Surprise Visit

  (POV: You)

  Soon, the nurse shooed everyone out, telling them it was time for you to get some rest. Johnny gave you one last goodbye kiss and Gertrude hugged you a bit too hard. After everyone was gone, the nurse turned off the lights and told you to go to sleep.
  It took a few hours, but you finally drifted off to sleep. You were having a wonderful dream before you were awoken by a loud thud! on your window. You opened your eyes to see a black figure with its face smashed up against the window. On closer inspection, you learned that the figure was none other than Jimmy, you could tell because his eyes were red instead of Johnny's blue.
  He started to try to open the window, eventually giving up and using a gold crowbar that appeared to be stolen from Gertrude. He quickly jumped in, landing quietly on the ground and headed towards your bed.
  "Jimmy? What? Ho - why?" you started before he shushed you.
  "I wanted to see you for myself," he whispered, "but I knew the Acachallas, Toast, and the medics here wouldn't  appreciate my appearance, so me and Johnny agreed I could sneak in at night."
  "You don't have your kni - uh, Knifey on you, do you?" you asked nervously.
  "I begrudgingly agreed to leave him at home. So, how ya felling?" Jimmy quickly changed the subject.
  "I'm fine now, just still a little shocked and I obviously can't move my legs. The doctors said I'll probably be discharged in two days if everything goes smoothly." you explained to Jimmy.
  "So, is everything going smoothly?" Jimmy replied.
  "I think. The doctors won't really tell me anything. They just keep coming in and checking on me. Not that I mind, I mean, I like to be alone." you realized you said the wrong thing.
  "Oh, I'm sorry I bothered you then, I, I guess I'll get going then." he began to climb out the window before you grabbed his arm to stop him.
  "No, Jimmy, I like being with you and  Johnny, with Johnny Toast, and heck, even with the Acachallas. I love you, Jimmy. Please stay." he climbed back out of the window.
  "Really, _____, yo - you do? I - I don't know what to say, no one has ever even liked me before!" he started to blush.
  "That's because no one's taken the time to get to know you, Jimmy. You trying to kill me was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I wouldn't trade your love for anything. You and Johnny have the hottest body I've ever seen." You saw Jimmy laugh a bit.
  Then all of the sudden, he grabbed you and brought his lips to yours and kissed you with a passion you never knew before. He  held you so close to him that you could all most see each individual thread on his sweatshirt. You stayed like that for long time before you finally broke up.
  "Wow, Johnny was right when he said you were a great kisser." Jimmy said.
  "And for someone who's never even loved before, you sure kiss with a lot of passion." you gently grabbed his hand.
  There were loud footsteps coming from the hall. You whispered for Jimmy under the bed and then tried to act like you were asleep the whole time, just in time before the nurse came in.
