Chapter 09


Jagjeevan pov

I don't want to die. I don't want to leave Jiya and Kabir. I don't trust Jeet, Sapna, and my other relatives. I don't know what will happen to them.

I am in pain; I am going to die.

Everyone is worried, but where are Jiya and Kabir? I want to see them. Then I saw Jiya with Kabir. They are running towards me.

They are crying. The pain in my body is nothing in comparison to the pain of this separation.

I won't be able to breathe. I am dying, for real. Slowly, everything is getting blurred. I won't be able to move now. I can't hear. I am shivering. I won't be able to control myself.

Finally, everything became dark. I am dead.

I opened my eyes. I have seen staff taking my body somewhere else, and Jeet is following them. Suddenly, Jiya got up and ran out. I was going to get out with her, but she was too fast, and the door got closed.

I thought she would come back, but she didn't. Sapna took Kabir with her, and I am still waiting for Jiya to come back.

Then, after some days, Jeet and my Secretary Prem came here and took my belongings, which are there, and I am still waiting for Jiya to come back.

Every day I look towards the door at that time when she used to come with Kabir.

Every time the door opens, I hope it will be Jiya, but my smile drops when I find someone else is coming. Days have passed, and I am calling Jiya. Please come, Jiya. I am waiting for you here. My soul is still here.

Every day, I am thinking about what would happen to them. How are they doing?

One day I was in my thoughts as usual, and the door opened up, but I didn't bother to look there, and I was still in my thoughts.

I heard the girl who has now taken my place ask the person what you want, and the person replied,

"Oh, maybe I came in the wrong room. Sorry"

Wait, this voice...this is Jiya's voice.

I quickly turned towards the door, and it was really Jiya. Before she closed the door, I ran towards her and came out of the room with her. This time, she was slow. It's like she doesn't want to leave that room, but she has to go.

I followed her. She is looking upset. By her looks, I can say that she wants to cry, but she is holding it, and she will burst into tears in her room when she is alone.

She always does that. But I will console her; I will...

We came out of the hospital and went towards her car. There, I saw Jiya's brother, his wife, and their daughter. It is a relief that they are here with Jiya. Jiya is not alone. Soon I realized from their conversation that Rani was sick; that's why they came to the hospital.

We reached our home, sweet home.

There is my little baby, Kabir. I went towards him and came very close to him.

I love you, my baby boy. Your daddy will always love you.

Then I saw Jiya going towards her room, and I followed her. We went inside, and she slammed the door and locked it. As I thought, she burst into tears.

She keeps repeating, "Jeevan, won't you come and console me as you always do?
No, you will not come. You are gone....gone" (crying).

"But I am here; can't you see me? Please see me, hear me, touch me, and feel me."

Jiya's pov

As I was crying, suddenly, after a few minutes, I heard a voice.

"But I am here with you. I am not gone."

That sudden voice shook me. Who is it?

"Please see me; I am here. Please Jiya...Jiya."

This...this....this is..... Jeevan's..... Jeevan's voice. I quickly turned back and saw Jeevan standing near the door.

Do I imagine things, or am I dreaming?

I started to slap myself. Wake up.

Jeevan came close to me and said, It's real.

Is it.....

Then Jeevan told me everything, including how he had been waiting for me till now.

Then I realized why I was feeling like going into that room. It's because he is calling me. Subconsciously, I heard his voice, and consciously, I thought to take that and go to his hospital room.

As I realized it, I hugged him very tight. I can see him, I can touch him, I can feel him, and I can hear him.

Then he asked me how I was doing.

Now I don't have to hide what happened.

Don't overthink, and tell him everything.

I am not doing it right.

"What, why, and what happened?"

I told him everything. His anger has no limits now, but he calmed himself down.

He said, "He told you to work for a fuel company, right? Okay, you will work for a fuel company, but the company will be yours."

A few months ago, you told me about an idea: that there should be a company that will provide environmentally responsible fuel that can be distributed throughout the country. The fuel is highly concentrated, non-toxic, and the process  is conducted with thermal heat, so there is almost no environmental impact in producing this fuel.

"Yes, I told you that."

"Then what about creating one...."
