Camping Preparations

  (POV: You)

  It took a lot of convincing, but eventually you convinced Johnny to let Jimmy control for a weekend of camping under one condition: he isn't aloud around knives. You were told Jimmy pleaded that he wouldn't use it, but you and Johnny both agreed that it was best if he wasn't enabled.
  Along with being free for the weekend, you convinced Johnny to let Jimmy pack on his own. You felt that he had made enough improvement on being a normal human since he first tried to kill you that he was responsible enough, and Johnny agreed as well. You figured he'd do good, but you'd keep a close eye over what he's bringing anyway. "Jimmy! Let me see your suitcase!" You called to Jimmy, who was across the house.
  "Why?" Jimmy called back. He seemed to have a nervous tone in his voice.
  "So I can check you've got everything you'll need!" You lied. In reality, you wanted to make sure he wasn't packing any knives.
  "Give me a couple of minutes!" You heard a crash onto the floor.
  "What on Earth is he doing?" You thought you better go to Jimmy instead of him coming to you. You found him in the kitchen, tearing through his suitcase frantically. When he saw you come in, he immediately slammed the case shut and gave you a nervous smile, which set your suspicion detector off.
  "Jimmy...", you walked closer, "What's in your case?"
  Jimmy looked around before responding. "Oh, you know... the stuff... that I need..."
  "What stuff?" You questioned.
  Jimmy looked nervous. "The camping stuff."
  "Let me see your suitcase.",You grabbed the case and opened it up, revealing at least 10 different knives wrapped up in shirts, jeans, and even some socks. You gave Jimmy a mad glare, "I thought we agreed no knives, Jimmy."
  "Yeah, but..." Jimmy started.
  "I don't what to hear any "buts".", you scolded, "Now, put these knives back where they came from or so help me..."
"But... what if a demon attacks!" Jimmy's claim was so outrageous that you actually laughed a little.
  "Demons don't exist, Jimmy!" You laughed.
  "Yes they do!", Jimmy argued, "I killed one before!" He crossed his arms rightly like that just ended all arguments to ever be argued.
  "Well, there's a simple explanation for that," you said smugly, "you must have been on macaroni."
  Jimmy cringed at the sound of that last word. "I have a phobia for macaroni!"
  That had to be the most confusing thing you had ever heard. "Huh?"
  Jimmy leaned into you real close and whispered. "Sometimes, I dream it eats me."
  "Your being ridiculous!" You laughed, hoping this was all a joke.
  "Stop making fun of me!" Jimmy whined like a little baby.
  "Ok, ok. Just pack then.", you sighed, "AND NO KNIVES!"
  Jimmy scowled as he packed properly and put back all the knives. Almost as soon as he finished, it was time for you two to go to the campground. 
