Chapter 15

But what if her situation gets worse?

How was she able to dress up her wounds? I should do something.....

Oh! How can I forget her? She can help me. I immediately dialed my friend Srishti's number. Srishti is my school friend, and she is a doctor. In this situation, she will be a great help. She picked up the call.

"Hello Jeevan"

"Hello Srishti, I need your help." I said that in a low voice out of embarrassment because now I have to tell her from my own mouth the sin I committed.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Actually, I made a very big mistake. It is not actually a mistake, it is a sin."

"What! What happened. Don't make puzzles; just tell me what you did."

I told her everything in detail. 


"See, whatever you want to say to me, you can say it later, but now you can come and treat her. She is suffering from a fever and too much pain."

"And it's all because of you. Maybe she got a fever because of what happened last night." She said that with anger.

"But sorry, I can't come now. I have to be in the hospital. In the evening, I will be free. So for now, give her Paracetamol. It can help her with fever as well as in reducing pain."


Call end

I walked to her with Paracetamol, as I entered the room, I saw her looking outside the window. 

"Jiya," I called her.

She looked toward me.

"What now?"

"Here, eat this paracetamol. You will feel a little better."

"You have been taking so much care of me since morning. Wait, are you feeling guilty?" Sadly Chuckled.

"When did you start feeling bad for hurting me? Do you think that only physical injuries cause pain? No, you give me pain every day when you misbehave with me. Don't you ever feel bad for that? You know how many problems you could have faced because of what you did yesterday? If I had filed a case against you, everyone would have known this. Imagine how bad your mom would have felt. Your reputation could be spoiled. Because of this, your business could also get spoiled. Always remember, you can lose everything with one mistake."

"I have understood my mistake. Jiya I realized that I was asking too much of you. But will you give me one chance to correct my mistake? I promise that I will try to be a good husband to you. Whether I love you or not, I will always respect you."

She was looking at me without saying anything. I sat down on my knees in front of her with folded hands and started apologizing. Tears started coming out of my eyes because I was feeling very regretful. Now I realize what my mother saw in Jiya, because of which she chose her for me. 

"I am sorry, please. Please give me one chance. Please don't leave me. I am begging you. I am sorry."

Jiya's face softened. She thought for a while and then looked at me and said, "OK, I have given you a chance."

I felt very happy. 

"But you want to meet mom, right? Yesterday, you said that you also had to meet Mom. Then now you and I will go together."

"But how can I go in this situation? If I go there in this condition, your mom will understand. You should go alone now."

"But how can I leave you in this condition? I will tell mom that you are sick, so we will come late. But can I apply ointment to you now?"

She shook her head slowly. I took out the ointment from the first aid box. She was having pain in her body. I opened her clothes and applied the ointment. I felt bad seeing her wounds, and this happened because of me.

She took paracetamol and then went to sleep. My friend also came home in the evening. He did Jiya's checkup. One week has been completed. But I noticed one thing: that both of us were becoming close. I love Jiya.

Our maid will start arriving tomorrow. I am happy that I took care of all my work and Jiya. Suddenly, I heard Jiya's voice.

"Now you will be happy because, as of yesterday, you are done with your household work. And you won't even have to take care of me."
"No, nothing like this. I am happy to be with you. I wish I was like this from the beginning."

Suddenly she came towards me, hugged me, and said, "You may not be like this from the beginning, but promise not to be such a jerk in the future."

I hugged her back. 

"I promise."

We looked toward each other. I put one of my hands on her cheek. I leaned toward her face and gently put my lips on hers. Our first kiss. She kissed me back. We both shared a beautiful and emotional kiss.

Time skip

Jiya's pov

Another year was over. We weren't able to celebrate our first anniversary, but we celebrated our second anniversary. We are both really happy. We came for a trip on the ship. We were enjoying the night view and then went to our room. 

He hugged me from behind. I turned around, held his neck, and kissed him. We shared a passionate kiss. Then he took me in bridal style, put me in bed, and hovered over me. He again kissed me. His hands are roaming around my body. Then he moved down and started kissing my neck like that, and the night was the completion of our second anniversary.

I hope we will have a great time ahead.....
