For Kayla (Matt Espinosa)

For: Magcons_O2lLover23

*Your POV*

Today my boyfriend of four years was taking me out on a date to the fair. My boyfriend and I are practically high school sweethearts. He asked me out when we were both fourteen and now here we are, both 18, and still going strong. We did have a few rough patches but nothing that caused too much damage between us or the relationship.

Looking at the time on my phone, I saw I still had a couple minutes until he would be here to pick me up. So I went downstairs with my phone in my left hand and into my kitchen. Grabbing a water bottle and the keys to my house, I went out onto the front porch locking the door behind me and begun drinking the water while sitting on the steps.

When I was more than halfway through with the bottle, his car pulled up and I just barely finished. So as I walked down the pathway, I finished the water then threw it into one of the trash bins before going over to his car.

"Hey beautiful blue eyes," Matt said as I got into the passenger's seat.

"Hey baby," I smiled before kissing him.

Did I mention my boyfriend's name is Matt? No?

Sorry about that then. Just I am used to saying "my boyfriend" and people automatically knowing it's Matt Espinosa.

"You look cute," he said after kissing me back.

My outfit was just a white Choies long sleeve cable sweater and TopShop moto mid-blue ripped Jamie jeans paired with my black converse Chuck Taylor All Star high tops. Then my make up was eyeliner and mascara, which made my blue eyes shine more than usual, plus a creamy pale rosy pink colored lipstick. Then my ombre hair took it's natural state. I was also wearing my water opal galaxy charm necklace, that Matt got me for our three year anniversary.

"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself."

"Really? I spent hours picking out this outfit." He said as he continued driving down the streets.


"No of course not," he said laughing. "I literally threw this on like ten minutes before leaving my house. We've been together four years now, I've stopped putting thought in my outfits a long time ago."

I gasped before punching his arm as he laughed more. "Hey! Careful there babe. Don't want us getting into a car accident."

"Alright I'll save my next punch for when we're at a red light or actually at the carnival."

"I don't get a choice?"

"No cause then you would be expecting the punch," I said matter-of-factly as he chuckled.

"Whatever you say babe." He said smiling at me.

"Hey eyes on the road Espinosa. Don't need us getting into a car accident," I said mimicking him from earlier as he rolled his eyes but kissed my cheek again then focused back on the road.

Eventually we got there and somehow managed to get a spot close. Matt was a gentleman and opened my side of the car door for me, though I felt like he expecting to get punch. Having that thought in mind, I stepped out and thanked him as he shut the door behind me. The two of us went over to the entrance where he brought two wristbands. Handing one to me, we both stepped off to the side, so we weren't in the way of others, and helped the other put on their wristbands.

Once they were securely on, we walked inside and just so many things caught out eye. We noticed the Ferris Wheel had a short line so we went to it first. The sun was just setting as we reached the top which just made the entire scenery from this view absolutely stunning.

With the line not being as long as usual, the two of us got to stay at the top for longer than the others. Laying my head on his shoulder, we were just enjoying the view in front of us before the view slowly begun to disappear as we soon had to get off. When the worker opened the closing for us, Matt noticed the look on my face, and it was the look that I just didn't wan to get off yet.

"Come on, Kayla. You're in for the best day of your life. Plus I will take you back before we leave later on. I promise you." He said offering his hand to help me out. Smiling, I took it lacing our fingers together and letting him lead us to where he wants to go next.

"Still surprises me after these years."

"What does?"

"You just don't strike me as a hand-holding kind of guy. I mean I know we have before and such but you know still surprises me every now and then."


"Maybe just because you just seem like the cocky popular jock type from far away. You know?"

"I guess you just bring that out in me then," he said with a light blush appearing on his cheeks but gave my hand a gentle squeeze. He lifted my hand to his lips and softly kissed the back of it causing me to smile. "So shall we check this place out?"

"Look at you sounding all gentlemen-y," I chuckled as he just playfully rolled his eyes as I giggled and allowed him to lead us down the boardwalk and onto the sand hand-in-hand.

"Mmm.....something smells really good."

"Smells like deep-friend deliciousness! Up for some carnival food?"

"Of course! Have you not met your girlfriend?" 

"Oh I have. Just where has she suddenly gone?" He joked as his brown eyes brightened with happiness.

"Oh hush!" I said playfully shoving him as he chuckled.

The two of us walked along a path of the fair's grounds and through rows of vendors selling funnel cakes, cotton candy, corn dogs, and all sort of different things. "What'll you have, babe?"

"Hmm...cotton candy!"

"You sure? You seem pretty hype up already." He asked chuckling at my childish state a moment ago. Though nonetheless he ordered two cotton candies from the booth. I watched as the man spun the sugary strands around and around the cones. When it was done, Matt paid while I grabbed the two and smiled at the nice man thanking him. Matt took his before the two of us continued down the path while taking bites of our cotton candy.

"It's so sugary and delicious."

"But I bet it's not as sweet as you." A blush crept onto my face before I thought of an idea and held out a piece of my cotton candy to him as he took it into his mouth. He faked thinking for a moment before saying, "Just as I's not as sweet."

I just laughed rolling my eyes, "really?"

"What? Can you blame a guy for trying a little flattery?"

"I can if this guy has been with me for four years. But I find it extremely cute and adorable."

"Yeah yeah. You already ruined the moment," he chuckled waving me off.

I shook my head as we continued walking. As we finished our snacks, I saw the whirling, dazzling lights of the carnival games the fair had this year. "Is that where we're going next?"

"Oh yeah! Prepare to be impressed by my amazing carnival game skills."

"And what makes you think I won't be the one impressing you?"

"Hey, don't wanna toot my own horn, but...I might have to wipe the floor with you."

"Is that so? You're on!" I said as my competitive side was coming out. I can't control it especially when I have a boyfriend who is just as competitive as I am.

"Oh? Bring it then!"

We threw away the wrapped paper from the cotton candy before heading down the carnival game row along the path with games set up on both sides. Immediately, we are greeted by the sounds of bells and whistles. Carnival workers called out to the two of us, trying to entice us to play. But I noticed an adorable teddy bear.

"That bear is absolutely adorable!"

"You like it? Here, I'll win it for you."

"What makes you so sure you can?"

"I'll show you."

Matt lined up behind the table, grabbed a ball and winded up his arm. He threw the ball at the bottles and hits them squarely in the middle of the stack and they all topple over.

"Oh, Matthew! My hero. You're sooo strong," I said dramatically with some sarcasm as he playfully flexed for me causing me to laugh. "Stop it, you're going to make me swoon!"

"Oh be quiet and just take your stuffed animal," Matt said with a light laugh just as the booth worker handed him a giant light brown teddy bear holding a red heart within his hands, which he then gave to me. We both thanked the worker before walking back down the row of games.

"Thanks, but can you hold on to the teddy bear for one moment?"


"Because I'm about to win a prize for you!" I pointed to the booth where a tall man was a holding hammer over his hand about to strike a pad to send the puck flying up the tower.

"The High Striker? That's a tough one..."

"Watch and learn." I pushed the teddy bear into his arms before walking into line with him following behind me. He kept trying to convince me that it was too tough but I just ignored him and soon enough it was my turn.

"Alright since you won't listen to me then at least listen to this advice. Now, the trick to the High Striker is to aim for the center of the pad."

"Trust me. I got this."

I pulled my ombre hair into a quick ponytail before I raised the hammer high above my head and swung down toward the pad with all my might. A pout appeared on my face just as the puck just barely missed the bell. Turning to Matt, I saw the smirk he was trying to hide on his face but just quickly said to him, "sorry I didn't win you a stuffed animal."

"I guess I'll just have to hug you instead."

A smile now appeared as I nodded. "Fair's fair!"

He opened his arms and I hugged him resting my head against his chest. "I'm better than any stuffed animal anyway, right?"

"Much better," I said completely honest.

"Good. Now let's go check out some other things, yeah?"

"Sounds good."

I quickly thanked the tall man before the two of us continued our walk. Across the way, I spotted the colorful facade of the fair's Fun House, painted with clowns and bright balloons. Plus some really nice detailed small figures along the exterior.  

"Oh, look! A Fun House! Let's check it out!" I exclaimed before taking his hand and pulling him towards the house. As we approached, two open doors greeted us, giving us a peek at the labyrinth of tunnels and mirrors inside.

"There are two entrances. What's the plan beautiful?"

"Sweet talking me won't help you here Espinosa," I said teasing him as he rolled his eyes. "But hmmm...why don't I take one and you take the other, and we meet in the middle?"

"Sounds like a plan."

"I just hope we don't get lost."

"Don't worry. I'll find you."

He waved to me before going into the second entrance as I went into the first and wind through the colorful labyrinthine corridors. It was a pretty easy path until I think I had actually gotten lost. And since the Fun House was so slow tonight we were the only two inside of it. So I decided calling out for him.

"Matt!? MATTHEW!! Which way did you go!?" I yelled extremely loud before waiting but there was silence in response.

Sighing, I continued walking until I arrived at a forked path. On one side, the Hall of Mirrors stood before me and on the other, the path leads through a rotating tunnel. Knowing Matt, he probably went through the Hall of Mirrors before going back to take the second option so I turned left and found myself in a long rotating tunnel.

The floor shifted beneath my feet as the whole tunnel spun around me. I struggled to keep my footing, inching step by step carefully. I just took deep breaths and continued to tell myself that I was almost there. That was until I stumbled out of the tunnel and into the next room of the Fun House. Suddenly, the floor started rocking back and forth.

I screamed from the sudden action and pitched to the side running into something hard. Familiar arms wrapped around my waist as I looked up and recognized those brown eyes anywhere. He whispered softly to me, "I'm pretty sure I found you."

Going to respond, the Fun House had a different plan considering the floor pitched me in the other direction but Matt's arms tightened around me and kept me balanced. Before the floor could surprise me again, I quickly said, "maybe we should just call it a tie and get out of here?"

"Good plan."

It took us a while but we did find out way out. I think the person who was working the front found us very amusing. Especially considering the fact that when we did make it out, Matt kissed the ground as I exclaimed "we made it!"

"Well, one thing's for sure...I'm not letting you out of my sight for the rest of this date."

"I can live with that."

Matt smiled before taking my hand and led us to see more rides that were around. We went on the Starship 3000 then the swings. Honestly putting two 18 year olds together, especially us two, we will act like complete children. Just be happy it wasn't us at Disneyland or something.

We went on the Ferris Wheel for a second time, like he promised me, then lastly onto the carousal. We went towards the ones that moved and he hopped onto the lion while I got onto the golden horse beside his. Scattered amongst the rest of the ride were kids of different ages and I am pretty sure we were the oldest on this ride.

"That horse really brings out the blue in your eyes," he said I chuckled.

"Thanks. The lion really brings out the mane you've been growing out."

"I know. Isn't it fabulous?" He asked as he faked flipping his hair causing the two of us to laugh and try to contain our laughter while the young ones around us gave us confused looks. It's easy to say this definitely one of the best dates he has taken me on.
