For Alondra (Shawn Mendes)

*Alondra/Your Pov*

It was currently my time of the month.

The time I hated with a burning passion. I figured out as you get older the cramps get worse(true fact btw). I dont see why guys couldn't go through this pain too. Luckily I had the best boyfriend ever.

Shawn, my boyfriend, was curently out buying me basically chocolate everything. I gave him a list that was from regular chocolate bar to chocolate icecream to popsicles to fudgesicles and anything chocolate. I offered to give him some money but he said he has enough.

My parents were out on a business trip so it didn't really matter. They really weren't big fans of Shawn. I mean don't get me wrong they love him and think he is a great guy. They just hate the fact he sings and someday could become really famous and leave me. Other than that they love him. 

I was currently laying on my bed. I just took a hot nice shower because I read somewhere that heat helps with cramps. I quickly changed into my grey fluffy zebra striped pjs and put my curly brown hair into a ponytail.

I heard a knock then someone open the door. I heard a couple of footsteps then my door opened. It revealed my amazing, handsome and perfect boyfriend Shawn.

"Heyy babe how's the cramps?" He asked while shutting the door and walking over to me.

I shrugged. "Better since I just toom a hot shower but I think these delicious chocolate treats will help me."

He laughed and held up about five bags. "Will this survive you the entire weekend?"

I nodded smiling. I took the bag with icecream so it would melt as he put the fudgesicles/popsicles in my mini freezer.

After getting everything settled in we were cuddling on my bed watching a movie. Shawn put in Twilight. He knows that I only watch the movie when its this time of month.

"Thank you." I said.

"For what beautiful?"

"Being here for me. Especially during this time of the month." I traced shapes on his chest since he was currently shirtless.

"Baby, we've been together for over half a year. I am always gonna be here for you. Now get some rest beautiful." He said kissing the top of my head.

I looked at him giving him a soft kiss then laid my head back on his chest. Soon I was knocked out like a light.

Sorry it's a bit short. Just wrote it on my phone because my phone updated and I lost everything since I was stupid to not save it. So yeah sorry bout that. Anyways hope you love it.

Dedication: lennyyboo 

