckily I was the last person to go. Once they called my name I walked up onto the stage I could hear people whispering. I looked out into.the crowd and saw Tessa and Alexis. They gave me a smile and I smiled back remembering what they said.

I nodded giving the signal that Om ready then the music started playing.

I hate that I remember
I wish I could forget
What you did last December
You left my heart a mess (a mess)
Boy, you blew it
How could you do it, do it, oh, yeah, oh, yeah?

(Its the rascals)

Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special, oh, yeah, yeah.

But last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Thought we belonged together
At least that's what you said
I should've known better
You broke my heart again (again)
Boy, you blew it
How could you do it, do it, oh, yeah?

But last Christmas
I gave you my heart, gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away (gave it away)
This year
To save me from tears (you got it)
I'll give it to someone special

But last Christmas (oh, baby)
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away (gave it away)
This year (you got it)
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Ooh, yeah
How could you leave Christmas morning?
You broke my heart with no warning
Boy, you blew it
How could you do it, do it, oh, yeah?

Last Christmas
I gave you my heart (gave you my heart)
But the very next day you gave it away (you gave it away)
This year
To save me from tears (oh, baby)
I'll give it to someone special

This is our last (last) last (last) Christmas.
You broke my heart
Last (last) last (last) Christmas
You broke my heart
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special.

I hate that I remember
I wish I could forget
What you did last December
You left my heart a mess (you left my heart a mess)
(This year)
To save me from tears (oh, baby)
I'll give it to someone special)
Boy, you blew it
How could you do it, do it?

I hate that I remember
I wish I could forget
What you did last December
You left my heart a mess (you left my heart a mess)
(This year)
To save me from tears (oh, baby)
I'll give it to someone special)
Boy, you blew it
How could you do it, do it?

Once I finished everyone was silent. I knew this was a bad idea. I ran off the stage in tears and soon heard clapping. I cant believe I did that.

Alexis and Tessa came running to me and were smiling. I looked at them confused.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked.

"One that your makeup was waterproof." Tessa laughed.

Alexis slap her arm then looked at me. "Ignore her stupid comment. But because of your little crush. He started the clapping and the chanting you hear."

I listened closely and everyone was clapping and chanting "Caitie!!" or "Go Caitie".  I couldnt help but smile.

After a few minutes I was called back onto stage. I really didnt wanna but I was pushed by Tessa and Alexis. I walked onto the stage with the other contestants.

"We'd like to bring up who will be announcing the winner. So, Hayes Grier will come up and on your way up get the envelope," said Mrs.Hemswin, our school music director said.

Hayes got up and got many of applauds and cheers. I rolled my eyes mentally and just waited. He walked up onto the stage and took the mic.

"The winner is.......Caitie!" Hayes announced into the mic and hugged me.

I was a bit thrown off but hugged him back. He gave me my prize, fifty dollars. As everyone was clapping it looked like he wanted to say something.

"Wait. I have a question for the winner." Hayes looked at me.

I was starting to get butterflies and really nervous. What was he gonna ask me?

He walked over to me and held my hand. I was extremely nervous and it was starting to show. Then he said the words I never thought he would say.

"Caitie would you like to be my date to the winter dance?"

I nodded as a few tears fell. "Yes! I'd love too!"

Everyone started cheering and clapping. I couldnt take this smile off my face. Alexis and Tessa ran onto stage and congratulated me on both winning and Hayes!

To say that the last two weeks before winter break was terrible and completely wrong. It was the best.

Hayes and I went to the dance. But it didnt stop there. We decided on.l iceskating so he invited some of his friends and his brother, who surely became my friends in time, and I invited mine. We had a great time and was teased many times by our friends but we didnt care.

I am truly glad I entered that contest.

I hope you love this(: Wrote it entirely on my phone. Its the only place I cant get distracted by anything. Pretty sad I know but yeah(: Hope You Enjoyed This. Expect more updates for today.

Dedication: Caite_loves_tacos

