
  (POV: You)

  "Alright, miss (L/N), you're good to go!", the nurse told you, "Do you have anyone to come pick you up?"
  "I can call my friend. He's got a car." you told the nurse as you picked up your cellphone to call Johnny Toast. The phone rang a few times before he picked up.
  "Hello?" he said.
  "Hey Johnny, it's me, _____, I'm about to be discharged from the hospital and I was wondering if you and Johnny Ghost could pick me up. Can you?" you asked.
  "Yeah, no problem. Be there right away." he hung up the phone.
  You played on your phone as you waited. You posted an update post on (Your favorite social media site) and you played (Your favorite game app) for a while. Soon, you got bored, so you watched (Your favorite (non VenturianTale) YouTube channel) on YouTube for a bit.
  Around 3 ish, the doors opened to reveal the Johnnys standing there. "_____!", Johnny Ghost said, "Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you're ok! I'll be here to help you with your... paralysis."
  "Me too." Toast added.
  "Ok," the nurse came in the room, "Ready to go? And these two will be escorting you?" she gave a rude look at Ghost and Toast, who both just looked away.
  "Yeah." you answered the rude nurse.
  Soon, all the paperwork was filled out and you rode in a wheelchair out to Johnny Toast's pink car. You were finally going home.
