Chapter 08

A/N pov

"Mam, every necessary agreement and procedure are over. I don't think anything is left." Secretary Prem said.

"Yes, so finally I can go on vacation?" Jiya asked.
"On vacation?"

"I want to take a break, so I have decided to go on vacation. Can I go on vacation?"

"Yes, mam, you can. Why are you asking me?"

(jokingly) "You have to get my permission whenever you want to take leave. So I am asking for your permission."

Jiya and Prem: laughing

"It will be a long vacation. So I will do all those things, which I can do even while staying away from the office. Rest, can you manage?"

"So who is going with you? It will be you and your son only, or any other friends are also joining you."

"No. It will only be me. Kabir will stay at my brother's house in the meantime."

"You will go alone. But why?"

"I want some alone time for myself."

"Okay. It's good to take a break and have a great time with yourself. Happy vacation."

"Thanks. See you soon."

Like this, Jiya went on vacation to Switzerland.

**In Switzerland**

Jiya is staying in a hotel room. It's been four days since she came here. She is having a good time. She never had time for herself. In her childhood, she was always worried for her parents and brother. After marriage, she used to take care of Jagjeevan, and after that, she had to take care of Kabir. Finally, she got time for herself.

There, she would hang out daily and come back to the room. That's also how she came back to her room. She ordered her dinner.

The bell rings, and as she opens the door, a waiter is there with her order. 

"Thank you," Jiya said.

"Your welcome, mam." Waiter replied.

"By the way, can I ask you something?" Jiya asked.


"Why are you looking nervous?"

"Oh, actually, it's my first day of work; I am on the night shift."

"Ooo, don't be nervous. All the best." (smiles)

(Waiter smiles) "Thank you so much.

Well, can I also ask you something?"

" What?" Jiya asked 

"When you are two people, then why did you order for one person?"

(Jiya, in confusion) "What?"

"Yes, I am talking about that man behind you; he was there when you opened the door. Now I can't see him. I think he went somewhere, like in the washroom or on the balcony. I don't know."

(Jiya shuttering) "No, no, no, you must have made a mistake. I am alone here.

See, this is a single-person room.

"But I saw someone. Are you sure no one is there?"

"Yes, I am sure. Maybe you're nervous, and that's why you mistook something for something else, or maybe you are just seeing things. That's why you should relax your mind. Otherwise, you cannot work properly."

"Yes, maybe you are right. But if something happens, you can ask for our help immediately."

"Okay, thank you."

Then he went away from there. Jiya closed the door, ran towards that man, and said.

How was he able to see you? No one has been able to see you except me since your death.....
