Plans With Jimmy

(POV: Jimmy)

I was so excited that _____ said she loved me, because I love her back so much! She's so pretty​ and smart and awesome, definitely worth not killing. I'm glad she had that golf club handy, because I would have killed myself if I killed her.
Now, Johnny and _____ were laying in bed together about to go to sleep, and I was bored. "Ghoooooostie!" I cried out.
Ghostie sighed. "What do you want now, Jimmy?"
"I. Want. Attention!" I responded.
"I. Don't. Really. Care!" Ghostie is a jerk!
"Come on, Ghostie, pwetty pwease?" I begged.
"No!" Ghostie yelled back.
"Awwww!", I whined, "Will you let _____ give me attention?"
"Will you shut up, and for the love of God, will you stop calling me "Ghostie"?" Johnny asked.
"You've got a deal on one of those!" I chuckled.
Johnny sighed. "Fine..."
"Yay!" I felt myself take control.
"Thank you, Ghostie." I mocked sweetly.
"Oh, shut up." Johnny sighed.
"_____, hey!" I yelled a little.
"What Johnny?", _____ asked before rolling over on her side to face me, "Oh, it's you, Jimmy." She yawned.
"Yep! And guess what!?" I beamed my smile gleefully.
"What, Jimmy?" _____ smiled a little, like she already knew what I was going to say
"I looove you!" I hugged _____ very hard.
"I love you, too, Jimmy.", _____ hugged back, "I don't get to hang out with you enough."
"I know." I frowned. One of the things I wanted most of all in the world was to hang out with _____, which barely beat out a knew knife (only because I really love Knifey, but I love _____ more).
"Hey, I have an idea!" _____ perked up.
"What? What?!" I asked exitedly.
"Have you ever been camping, Jimmy?" _____ questioned.
"No...." I was confused.
"Well, it's time I take you out to (Make up a camping ground name)!" _____ said.
"What's that?!" I was more confused than ever.
"The campsite I went to all the time as a kid! It's really fun. There's a lake, and plumbing, but best of all, it's all sucluded! In the woods! There's no one who would be able to bother us!" _____ answered.
"Oooh!" I said.
"What about me?" Johnny whined.
"Shut up, no one cares!" I snapped back, which was only partially true, because I actually cared and _____ obviously cared, and probably Toaster and Spooker and Colon.
"So, what do you say, Jimmy? You, me, and the woods of (your campground)??"
"Yee!" I yelled excitedly.
"Well, then, it's a date! I'll call in the morning and get it set up for next weekend, just the two of us and, forceably, Johnny. Goodnight​." _____ yawned.
"Goodnight!" I kissed _____ on the lips for a couple of seconds. I wanted to savor what I got with her, and she was fun to kiss! I never knew I could like anything more than I liked stabbing and murder!
"You kiss good." _____ commented as she turned over on her side. I smiled. I hadn't every really gotten a compliment before.
"Did you hear that, Ghostie?"
"Don't let it go to your head."
